Weekly DC Stats scripts

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TAAT Member
Posts: 1690
Joined: Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:32 pm

Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by StefanR5R »

Here are the scripts which I am currently using to create the Weekly DC Stats postings over at anandtech.com. The principle is that you start the main script in a terminal, then copy and paste the output in the forum posting editor box, and finish it off by adding some commentary of your own. (The boilerplate text and the weblinks section is already included in the script output, you don't have to copy it from anywhere else.)

Scripts? Main script? — Yep, there are three scripts involved. (Or four, since we currently have Bonus Stats.) Originally, there was just one script which fetched all of the stats data from FreeDC. But because FreeDC stopped collecting stats for non-BOINC projects in July 2020, I eventually added two more scripts:

The second script fetches Folding@home stats from several web pages at folding.extremeoverclocking.com. EOC's "last 7 days" data are somewhat hard to get, so I am using "24hr Avg" figures instead and multiply them by 7, which is equivalent apart from very small rounding errors.

The third script fetches stats from a few web pages at distributed.net. I am currently using this for the projects OGR-28 and RC5-72. Unfortunately, weekly stats are not available at distributed.net at all. Therefore I am using local cache files for all-time stats from the previous Sunday. Let's say you start this script on Sunday, August 28. The script will download up-to-date all-time stats of all current TeAm members, and of up to 1000 teams, and store them all in a files called OGR-28/28AUG2022.txt, OGR-28/28AUG2022_teams.txt, RC5-72/28AUG2022.txt, and RC5-72/28AUG2022_teams.txt. The data in there consist of name and credit, separated by tabs and newlines. Then it will look for a files called OGR-28/21AUG2022.txt and so on. If such files are there, it will match names in the respective pairs of files, subtract previous Sunday's credit from current credit, and then log the result to the text terminal in a format which looks like FreeDC's weekly stats. (The user name matching is a bit more complicated than it seems at first glance, because names are not unique. I could extract unique user IDs out of the HTML, but I implemented an easier heuristic method instead.) The script will also delete any {OGR-28,RC5-72}/{day}{month}{year}{,_teams}.txt files which don't belong to the current day or to last Sunday.

To get OGR-28 stats, the script needs to be invoked with the following parameters:
./dnet_weekly_stats_dump.sh OGR-28 28
(28 is distributed.net's numerical ID of the project called 'OGR-28'.)

To get RC5-72 stats, the script needs to be invoked such:
./dnet_weekly_stats_dump.sh RC5-72 8
or simply
(8 is distributed.net's numerical ID of the project called 'RC5-72'.)

  • After you download these scripts, don't forget to set their executable flag.
  • The normal mode of operation is that you call only the main script. It will call the other two scripts and insert their output into the overall output.
  • The main script expects the other two scripts to be named "fah_weekly_stats_dump.sh" and "dnet_weekly_stats_dump.sh", and that these two scripts are located in the same directory as the main script.
  • Each of the scripts requires the text web browser "links". Most distributions should have this packaged, but it is unlikely to be installed by default.
    I am relying on "links" to a) perform the web download, b) convert HTML to plaintext.
  • I spoke above about cache files like OGR-28/28AUG2022.txt. Actually, the dnet stats script expects these data files to reside at the path "${HOME}/Distributed_Computing/Weekly_Stats/OGR-28" and "${HOME}/Distributed_Computing/Weekly_Stats/RC5-72". You need to create these exact directories first in order to be able to run that script. If you prefer a different path, edit the top of dnet_weekly_stats_dump.sh accordingly.

weekly_stats_dump.sh (the main script)

Code: Select all


#	'maj&teamid=22'
#	'ogr28&teamid=AnandTech+10635'

bar () {
	printf '\n=========================================================\n\n'

mangle() {
	sed -e '# set the project name in bold
		2{s/\(^ \)\(.*\)\( overall position\)/[B]\2[\/B]\3/}
		# un'link'ify e-mail addresses

echo "Weekly DC Stats - $(date +%d%^b%Y)"

cat <<'EOF'

In the event we have any non-crunching AnandTech readers who happen to wander into this thread: Distributed Computing is where you allow your computing device (smartphones/tablets included) to work on things like medical research, mathematical stuff, sifting through telescope data to further the field of Astronomy, and many other 'citizen science' projects. It allows networked computers to band together to act as a supercomputer. And you should join us. Thanks go, as always, to the folks responsible for Free-DC, who make this possible by keeping score for us.


for proj in ${projects[*]}
	case "${proj}" in
		stats=$($(realpath $(dirname $0))/fah_weekly_stats_dump.sh);;
		stats=$($(realpath $(dirname $0))/dnet_weekly_stats_dump.sh 'OGR-28' '28');;
		stats=$($(realpath $(dirname $0))/dnet_weekly_stats_dump.sh 'RC5-72' '8');;
		stats=$(links -dump "https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=${proj}")
		sleep 0.4;;
	grep -q 'TeAm total for the week - 0' <<< ${stats} && (($(wc -l <<< ${stats}) < 7)) && continue
	mangle <<< ${stats}

cat <<'EOF'

[SPOILER=stats links]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/teambycpid/TeAm+AnandTech']TeAm AnandTech at Free-DC[/URL]
[URL='https://www.boincstats.com/stats/-1/team/detail/8/projectList']TeAm AnandTech at BOINCstats[/URL]
[URL='https://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_summary.php?t=198']TeAm AnandTech Folding@home stats at EOC[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.distributed.net/team/tmsummary.php?project_id=8&team=10635']TeAm AnandTech RC5-72 stats at distributed.net[/URL]

[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=ami&teamid=174']Amicable Numbers[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=csg&teamid=115']Citizen Science Grid[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=bcpdn&teamid=4']Climate Prediction[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=col&teamid=126']Collatz Conjecture[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=fah&teamid=198']Folding@Home (stale)[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=ps3&teamid=175']GPU Grid[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=lts&teamid=54']Latin Squares (aka ODLK1)[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=maj&teamid=22']Majestic12 (stale)[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=moo&teamid=173']Moo! Wrapper[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=num&teamid=54']Number Fields[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=pgfn&teamid=30']Private GFN Server[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=rnma&teamid=8']Ramanujan Machine[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=rc572&teamid=AnandTech+10635']RC5/72 (stale)[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=rna&teamid=126']RNA World[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=spt&teamid=10']Symmetric Prime Tuples[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=vdw&teamid=195']Van Der Waerden Numbers[/URL]



Code: Select all


commarize () {
	a=$(printf "%12s" ${1})
		((${1} > 999999999)) && printf "${a::-9},"
		((${1} >    999999)) && printf "${a: -9:3},"
		((${1} >       999)) && printf "${a: -6:3},"
		printf "${a: -3}"
	printf "${b// /}"

delay_next_fetch () {
	sleep 0.4 # don't hammer the web server

fetch () {
	links -http.fake-user-agent 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0' \
	      -width 200 -dump "$1"

page=$(fetch 'https://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_summary.php?t=198' | cut -c27-)
line=($(sed -nE '/Overall +24hr +7days +24hr Avg/{n;p;}' <<<"${page}"))
echo " Folding@Home overall position - ${line[0]}"
echo " TeAm total for the week - ${line[-6]}"

page=$(fetch 'https://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_list.php?srt=3' | cut -c27-)
line=($(grep ' Team AnandTech ' <<<"${page}"))
echo " TeAm rank for weekly production - ${line[0]}"

echo ' __Credit/week _ UserName'
for p in {1..100} # will usually break out after p=1 or 2 already
	page=$(fetch "https://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/user_list.php?srt=1&t=198&p=${p}" | cut -c27-)
	while read line
		[ "${l[0]}" != "${r}" ] && continue
		[ "${avg}" = '0' ] && break
		((score > 99999999)) && w=18 || w=13
		score="$(commarize ${score})____________"
		printf " ${rank::8}${score::${w}}${l[2]}\n"
	done <<<"${page}"
	[ "${avg}" = '0' ] && break


