Spoiler Tags

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Spoiler Tags

Post by crashtech »

Is there an alternate way to do this, or can it be enabled with this forum software?:
supposed to be hidden
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Re: Spoiler Tags

Post by Skillz »

hidden text here
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Re: Spoiler Tags

Post by crashtech »

Funny how enabling it didn't fix my OP!
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Re: Spoiler Tags

Post by cellarnoise2 »

These posts and hidden posts sound somewhat personal... :)

I am in the process of mirroring an old HD to a slow (but fast!) ssd for my M0m. And backing up a daughter's laptop ssd to home storage before she goes off to college again.... She is rocking though and I don't want to have to buy another ssd, but maybe (now thinking) I should!!!

Sorry for off topic and I don't have any Spoilers....
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Re: Spoiler Tags

Post by crashtech »

Well I just learned to use them around images so ppl don't have to see the image unless they want to.
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Re: Spoiler Tags

Post by crashtech »

Another use for the spoiler tags is to hide walls of text to streamline the post, only those interested in the information will see it by clicking open the spoiler.

However, I noticed some unwanted behavior by the forum software when using dark mode, which I use exclusively. When in dark mode, the background of the spoiler is white (not great, but okay) and the text is light grey (bad, very bad). Editing the post to force the font color to be black fixes the problem, but I wonder if it's a behavior that can be changed. Ideally the spoiler background should not be bright white, but at the least, if that is to be the choice, the text should be made a contrasting color by default, so you would think.

My guess is that the font color remains the default color used in dark mode, so if the spoiler background when in dark mode could be changed to something darker, it would probably be fixed. That might end up being something to take up with the author of the theme instead of something that is customizable, though.
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Re: Spoiler Tags

Post by Skillz »

Yeah I noticed that as well since I use the dark theme as well. I haven't had a chance to look into how to change it though. IIRC, their wasn't individual "theme" files for each theme, so I think it only uses one file for that. Which means if I change it, it'll change it for all themes. I haven't had a chance to try or look at it though, but I will.
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