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My new (to me) Plex Media Server build

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 1:18 pm
by Skillz

Re: My new (to me) Plex Media Server build

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:13 pm
by crashtech
Looks good, oddly familiar! Bet they run super cool under water! Check on those power delivery heatsinks, though, I think they may want a bit of air flow...

Re: My new (to me) Plex Media Server build

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:29 pm
by Skillz
I sure hope they don't. I don't know what I can do to get air passing over them.

I've got
1x 360 radiator with 3x 120mm fans mounted at the top as exhaust.
1x 360 radiator with 3x 120mm fans mounted in the front as exhaust.
1x 140mm fan in the rear mounted as intake.
2x 140mm fans at the bottom mounted as intake as well.

I'm not sure where else I could mount fans to get air flowing over them.

At a later date I will have a GPU in there, but I'm wanting to get either a hybrid AIO GPU so I can mount it's radiator on the rear and switch it over to exhaust or a blower style so it'll blow the air out the case.

Re: My new (to me) Plex Media Server build

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:41 pm
by Icecold
Could always add something like this to get extra air blowing on the power delivery :lol:
computer-fan.jpg (13.55 KiB) Viewed 22166 times
It looks like a pretty sweet build, though, and I would imagine chews through Plex transcode workloads really well.

I would maybe try to hang a couple fans with cable ties pointed at the power delivery heatsinks if it were me, but that's part of why my machines don't normally look nearly as clean as that build does.

Re: My new (to me) Plex Media Server build

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:55 pm
by crashtech
I just thought I would mention it. That board is actually designed to go in a server chassis with lots of air blowing past everything, so the heatsinks are sized accordingly. As long as they aren't getting too hot to touch comfortably, you are probably fine.

Possibly on a case like that, you could pull out the blanks where optical drives would go, and mount a 120 there as an intake fan.

Re: My new (to me) Plex Media Server build

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 3:13 pm
by Skillz
The 360 radiator on the front takes up nearly the entire portion of the front vents. There is only a small portion at the front-bottom that is open and I'm not sure it's even large enough for a 120mm fan there. Same with the top mount. The 360 radiator takes up the whole thing except a tiny portion at the top-front that is open, but again I don't even think a 120mm fan will squeeze into the open spot.

I am also not sure why the preview picture isn't oriented correctly. Looks confusing. If you click it, you'll the image orientates itself correctly.

The fan mounted on the rear of the case which lines up directly with both CPU sockets is set for intake and blows air into the case. Hopefully that's enough.

Right now, I got Linux installed on the system and I just setup Plex on it. Trying to figure out all the user and groups permissions to get the 2x 12TB drives setup for media so plex can read them.

Re: My new (to me) Plex Media Server build

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 3:22 pm
by crashtech
My solution is to just leave the side off the case. None of my DC rigs are closed up! :D

Re: My new (to me) Plex Media Server build

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 4:12 pm
by Skillz
Haha I don't think it will matter if I keep the sides open or not on this case. It's freaking huge. With all the heat from the CPUs being blown out the case directly, there isn't anything else inside the case that produces a lot of heat.

I'm gonna load up BOINC on it here shortly and put her through the paces.

Re: My new (to me) Plex Media Server build

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 3:09 am
by StefanR5R
Does "sudo ipmitool sensor" work on this board?
If it does, perhaps there are VRM temperature sensors in it too. (Asus's support material for this board looks like only CPU temperatures are monitored though, not any other board temperatures.)

Re: My new (to me) Plex Media Server build

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 8:39 am
by Skillz
It does work, after I installed it, but it doesn't show anything for the VRMs only the CPU temps; which I use pSensor to show me that since it shows each individual core's temp in a nice GUI.