Code: Select all


team_name="${3:-AnandTech 10635}"

cd "${HOME}/Distributed_Computing/Weekly_Stats/${project_name}" || exit 1

                   today="$(date +%d%^b%Y)"
             last_sunday="$(date -d 'last Sunday' +%d%^b%Y)"

# delete superfluous data files
for file in [0-3][0-9][JFMASOND][AEPUCO][NBRYLGPTVC]20[2-9][0-9]{,_teams}.txt
	case "${file}" in
	"${today}"*) ;;
	"${last_sunday}"*) ;;
	*) rm "${file}" 2>/dev/null;;

commarize () {
	((${1}<0)) && { s='-'; ((a = 0-${1})); } || { s=''; a=${1}; }
	b=$(printf "%12s" ${a})
		((${a} > 999999999)) && printf "${b::-9},"
		((${a} >    999999)) && printf "${b: -9:3},"
		((${a} >       999)) && printf "${b: -6:3},"
		printf "${b: -3}"
	printf -- "${s}${c// /}"

# download at most this many team records, or at most this many user records per team

if [ ! -f "${today_members_file}" ]
	# download and cache today's data
	for ((i=0,p=1; p<download_limit; p+=100))
		((i+1 < p)) && break
		page=$(links -width 200 -dump "https://stats.distributed.net/team/tmember.php?project_id=${project_id}&team=${team_id}&low=${p}")
		while read line
			rank=$(cut -d'|' -f2 <<<"${line}" | cut -d'(' -f1 | sed 's/^[ ]*//;s/[ ]*$//')
			[ "${rank// /}" != $((i+1)) ] && continue
			n1[i]=$(cut -d'|' -f3 <<<"${line}" | sed 's/^[ ]*//;s/[ ]*$//')
			b1[i]=$(cut -d'|' -f9 <<<"${line}" | sed 's/^[ ]*//;s/[ ]*$//')
			printf -- "%s\t%s\n" "${n1[i]}" "${b1[i]}" >> "${today_members_file}"
		done <<< "${page}"
	# read today's already cached data
	while read line
		n1[i]=$(cut -f1 <<< "${line}")
		b1[i]=$(cut -f2 <<< "${line}")
	done  < "${today_members_file}"

if [ -f "${last_sunday_members_file}" ]
	# read last Sunday's cached data
	while read line
		n0[i]=$(cut -f1 <<< "${line}")
		b0[i]=$(cut -f2 <<< "${line}")
	done  < "${last_sunday_members_file}"

if [ ! -f "${today_teams_file}" ]
	# download and cache today's data
	for ((i=0,p=1; p<download_limit; p+=100))
		((i+1 < p)) && break
		page=$(links -width 200 -dump "https://stats.distributed.net/team/tlist.php?project_id=${project_id}&low=${p}")
		while read line
			rank=$(cut -d'|' -f2 <<<"${line}" | cut -d'(' -f1 | sed 's/^[ ]*//;s/[ ]*$//')
			[ "${rank// /}" != $((i+1)) ] && continue
			tn1[i]=$(cut -d'|' -f3 <<<"${line}" | sed 's/^[ ]*//;s/[ ]*$//')
			tb1[i]=$(cut -d'|' -f8 <<<"${line}" | sed 's/^[ ]*//;s/[ ]*$//')
			printf -- "%s\t%s\n" "${tn1[i]}" "${tb1[i]}" >> "${today_teams_file}"
		done <<< "${page}"
	# read today's already cached data
	while read line
		tn1[i]=$(cut -f1 <<< "${line}")
		tb1[i]=$(cut -f2 <<< "${line}")
	done  < "${today_teams_file}"

if [ -f "${last_sunday_teams_file}" ]
	# read last Sunday's cached data
	while read line
		tn0[i]=$(cut -f1 <<< "${line}")
		tb0[i]=$(cut -f2 <<< "${line}")
	done  < "${last_sunday_teams_file}"

# bail if we don't have all the data
[ -f "${today_members_file}" -a -f "${last_sunday_members_file}" -a \
  -f "${today_teams_file}" -a -f "${last_sunday_teams_file}" ] || exit

for ((i=0; i<${#tn1[*]}; i++))
	[ "${tn1[i]}" = "${team_name}" ] && break
for ((j=0; j<${#tn0[*]}; j++))
	[ "${tn0[j]}" = "${team_name}" ] && break
team_total_for_the_week=$(commarize $((${tb1[i]//,/} - ${tb0[j]//,/})))
echo " ${project_name} overall position - $((i+1))"
echo " TeAm total for the week - ${team_total_for_the_week}"

	for ((i=0; i<${#tn1[*]}; i++))
		for ((j=0; j<${#tn0[*]}; j++))
			if [ "${tn1[i]}" = "${tn0[j]}" ]
				b=$((${tb1[i]//,/} - ${tb0[j]//,/}))
				if ((b))
					printf -- "%s\t%s\n" $(commarize $b) "${tn1[i]}"
				tn0[j]=' ' # don't re-use this record, in case of duplicate names
teams_chart=$(sort -nr <<< "${teams_chart}")
while read line
	tn=$(cut -f2 <<< "${line}")
	[ "${tn}" = "${team_name}" ] && break
done <<< "${teams_chart}"
echo -n " TeAm rank for weekly production - $i"
# Since only at most ${download_limit} teams are checked, there could be more teams with
# higher weekly production than ours if we made less than the total credit
# of the lowest-ranking team.
((${team_total_for_the_week//,/} < ${tb1[-1]//,/})) && echo ' (estimated)' || echo

echo ' __Credit/week _ UserName'
	# for each of today's members, look up a matching name from last Sunday
	for ((i=0; i<${#n1[*]}; i++))
		for ((j=0; j<${#n0[*]}; j++))
			if [ "${n1[i]}" = "${n0[j]}" ]
				b=$((${b1[i]//,/} - ${b0[j]//,/}))
				if ((b))
					blocks="$(commarize $b)____________"
					echo "${blocks::13}${n1[i]}"
				n0[j]=' ' # don't re-use this record, in case of duplicate names
		# n1[i] not found in n0[*] -> either a new member, or changed their name
		if ((j==${#n0[*]}))
			echo "${blocks::13}${n1[i]}"
	# check if any of ast Sunday's members dropped out (either changed their name, or switched teams)
	for ((i=0; i<${#n0_bak[*]}; i++))
		for ((j=0; j<${#n1[*]}; j++))
			if [ "${n0_bak[i]}" = "${n1[j]}" ]
				n1[j]=' ' # don't re-use this record, in case of duplicate names
		# n0_bak[i] not found in n1[*] -> log negative credit
		if ((j==${#n1[*]}))
			echo "${blocks::13}${n0_bak[i]}"
single_digit_credit_records=$(grep -c '[1-9]____________' <<< "${members_chart}")
members_chart=$(grep -v '[1-9]____________' <<< "${members_chart}" | sort -nr)
while read line
	echo " ${rank::8}${line}"
done <<< "${members_chart}"
((single_digit_credit_records == 1)) && echo ' and a single-digit credit record'
((single_digit_credit_records > 1)) && echo " and ${single_digit_credit_records} single-digit credit records"

# debug: print weekly production of all teams
if false
	while read line
		printf " %d\t%s\n" $i "${line}"
	done <<< "${teams_chart}"
Last edited by StefanR5R on Sun Oct 06, 2024 3:55 am, edited 10 times in total.
Reason: updated dnet_weekly_stats.dump.sh to collapse all lines with <10 credits into a single summary line
TAAT Member
Posts: 1690
Joined: Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:32 pm

Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by StefanR5R »

Bonus stats!

