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[iThena] New Badges: iThena CNode and iThena PERF - credits points requirements

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 2:46 pm
by Skillz

Referring to the news item I would like to start a discussion on the credits points requirements for certain badge.

The topic on the forum announcing badge:

Preliminary proposal concerning the category "total credit" for individual applications:

====================================== ====================================== iThena CNode Badge: Badge TotalC 2Power ============================== Bronze 8192 13 Silver 16384 14 Gold 32768 15 Amethyst 65536 16 Ruby 131072 17 Turquoise 262144 18 Jade 524288 19 Sapphire 1048576 20 Emerald 2097152 21 Diamond 4194304 22 ====================================== ====================================== iThena PERF Badge: Badge TotalC 2Power ====================================== Bronze 32768 15 Silver 65536 16 Gold 131072 17 Amethyst 262144 18 Ruby 524288 19 Turquoise 1048576 20 Jade 2097152 21 Sapphire 4194304 22 Emerald 8388608 23 Diamond 16777216 24

The credits thresholds may seem quite high.

However, this is only my suggestion.

These applications will also have long support.

PS. At the moment I have small problems with storage, but the PERF application will also be normally available.

