Search found 2 matches

by fungus
Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:34 pm
Forum: DC Projects setup and tuning
Topic: Arch linux boinc manager (GUI BOINC)
Replies: 0
Views: 31261

Arch linux boinc manager (GUI BOINC)

Heres how to get a basic BOINC setup on arch linux going why use arch linux? Mainly for low system resource usage and also because its fun. All of this guide is ripped from my post in the discord. 1: Install archlinux 2: sudo pacman -Syu&&sudo pacman -S boinc (here we are updating our repo's...
by fungus
Mon Dec 25, 2023 10:35 pm
Forum: Introductions
Topic: Hello TAAT people
Replies: 0
Views: 52297

Hello TAAT people

MY NAME IS Ian and I like COMPUTERS I'm 18 years old and fully self taught with computer shiz, Have been doing cloud computing since middle school and first tried linux in 5th grade....what a trip that was now you may be asking "why are you here you goddamn bastard child" I'm here because...