This script works much like the main script for TeAm AnandTech's stats, except for team Ukraine. There are no Folding@home stats or RC5-72 stats provided here.

One extra step which is implemented in here is that guest crunchers get the name of their team of origin attached. Well, where does the script get these previous team affiliations from? — The shocking truth is that I entered these affiliations manually as a static table into the script. Each Sunday I check whether there are new guest crunchers, and if so, I add them to the table in the script.

To look out for guest crunchers, I go to https://stats.free-dc.org/teambycpid/st ... am=Ukraine and either I get the desired information there, or I further follow users' links until their Cross Project Identifier page, where all of their projects listed. E.g. a user coming from "none" to "Ukraine" in MLC@Home may have a real team affiliation in, say, World Community Grid, so I may want to take that one as this user's main team.

This script requires the "links" webbrowser too, of course.


Code: Select all


	'10esseeTony............TeAm AnandTech'
	'Alex Kamal - MCRN...US NAVY'
	'Axiy............................Crystal Dream'
	'Bill I_WSS.................none'
	'Cesar Pamplona......Brasil [SETIBR]'
	'Crunch for Ukraine (Icecold)...TeAm AnandTech'
	'Cubfan.......................The Knights Who Say Ni!'
	'Dad.............................L'\''Alliance Francophone'
	'Dark Angel.................XtremeSystems'
	'Dodecahedron..........Carl Sagan'
	'Endgame124............TeAm AnandTech'
	'Fardringle.................TeAm AnandTech'
	'Frank [RKN]...............Rechenkraft.net'
	'Galumpkis................TeAm AnandTech'
	'Gera...........................Russia Team'
	'Giovani Avelar............none'
	'Icecold.......................TeAm AnandTech'
	'Ken_g6.......................TeAm AnandTech'
	'Kiska..........................TeAm AnandTech'
	'Krasavetz...................TSC! Russia'
	'Norma Headrick.........none'
	'Norton01 (TPU)........TechPowerUp!'
	'O.K. ...........................none'
	'Oksana1987..............Keep The Fire Alive!'
	'Orange Kid................TeAm AnandTech'
	'P D W.........................OcUK - Overclockers UK'
	'PDW...........................OcUK - Overclockers UK'
	'Pettrus Carvalho Bueno...none'
	'Quasar and Black Hole...none'
	'Robin B Clark.............none'
	'Roman Chernetskiy...Keep The Fire Alive!'
	'Slava Ukraini!...........none'
	'Skillz.........................TeAm AnandTech'
	'Skillz_TAAT..............TeAm AnandTech'
	'Skip Da Shu...............Guru Mountain'
	'SkyCaptain................Ars Technica'
	'Steve Wheeler............none'
	'Surcouf30.................L'\''Alliance Francophone'
	'ThrasherX-17............Keep The Fire Alive!'
	'Vladyslav Brovko......none'
	'Wingless Wonder.....Guardians of the Galaxy'
	'[TA]Assimilator1......TeAm AnandTech'
	'[TA]Kiska...................TeAm AnandTech'
	'[TA]Orange Kid.........TeAm AnandTech'
	'[TA]Skillz...................TeAm AnandTech'
	'[TA]crashtech...........TeAm AnandTech'
	'[TA]kiska...................TeAm AnandTech'
	'[TA] parsnip soup & [TA] xii5ku.........TeAm AnandTech'
	'biodoc.......................TeAm AnandTech'
	'bungi74.....................New Mexico Tech'
	'cellarnoise2..............TeAm AnandTech'
	'cellarnoise2-TAAT...TeAm AnandTech'
	'cowtipperbs..............Oklahoma State University'
	'crashtech..................TeAm AnandTech'
	'desuwa......................SETI@Home Japan'
	'emoga.......................TeAm AnandTech'
	'gera...........................Russia Team'
	'getra76.......................Russia Team'
	'gutelius......................Ars Technica'
	'info............................Russia Team'
	'kctipton.....................Texas Tech University'
	'krasavetz...................TSC! Russia'
	'markfw......................TeAm AnandTech'
	'mmonnin..................TeAm AnandTech'
	'mortdoro...................BOINC@the Netherlands'
	'ncoded.com..............UK BOINC Team'
	'p3d-cluster................Planet 3DNow!'
	'parsnip soup in a clay bowl...TeAm AnandTech'
	'siebenorbit................Indonesia Grid Computing Community'
	'skillz..........................TeAm AnandTech'
	'vene............................Planet 3DNow!'
	'wayne........................BOINC Synergy'
	'xii5ku.........................TeAm AnandTech'

	echo '# set the project name in bold
	      2{s/\(^ \)\(.*\)\( overall position\)/[B]\2[\/B]\3/}
	      # switch to lower case
	      s/^[ ]TeAm[ ]/ team /
	      # append origin team names'
	for ((i=0; i<${#guests[*]}; i++))
		g="${g/O.K. /O.K.}"
		echo "s/_${g}$/_${guests[i]//&/\\&}/"
	echo '# fix a few cases of broken character set conversion
	      s/João Mota/João Mota/


bar () {
	printf '\n=========================================================\n\n'

echo "Weekly DC Stats - $(date +%d%^b%Y)"
echo '[SPOILER=weekly stats of team Ukraine]'

for proj in ${projects[*]}
	stats=$(links -dump "https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=${proj}")
	grep -q 'TeAm total for the week - 0' <<< ${stats} && (($(wc -l <<< ${stats}) < 7)) && continue
	sed -e "${sed_script}" <<< ${stats}
	sleep 0.4

cat <<'EOF'
[SPOILER=stats links of team Ukraine]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/teambycpid/Ukraine']Ukraine at Free-DC[/URL]
[URL='https://www.boincstats.com/stats/-1/team/detail/5558/projectList']Ukraine at BOINCstats[/URL]

[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=ami&teamid=661']Amicable Numbers[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=csg&teamid=3']Citizen Science Grid[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=bcpdn&teamid=188']Climate Prediction[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=col&teamid=578']Collatz Conjecture[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=ps3&teamid=106']GPU Grid[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=lts&teamid=50']Latin Squares (aka ODLK1)[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=moo&teamid=666']Moo! Wrapper[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=num&teamid=15']Number Fields[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=pgfn&teamid=43']Private GFN Server[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=rnma&teamid=686']Ramanujan Machine[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=rna&teamid=671']RNA World[/URL]
[URL='https://stats.free-dc.org/spacehead.php?page=team&proj=vdw&teamid=676']Van Der Waerden Numbers[/URL]

Last edited by StefanR5R on Sun Oct 06, 2024 4:21 am, edited 8 times in total.
Reason: updated weekly_stats_dump_ukraine.sh to fix up user names of three members with non-ASCII characters in their names
TAAT Member
Posts: 1564
Joined: Sun Sep 15, 2019 4:45 pm
Location: Idaho, USA

Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

I'll try to give this all a test run before Sunday, thanks Stefan.
TAAT Friend
Posts: 388
Joined: Sat Oct 10, 2020 10:19 am

Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by WDP »

Do these links not simplify looking up team affiliations for guest members ?

https://stats6.free-dc.org/teambycpid/s ... am=Ukraine
https://stats6.free-dc.org/teambycpid/s ... am=Ukraine

Can then click on the user and then their CPID to get to their Free-DC 'home page' if it wasn't already clear which team they originated from.
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

Here was a stats test run, deleted for thread streamlining purposes.
Last edited by crashtech on Sun Aug 28, 2022 12:29 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

Deleted for thread cleanup.
Last edited by crashtech on Sun Aug 28, 2022 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

If anyone would look this over for me and check it for errors, I'd appreciate it. RC5-72 in particular I am not too sure about. Also I have not checked for user's team affiliation in the Ukraine stats.

