[ADSL] The project has been stopped

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[ADSL] The project has been stopped

Post by BOINC_News »

Как автор проекта «Симметричные кортежи из последовательных простых чисел» я считаю данный BOINC-проект остановленным.
О причинах написано в теме

Я не могу остановить BOINC-проект технически, потому что не имею доступа к серверу.


As the author of the project “Symmetric tuples of sequential primes”, I consider this BOINC project to be stopped.
The reasons are written in the topic

I can't stop the BOINC project technically because I don't have access to the server.

Source: https://boinc.termit.me/adsl/forum_thread.php?id=56
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Re: [ADSL] The project has been stopped

Post by StefanR5R »

The project isn't stopped, only Natalia Makarova considers it stopped. (She also considers herself to own the project, although she does not own, control, or fund the project server.) Earlier she demanded that a certain batch of workunits shall be reloaded, used harsh language and accusations, and apparently didn't get her way.
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Re: [ADSL] The project has been stopped

Post by Skillz »

Yes I noticed that as well. I also tossed ALL my CPUs on the project. With the issues running within' I want to make sure I at least get my 10M milestone before it goes down. Assuming she pisses the admin/owner off enough that he just shuts the project down on his own.
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Re: [ADSL] The project has been stopped

Post by mmonnin »

I saw that too several days after it was posted and also switched my CPUs towards it while there was a Dennis batch. I got 1mil milestone and then saw that tasks were added to send out.

I almost posting below her saying she needs to learn BOINC, Top to bottom from server to the science and everything in between. Shes been apart of I think 5 projects in some fashion. Starting new projects/sites instead of a 2nd app. Running the same app on multiple projects.
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