Near miss: "2001 FO32" passing the 3rd rock from the sun

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Near miss: "2001 FO32" passing the 3rd rock from the sun

Post by StefanR5R »

Today, an asteroid with the rather numerical name 2001 FO32 is going to pass Earth at a distance of 6.6e9 feet. Sounds close — and it is. But it's still several times the distance between Earth and Moon. Inhabitants of the South half of this rock, or near the equator, may have a peek if they bring good glasses.

But be quick: This thing is speeding at 77,000 mph, and it will be a wile until the next opportunity to look from up close, in 2052.

(news item from Center for Near Earth Object Studies, NASA/JPL-Caltech)
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Re: Near miss: "2001 FO32" passing the 3rd rock from the sun

Post by crashtech »

One of these days, our luck will run out!
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Re: Near miss: "2001 FO32" passing the 3rd rock from the sun

Post by Skillz »

Roughly 1Km wide that thing could do some serious damage if it hits us.
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Re: Near miss: "2001 FO32" passing the 3rd rock from the sun

Post by crashtech »

"Bend over and kiss your ass goodbye."
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Re: Near miss: "2001 FO32" passing the 3rd rock from the sun

Post by Skillz »

Bending over is optional*

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