Re the RC5-72 stats, it appears that to get the email addresses not to parse into links, one of the characters gets coded into italics, the dot in this case to remain inconspicuous. I wonder if there is a way around doing this manually.
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by Skillz »

Code: Select all

Select all the RC5-72 stats section then use the replace tool in Notepad or Notepad++ to replace . with [i].[/i]
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

Skillz wrote: Sat Jun 25, 2022 3:28 pm

Code: Select all

Select all the RC5-72 stats section then use the replace tool in Notepad or Notepad++ to replace . with [i].[/i]
Thanks. That's really handy, can't believe I never learned it until you showed me.
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by StefanR5R »

What do you mean by "doing this manually"? The BB code which the script inserts into the RC5-72 output has always been sufficient for me to suppress the anandtech.com board's subsequent automatic linking.
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

I don't know, but I had to copy/paste the terminal output into gedit and replace all "." with

Code: Select all

If this was supposed to be automatic then I did something wrong. But, it was mostly pretty easy, so I am not complaining at all!
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by StefanR5R »

Hmm, maybe it depends on whether/ when the forum post editor is in raw bbcode mode vs. rich text mode. I tend to have it in raw mode when I enter and edit the stats post.
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

That could be true, I am not diligent about turning that off. I wish there was a place in one's profile to have it off by default, it's "help" is just a hindrance almost all the time.

I looked at the BBcode of your June 19th post and it did have the dots coded for italics, but as far as I could see the output of the rc5-72_weekly_stats_dump.sh was not giving me that. I may have goofed in implementing it, it needed a couple of directories be created and a text file, plenty of chances for me to mess up. Worked well enough, though, I'm just happy I was able to get it done.
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by StefanR5R »

crashtech wrote: Mon Jun 27, 2022 8:14 pm I looked at the BBcode of your June 19th post and it did have the dots coded for italics, but as far as I could see the output of the rc5-72_weekly_stats_dump.sh was not giving me that.
That's true; both rc5-72_weekly_stats_dump.sh and fah_weekly_stats_dump.sh write plain text, with the original user names still intact. Only weekly_stats_dump.sh adds BBCode. (Deep down in the fineprint of the opening post I mentioned that rc5-72_weekly_stats_dump.sh and fah_weekly_stats_dump.sh are meant to be used only indirectly via weekly_stats_dump.sh. The latter one calls the former two for you, inserts their output between the BOINC projects in alphabetical order of project names, and performs a little BBCode formatting at the same time.)
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

Next time I might read the directions. :oops:
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by StefanR5R »

I edited the first post to include my latest version of the scripts. (Added OGR-28 stats, slightly enhanced RC5-72 stats, combined OGR-28 and RC5-72 into a common script.)

Here are example OGR-28 and RC5-72 cache files from August 21. If you copy and paste them from this post, make sure you got the whitespace in there as tab characters (not e.g. space characters).

Code: Select all

BPhantom - Team AnandTech	3,243,757,185
Participant #211,018	135,329,207
stefanlenz@hotmail.com	102,105,434
drdoug@techie.com	50,325,510
tamember	16,235,631
JonB[TA]	14,870,086
GSmith - Team Anandtech	12,276,650
Jon R WI	9,597,072
Waffle	8,803,299
boehm@nc.rr.com	6,256,656
James Zhao	1,032,685
Adenosine Triphosphate	343,691
vss1980 - Team Anandtech	172,700
xii5ku	36,031
Mika Anderson	27,439
katana	19,732
LANMAN - Stop the war in Ukraine!!	13,739
juergen.friebel@physik.blm.tu-muenchen.de	13,586
Mad Pierre	391
JohnR - Team AnandTech	31

