More topics wanted

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More topics wanted

Post by StefanR5R »

I created this "Forum Issues" topic now and moved some threads from "The Camp Fire" in here.

I also took the liberty to move some other threads from The Camp Fire into "Distributed Computing News" and "The Market", and extended the description of "The Market" a little.

Currently we have got a lot of on-the-topic-of-DC threads in The Camp Fire, although it is described as "General off-topic, anything goes discussions." I am thinking we should add some 'on-topic topics', for example:
  • a topic about project setup, client configuration, operating system tweaks, set-up cheat sheets
  • a topic about hardware upgrades, re-use, repairs, optimization
What do you think? Any suggestions for topic titles?
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Re: More topics wanted

Post by Howdy »

Machine tweaks?
voltage limiting

I suppose I could have read your suggestions........You already mentioned these.
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Re: More topics wanted

Post by StefanR5R »

I went ahead and created two topics sub-forums. But if there are better ideas for the titles and descriptions, I'll be glad to apply any.

when I moved several threads into the new forums, the posts were marked as unread again. For me at least. If they show up as unread to you too, then I am apologizing for the temporary mess.
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Re: More topics wanted

Post by Howdy »

Boinc for the P/C challenged
Linux VS Windows
How to: make app_config, where to put app_config in Linux/ Windows

Granted you can google these...........

I like your new sections!!!
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