Code: Select all

yoyo@home BOINC wrapper	15,041,657,343
BugTraq.Ru Team. United power of xUSSR.	3,970,236,468
Distributed Amiga	3,933,510,243
AnandTech 10635	3,601,216,755
SEGA Users Group	3,585,490,454
BOFH@Chalmers	3,553,394,191
linux-de.org	3,535,803,327
Dutch Power Cows	3,368,922,859
Free-DC	2,076,413,858
Czech D.NET Team	1,904,562,767
Linuxfr: French Linux Team	1,652,477,477
Team MorphOS	1,363,261,191
Team Warped (OS/2)	1,125,288,911
Ukraine	1,100,010,880
Team-Goobee.org	984,446,541
San Antonio Linux User Group	872,397,176
Lost Clusters - Denmark	856,337,350
Libertarians for Privacy	786,624,178
Le Pommier / MacBidouille	783,785,190
Team Hampshire College	782,235,461
HardOCP	698,346,304
Ars Technica Team Beef Roast	680,694,131
Team Austria	633,202,814
Beer Drinkers Anonymous	495,920,452
German Hardware Network	432,623,972
Team Hungary STB+	424,148,637
Power M@X	395,404,271
SwissTeam.NET	353,071,799
University of Alberta (Canada)	342,284,056
Russian Team	333,027,825
Singapore RC5 Effort	326,717,477
Virginia Tech Team	321,271,314
Fuzion ! [Fr]	321,076,183
Batfink	318,632,702
Team China	309,504,452
LowEndTalk Hoarders	259,652,826
Acorn Users Group	238,876,645
US-Distributed	228,493,804
TeamNorway	227,801,818
Team TU Dresden	219,954,641
Japan FreeBSD Users Group	219,561,082
Team EvangeLista (Macs Rule! :-)	214,998,557
2CPU.com's RC5 Team	213,670,395
TeamPfleuger	208,833,304
MFS IT Team	172,324,863
Rechenkraft.net - Germany	169,203,452
AMUG	165,179,505
Winbiff Users Group	164,387,032
SWARH	161,464,950
Monkey Up	153,951,873
Securiteinfo.com	151,853,478
#distributed	150,605,735
The #koffie Team	147,622,432
Kashpureff Family	145,495,305
In it for the money 5018163	139,438,422
key-snappers@umu.se	138,796,779
Crunching@EVGA	135,776,431
SPring-8	131,731,978
Kaizoku!	131,178,956
Team FreeBSD	130,006,083
Terminal & BBS Liane & Others RC5 Team	128,058,209
Team DCG	127,719,933
Prima e.V.	124,348,099
2ch, Team	120,158,346
CCC.de	118,348,653
Belarus	118,253,682
ParadoxZ Commando	110,241,215
Slashdot.org 1365	107,204,579
DrakeMazzy Ukraine	105,659,178
Amd-Users	105,643,702
TUZY - a cool Polish team	105,221,012
Tri-Cities RC5-64 Community Cracking Effort	103,018,685
Team Ariel	98,377,575
Bondiola Cracking Team	94,540,161
University of Nevada, Las Vegas	91,566,439
moomin	89,257,421
QuakeNet Distributed Team	85,370,539
Spreewald-Black-Sheeps	84,427,289
Team Win32 (Windows)	83,526,589
TeamUFies (All Hail the Dust Puppy!)	80,780,621
Service Informatique Des Laurentides	80,609,241
42	78,162,152
The-Space.Net	75,755,396
Swamp Team.RU	72,891,304
Hax Force	70,528,319
Pseudo Random	70,147,067
BharatVarsh - the Indian effort	70,100,416
Super Mini Cooper UK	69,790,288
Overclockers Australia	68,827,040
XtremeSystems	68,551,995
Japan Linux Users Group	68,436,236
Team Kaiserslautern	66,520,919
#equin0xe (IRCnet)	66,359,538
Team Italy	66,283,545
newGraph++	64,741,983
Team Lithuania	63,612,292
Texas	63,151,073
Mormons	62,064,520
Epyon	60,189,101
Team Intek	59,803,314
crackerz@best.net	59,090,155
Prof. James Challis' Most Excellent UK Team	57,773,529
Logan FH HN	56,574,219
Thors Hammer (Denmark)	55,714,173
ERBIUM	55,691,082
The Avara Processing Pool	53,520,202
Fishpond Networking Systems	53,394,361
MIPT	53,042,403
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)	52,818,821
Team RealMac	52,092,698
X Grubbers Kick Ass	50,977,427
OcUK - Overclockers UK	50,437,477
Team Alaska	50,195,514
tianguo.net	48,895,592
HACK.gr	48,035,078
---xlr8yourmac.com---	47,267,664
Egham Hills	46,468,188
cosuard/Sonic Therapy	45,753,036
RC5 For Jesus	44,967,239
Team Haiku	44,056,551
TeamComputerra - New Russian Generation	43,761,364
Clara.NET	43,428,851
Belgian MoOo Farm	43,232,725
PLD-Linux Team	39,910,824
On top of the STACK	39,156,876
Namibia RC5-64 team	36,827,425
Knights Who Say "Ni!"	36,194,233
Redmond Armageddon	35,281,714
ICTA (International Christian Technologists' Association)	33,848,928
Luxembourg Codebreakers	33,600,865
InfoData	32,894,921
Bouncy Blue Fish	32,396,682
Unofficial Hull University Team	32,223,938
Schizoid rc5 Crack Team	30,377,538
WNY VHF Contest Group	30,278,177
Di Gi KAIGO	30,219,677
INL	29,875,051
The Australian Dudes	29,591,708
Sun	29,335,417
Team TechIMO.com	29,182,176
Monochrome BBS	28,266,909
Washington University in St. Louis	28,186,690
Team Bartlett	27,127,251
berthelot	27,041,258
RC5 Hardware Network	26,392,405
Team Ubuntu	25,105,445
Vancouver Island University (Canada)	24,676,615
Final Tear Z	24,547,357
The BBS	23,509,403
Centre for Academic Cracking	22,961,026
Team Tolkien	22,382,592
Trideja Digital Creativity	22,363,954
Kansas City 2600	20,895,541
''Cult Of The Dead Cows''	20,594,968
RempalaNET	20,505,672
Set-Top-Box Crunchers	20,483,880
Japan Celeron Users Group	20,432,492
Marduk Brazilian Team	18,953,221
Team Rechenschieber	17,973,600
Oregon State University	17,837,429
Team White Hot	17,566,977
amd3dnow	16,911,120
Klingon Key Krackers	16,760,535
intergates	16,698,603
Team XtremePcCentral.com	16,299,165
Team Germany (*.de / uni.de - German Universities)	15,143,740
MacVsPc	15,055,846
Team Picard	15,039,424
(__) Team Cattle Mutilation (__)	15,008,668
Fachschaft IMN HTWK-Leipzig	14,985,395
Fantastic Wave Network RC5-Team	14,979,293
ruhrkraut.de	14,416,950
The Unity	14,284,426
Team Finland	14,269,345
Hogwarts	13,553,673
Esperanto	12,985,009
Team RC5/OGR - BroadBandReports.com	12,953,192
/dev/null	12,829,675
Hackerzlair	12,726,247
Kazakhstan Team	11,777,616
CCWN	11,764,823
Bishnet	11,637,313
zuzezimzulze D.Net Team	11,582,958
The New Zealand RC5 Effort	11,445,199
NullZ	11,421,427
Green Cats	11,249,460
fcsm : fr.comp.sys.mac	11,041,393
Telekomiker	11,037,963
Fidonet R18	10,979,713
RC5 Team Nidaros Data	10,866,517
SETI@home (is running!!!)	10,781,627
ZeelandNet/I7ML/ibuildings/Planet.BE/Web3/Friends!	10,710,676
Team Wurst	10,534,171
Team RimArts UsersGroup	10,327,941
The Sallies	10,303,905
Those Crazy Mudders (Harvey Mudd College)<&>	10,157,697
Ulmus	9,673,039
Productivity.ORG	9,455,659
BrainTrust	9,248,524
Team TMD	8,672,238
FINI Geeks	8,053,272
CyberSuff Orden (CSO)	7,973,232
Puget Sound Mootivators	7,959,012
Mailtech	7,805,161
Smelly Tongues	7,650,323
Global Dragon Ltd	7,637,122
Crunchers Inc	7,474,691
Lemons	7,246,713
Private family	7,219,708
Linux-Mandrake Power Users (SMP Kernel)	7,103,725
Team Macintosh	7,047,550
Ultimate Chaos	7,038,890
IOTF IMHO.WS Distributed Challenge	6,826,408
Team Porbes!	6,570,174
Team LogCabin	6,040,088
Team Stryker	5,997,885
Team MacNN	5,851,716
China Team	5,839,766
AMIGAworld	5,620,920
Japan Windows NT Users Group	5,599,061
Team freechess.org	5,501,178
AL-Mail Users	5,211,253
Team Slacker (oow umop episdn)	4,904,133
Digiflux.org Team	4,890,987
Combustion	4,826,237
Cult of the Living Cow	4,645,780
RC5 Polish Team	4,613,992
South Park Cows	4,312,966
Acura & Honda Global RC5 Speed Team (Join us today!)	4,290,731
The Hardware Group	4,198,413
Project Moo!	4,150,033
Hyperreal	4,046,819
Team OS/2 Japan	3,997,427
Pupune's team	3,990,908
Too Drunk To Compute!	3,835,775
Charles Benton only!	3,725,439
Team kecskemet.info.hu	3,707,165
Fehr's Acquaintances	3,635,399
Albany Golfers R Ritzy Crackers	3,523,028
Triangle'nTatibanaLab. with UHOON/HIU	3,393,014
AtlantaGeeks	3,236,752
ClubPC-ESIEE	3,224,320
IPGames	3,182,924
M. K. System	3,120,867
United Cracking Force - Austria (UCF)	3,066,444
AnimeGer.de Team	2,960,589
Team Baden	2,876,118
Czech National Team	2,801,447
Gehacktesmachers Team	2,774,570
AlphaNT	2,334,033
United States Whiskey Corps	2,287,516
China ==>> !!!R-O-C-K-S!!!	2,225,632
Debian GNU Linux	2,199,661
Texas Longhorns	2,167,951
de.soc.mac	2,126,350
Team RC5.de - Deutschland (Germany) - Team #php.de	2,057,834
BH of TKE at UMR	2,003,788
Team Ninja - The Counts of Crunch	1,967,669
Team KaWo2 (RWTH-Aachen)	1,943,367
Team Lanners :)	1,941,513
Daily Rush	1,929,596
PINGUIM: Portugal Is Now Going Up In Megakeys	1,913,699
hashcat.net	1,911,960
Doomathon.Com	1,905,999
The Knights of Xenu - exposing scientology	1,888,855
Red Sox Nation	1,880,663
Cyber Industry	1,810,852
[HSD]	1,793,823
maystrenko.com	1,769,911
Team DENKEN	1,730,553
UKUUG	1,698,235
Team Denshin8go Users	1,693,569
Denser from Russia, Murmansk, SPb	1,669,897
Plaidhat	1,637,903
Arizona State University (ASU) Multi-Platform effort	1,627,170
Team Yakima	1,610,380
vamosalaplaya	1,577,482
Distributed Spanish Team	1,543,362
Viking MUD	1,536,664
Neonshadow.Net's Distributed.Net Domination Squad	1,485,469
The Microlinks Team	1,424,921
Clan Terra Fracta!	1,421,144
FoxRiverValley CrackAttack	1,354,917
Freakland	1,351,695
Team Skralg	1,346,616
planetunreal.de	1
Team Visi - Vector Internet Services	1,298,301
KeyWarrior	1,238,025
[TKC] Team	1,228,995
netilium.org	1,225,021
gErMaN-eLiTe.net	1,223,315
IPT	1,210,247
Mexico Aztec crackers	1,073,927
Akiho_Minori	1,072,208
Cheeze And Crackerz	965,246
Safari Hood and Friends	950,187
Team DEATH CRIMSON	928,450
Niko-Developers	838,996
GCFL RC5 Team	838,811
TeamHalfIron	812,991
Team Witchvox (The Witches' Voice vs. RC5-72)	789,955
Nuke	779,592
L_Alliance Francophone	712,061
Festering Aluminum Monkeys	700,236
flufkassarna	688,647
Indonesia Raya (aka GBT)	660,624
Team ALTYUU	658,746
Krill Generadores	656,560
Team J-KIDS	653,829
AKT now	644,218
Apan Pelle	640,065
os	602,051
Team Hawkeye	594,075
Team Kiwi - New Zealand	577,474
team madness	576,394
Jp & Friends	572,573
Intel RC5-72	561,695
Cow County Computers	559,503
SAP	552,928
Stats Lovers	549,468
Twintail Moemoe Committee	546,222
IdleTimeEaters	534,754
KAlCh	518,321
Sparky's Team	504,341
Hawkfield	490,745
Universally Challenged	485,296
D.Free	477,988
North Carolina State University (NCSU)	474,083
Total Depravity	473,384
Dragonhunters	470,231
Turkish RC5-72 Team	468,328
LinuxNET RC5	463,422
F-body Organization	463,395
Computer Magazine Belgium	458,260
No Agenda Show	453,011
Team rANdOm	429,429
Show Me The Money	407,127
Kot Scriptor [Belgium]	402,704
#letstalk Undernet.Org Users Alliance (CRACK SOME KEYS!)	399,335
Apathy Central Engineering	389,918
Goons of DEFCON	381,524
Hong Kong Linux User Group (HKLUG)	371,007
Bitcoin	364,935
Kamko's Slovak Team - Kamkova slovenska skupina	362,435
Fires Of Kaos	361,918
Hamlink.org	359,546
Freestyle Dust	358,068
Garlic-Twins	352,123
Eternal Sun	339,213
Moo! Wrapper Project	330,762
L0pht Old Sk00l	327,905
PerfectLAN	295,657
Super	285,514
Planet 3DNow!	259,879
Cows With Guns	253,363
Michigan State University (MSU Spartans)	251,206
BOfH.de	234,391
Triangle Fraternity	232,479
Cotse Help Desk	223,709
HGS	221,757
Delphi Cartel	218,988
Ardjan's Team	212,112
distributed.Bulgaria	208,519
CDCorner	205,552
Team Dream Train	197,733
LHQ	188,048
Texas Aggie Distributed Computing Team	185,560
The Cracking Illini	180,126
Cow Killers	171,026
Taiwan NCTU	163,495
Christians	162,479
Stampede Hannover	159,998
networksession.de	149,046
Japan Gateway2000 Users Team	142,281
CCO Wuerzburg/Germany	141,694
Arch Linux Users	141,276
pLATE sTEEL pRODUCTIONS & friends	138,297
Atlan's Army	134,043
Ministry of Information	129,701
Team Romania	127,955
GeoCities Crack Team	127,686
Trinet Instruments	124,766
LiveNudeFrogs	124,114
Girton College, Cambridge	122,747
RC5-72 crackerz	121,154
Saga-City	120,813
Team Chile	104,187
kyberia.sk	102,414
The Gathering RC5 Project 2010	97,102
The Ocean State Free-Net (osfn.org)	95,070
Hong Kong Golden	93,525
Matrix World Team	90,018
Adelphi Panthers	87,766
Warwick Distributed	85,457
Overclocking.dk	81,323
Last man standing - Cosacs !!!!	77,247
Taiwan NKMU	74,827
Moonbreaker Italian power	70,707
Dzikopka	70,280
pope-wintermute	69,431
Very Fuzzy Logic	62,129
Neudorfer Rechenfront	61,164
Team Whirlpool	59,915
housemartin	58,528
Searching for a Wild North American Panda.	57,602
Navaho	56,489
UK BOINC Team	55,867
Snow White Orchestra	55,103
High-Voltage Animal Crackers	53,538
alfapomorze.pl	49,470
[Ace Corp]	47,557
POWERSystems-AIX	46,809
Media Arts and Production, University of Bedfordshire, UK	46,324
The Old Republic	45,810
DeltaSzwadron	44,191
Rats in a Maze	44,116
Swedish Mac Team	42,629
Team #jpWareZ	41,758
Szimat Csapat	41,338
ZA - South Africa	41,260
Shadow Productions	39,499
Algenta	38,494
TeXintosh Japan (Kaisei Physics Club)	37,089
NSA v2.0	33,639
Macha Crackers KL, Malaysia	32,810
[PL] Mac Team PL	31,816
Kurats Supreme Team	31,749
dualboot.net	31,446
Geek Platoon	30,793
Team UNL (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)	24,716
Hyperial Group, Inc.	24,426
Team eKuriren	24,321
ftju	23,726
Team Sluggy Freelance	23,458
zero	21,105
Team 1113	21,000
ResExcellence!	20,638
RC5 Brasil and Brazil	20,102
Team Canada	19,171
The Logrus Box	18,614
openMosix	16,963
Allstate Cows	16,646
FCC - Farsta Cracking Crew	16,554
The Ummagumma Group	14,481
Earth Rocket	14,375
Hitoride dekirumon	13,191
Dublin	13,036
Poland [licz z nami :-)] Przygarnij krowke Muu	12,722
dnetc@Home BOINC Team	12,077
nyx.cz	11,856
kite_psychos	11,250
New Russian Team	11,225
ADSL IRC.MP3CREW.NU team for the netherlands	10,012
Team Dai Viet	9,970
CommoInstallers	9,856
Team Ottawa U	9,836
Team Wittenberg	9,327
livejournal	9,192
Team Japan HAM Radio Stations	8,702
Team Tower	7,810
*** Team Yeti ***	7,655
UMIX	7,439
Team Sweden	7,203
Atomicfrog RC5 Team	6,791
Darkside Group of Servers	6,477
BT Labs	6,435
INSA de Lyon	6,345
Sacred Cow Priests of Moo	5,970
Key-eating Vikings From Denmark!	5,864
za.MegaTeam	5,760
Everything2.com	5,464
MultiPleX	5,171
bns_cruncher	5,042
Alex & Friends	4,915
Madou-puyo-ject	4,214
The TI RC5 Team	4,165
U.Mass Lowell	3,977
Team TUDelft!	3,700
TBA-Home and Friends	3,440
danmarknet.com	2,269
Tick Tick Boom	2,122
Team Gotleet	1,896
[Delete]	1,837
The Andre & Associates Team	1,668
Connecticut Universities Team	1,666
Rulla Sakta	1,450
nullirc.net	1,443
Virginia Tech Athletics	1,437
Nellens rc5 Cohorte	1,189
Waschbuesch Family Team	965
Avid Technology	891
Team BNAA.dk	874
The Idle Time Chattown Collective	827
Galicia (Spain)	815
Red Cross supporters	734
BP6 Poland	708
The Crunching Dinosaurs	605
kband	590
Kentucky [RC-5] Team	501
Just Say No To Cracking	487
Linux@Home	430
REALLY pissed Mad-Villains	406
The Scions of Geekdom	393
Extreme Comp	228
go ozmac!	196
Ignatz Mustus bitflipper	180
EvilMind	164
Knights of the Dinner Table	156
Inner Revolution	118
UNI Halle, Cantorianer and Friends	73
sponholz.de	64
Softimage RC5 Crew [Turkiye]	61
Russian anti-kapitalist bunnies from hell	49
Happy Meal Toys	43
IIE	39
University of Akron Distributed Computing Team	36
Microsux.dk	33
Dione Plc	31
Tribune	19
Latvian Linux Users Group (LLUG)	9
The Crash Helmets	0

Code: Select all

LANMAN - Stop the war in Ukraine!!	334,110,957
crashtech	44,304,910
stefanlenz@hotmail.com	41,540,764
xii5ku	26,360,214
phoenicis	16,093,072
emoga	13,754,863
Fardringle	12,182,644
10esseeTony	4,638,640
James Zhao	3,992,998
Ken_g6 - TeAm Anandtech	3,931,203
sbrusgaard@worldonline.dk	2,409,884
Waffle	2,081,110
jason_mcc@myrealbox.com	1,620,121
<--Havoc--{{{ Team AnandTech	1,506,050
f00_devil@yahoo.com	1,463,085
JohnR - Team AnandTech	1,173,746
BPhantom - Team AnandTech	1,135,078
Choralone - Team Anandtech	1,076,370
tmanning	1,063,529
Cthulhu	961,091
FoBoT	793,688
stsc_subs@yahoo.com	753,518
Mad Pierre	746,156
Wrish	706,187
iamwiz82@hotmail.com	639,281
brian@journey360.com	639,208
richardbarnet	567,195
tom.rowden@nomos.com	562,090
ViRGE - Team AnandTech	551,787
vss1980 - Team Anandtech	484,227
MarcelliusIkaP	472,311
boehm@nc.rr.com	430,676
Mike Team Anandtech	397,026
Dougal - Team Anandtech	396,369
ob1 - TeamAnandtech	393,477
Ken	383,180
EricW - Team AnandTech	380,935
davekm@columbus.rr.com	365,164
JHutch - Team AnandTech	343,548
Participant #243,878	282,060
timvehrs@bigfoot.com	280,739
burnedout -Team AnandTech	260,666
Participant #211,018	249,930
Participant #380,854	249,781
oddtore@gmail.com	246,615
Mark	240,101
Tonto - Team Anandtech	239,415
TK-421 - Team AnandTech	234,001
moleca - Team AnandTech	210,258
cdlweasel@hotmail.com	197,251
holmqer@photodiver.com	180,889
zzuupp	171,392
jayBee666	171,052
cyberwire@gmail.com	169,382
Hoser	168,727
RazzleUltra	165,548
MiNdFkR	163,902
GSmith - Team Anandtech	152,730
Participant #472,649	147,063
jetskr9@jetskr9.net	141,109
TheCool1 - Team AnandTech	140,722
Participant #457,962	138,071
The Wolf	133,056
refranke@ktis.net	130,393
FrostyPhrog	126,921
kfonda@compuwiz.com	100,338
Mika Anderson	96,406
juergen.friebel@physik.blm.tu-muenchen.de	89,879
tamember	89,632
egoist [BugTraq.Ru]	89,461
LeBlatt - Team Anandtech	84,641
Hawkeye (Team Anandtech)	81,158
BGod	80,347
James Clarke	73,380
Chokko	71,872
tim@fightingevil.com	71,688
Participant #189,684	71,122
cvermeer@sark.com	68,573
c0rleone@yahoo.com	65,295
philippd@gmx.net	65,011
bighen - Team AnandTech	64,099
merlocka@hotmail.com	60,621
mmurdock@kimballequipment.com	55,141
Phukinaround	54,313
Marc Bloch	53,965
Participant #467,034	53,672
Buzzman	52,835
tierno@lotas-smartman.net	52,046
Dazman	50,206
Participant #437,341	48,448
MrBadidea	46,309
everlyr@earthlink.net	44,666
Camm - ** Team Anandtech **	44,605
nathan1724@yahoo.com	43,909
Nozler	43,863
Wall Man - Team AnandTech	43,321
anandtrader200@mail.com	42,160
maximprince@hotmail.com	40,494
ripper7@rogers.com	40,165
antithug@zoomtown.com	38,965
durifuto@iol.it	38,775
Dogbert	38,719
silent@soltec.net	38,368
Tom Servo - TeAm AnandTech	35,916
bryan@bryanmoore.com	35,696
nkwan@direct.ca	35,603
Cyril	33,724
pnixon@gmail.com	33,409
god@who.net	32,295
skullone@skull-tech.com	31,704
ffattizzi@yahoo.com	30,696
fciccone@westnet.com.au	29,680
prawnstar@ihug.co.nz	29,489
stechsrw@email.uc.edu	28,269
irish.dot@gmail.com	28,255
s_kosobucki@yahoo.com	28,007
Jon R WI	26,307
Mad Pierre	25,031
todd@gatorline.com	24,894
thehiveisswarming@yahoo.com	24,573
d-net@warberg-revision.dk	24,255
rc5cracker@adelphia.net	23,459
Lagzilla	22,098
synscan@gmail.com	21,945
mnelsonx@earthlink.net	21,873
neo0983@yahoo.com	21,432
Jason Allen	21,168
icemandave@hotmail.com	19,561
leerickp@hotmail.com	18,822
Anders Pedersen	18,771
Atheras - Team AnandTech	18,438
Jason181	18,133
Participant #412,250	18,110
saintdev@gmail.com	17,480
EminK	16,990
jda1701@yahoo.com	16,845
piku@the-nextlevel.com	16,778
ss59	16,245
jcass736@hotmail.com	15,207
Kevin Berkheiser	15,192
watson81@bellsouth.net	14,802
[TOR] SpaceWalker - The Old Republic	14,604
mic.scott@sympatico.ca	14,216
twioz@yahoo.com	14,009
Participant #199,649	13,120
rkm@mindless.com	12,938
heathcliff@gmx.com	12,171
davequaad@hotmail.com	12,135
landwarrior2005@yahoo.com	12,066
cnc@ultraaccess.com	12,035
Netviper	11,922
pw@eiox.com	10,553
Team Anandtech Member - Strates	10,378
Jeff Baron	9,767
Captain_Rob - AnandTech	9,638
erikf@cse.ucsc.edu	9,261
tobla909@student.liu.se	9,192
Participant #130,784	9,040
Participant #472,874	9,013
Tom Philippart	8,916
marnolke@hotmail.com	8,857
kallen@uwalumni.com	8,836
Hendrik Asper	8,710
tsheaffer@imcinteractive.com	8,477
Polo - TA	8,294
wolfen_21@hotmail.com	8,238
dmech@neo.rr.com	7,984
ashviper@geocities.com	7,811
DragonFire - Team AnandTech	7,734
Thanushan Kanagaratnam	7,191
BlackFlagg	6,589
gunnar.wretlind@home.se	6,546
zsouthboy	6,539
dtravis7@sbcglobal.net	5,956
Clueless - Team AnandTech	5,914
blilly@eng.utoledo.edu	5,701
mandrill123@hotmail.com	5,606
The Train - [Team AnandTech]	5,095
denali - Team Anandtech	5,029
ghettobilly@gmail.com	4,927
FL4K	4,865
dstingel@mac.com	4,831
mweinig@yahoo.com	4,730
rich-dnet@fumble.free-online.co.uk	4,701
reillyjf@comcast.net	4,665
psgsr44@hotmail.com	4,610
Brakus	4,590
TA_Marthisdil@hotmail.com	4,494
Species 8472 - Team ANANDTECH!	4,432
nikclev@hotmail.com	4,406
Kubla Khan	4,357
brad_swanson@bigfoot.com	4,200
Athlex	4,153
[TA] Roddd	3,985
pudgygiantb2@yahoo.com	3,869
Seti Cavalry	3,826
distributed@moli.ws	3,553
kochihka@msu.edu	3,548
kank@qx.net	3,344
molaughlen@hotmail.com	3,320
Rhobite	3,163
JHamilton@Earthling.Net	3,119
Participant #398,977	3,094
Meph+Heph	3,066
sonik - Team Anandtech	2,990
cirrus	2,731
Jason Bilbrey	2,680
epieper@yahoo.com	2,623
abitserver@cox.net	2,475
dr.sutton@btinternet.com	2,473
Adenosine Triphosphate	2,416
rwf@gpcom.net	2,403
thomal456@aol.com	2,395
Zabolotsky Andrey (Russia)	2,360
scott@clearycorner.com	2,272
joe_stevensen@yahoo.com	2,238
Wamingo - Team Anandtech	2,165
drakelord@hotmail.com	2,112
kkennard@iquest.net	2,095
SVIPER000@aol.com	2,076
Francis Letourneau	2,003
OrangeKid	1,990
john_nicholas_f@hotmail.com	1,886
mike@mikemass.org	1,880
IsOs of AnandTech	1,751
tchinhe@hotmail.com	1,741
jason@oldos.org	1,733
deans@oemfab.com	1,688
Bartman	1,678
scoser@iastate.edu	1,649
mitchell.stuart@gmail.com	1,603
sciencewhiz	1,581
sno@seductive.com	1,576
daerid@io.com	1,526
joshliechty@hotmail.com	1,513
chuck@churtle.com	1,512
Pimotan	1,500
cryptor2718@excite.com	1,405
Arlen - Team AnandTech	1,377
Tigleon	1,360
zk501@yahoo.com	1,339
Tiger	1,322
mitevelkov@yahoo.com	1,316
jmorck@magnitudeweb.com	1,281
Boris	1,242
drdoug@techie.com	1,237
frolic	1,198
lordsidhu@hotmail.com	1,168
dwphenix@houston.rr.com	1,088
Participant #325,315	1,040
zed@pacbell.net	1,039
jaredneilsen@hotmail.com	1,035
jboggs619@yahoo.com	1,029
shota@virtuafighter.com	1,020
katana	951
JonB[TA]	854
napalm381	834
TA Cube	823
Dragon Puppy	797
SlangNRox-TeamAnandtech	775
Sabreguy - Team AnandTech	747
sdoane@bellsouth.net	736
Participant #329,550	703
armstsho@mail.netdoor.com	657
[NYC] Flash	634
jrc_can@bellsouth.net	629
kantana	613
Fire Elemental	613
crazy-train@home.se	532
mfl0p	520
Slawomir Malusecki	513
africamp@yahoo.com	509
bwappo@ee.net	488
johnertron@netzero.net	487
potatobreath	483
gabs@swipnet.se	473
JC	472
Hasse	468
jwt@babbage.ie	430
Fingers	402
Brtspears2	392
crYnOid - Team Anandtech	390
joelryan2k@hotmail.com	380
FlameDeer, TA	361
mmuller2@cfl.rr.com	354
killbat@swbell.net	352
aurigas81@hotmail.com	352
ziana@extrotech.net	330
zhossp@yahoo.com	327
george_powell@hotpop.com	318
dbujnovsky@fnfinc.com	293
Participant #275,367	292
mark.fillingham@gmail.com	270
raven42rac@cox.net	255
Eric Durant - Team AnandTech	240
Darkone - TeAm Anandtech	238
onnd	227
lessthanjake_666@hotmail.com	206
dkappos - Team Anandtech	200
xcellentops@earthlink.net	199
surfingtheweb@hotmail.com	193
WiggleToad	176
mawster.chadwick@home.com	174
davez34	167
dedavidson@stlnet.com	160
antpellegrino@theriver.com	152
pguei@uci.edu	148
srue@iname.com	143
zerin85310@yahoo.com	142
Participant #288,382	140
czhang@stratag.com	135
10us	132
Oblivion - Team AnandTech	130
frhvekr@yahoo.com	128
omk@edu.kauhajoki.fi	124
jim@microhlp.com	119
tchatzi@arx.gr	111
[TA]Miraculix	105
mander@loginet.com	105
Terry	105
shdtree.1@email.com	100
derek@zeanah.com	100
William Thomas	97
Yoshi	94
superpenguin76@hotmail.com	92
dave@unrealpc.com	91
dobbinsm@nc.rr.com	87
erwinw@gmail.com	85
HeavyIron	85
dmaeby@hotmail.com	77
nemesis099@yahoo.com	77
kendrakirai@home.com	76
got2beazn@hotmail.com	76
ThomasL - Team AnandTech	76
dr_catlips@yahoo.com	75
nexus9@snet.net	72
idlorj@aol.com	62
peterzal@hotmail.com	55
fifthfactor@hotmail.com	54
mshafrir@wam.umd.edu	53
ccrunner84@aol.com	52
jtids@btinternet.com	49
modisette@inu.net	43
V@LE	41
L Ziegler	40
kkkjunk@hotmail.com	38
mikari@nyc.rr.com	33
corycalvert@hotmail.com	31
WX - Team AnandTech!	31
simon.holm@get2net.dk	29
espenorio@netscape.net	29
johnny97@bellatlantic.net	28
crazy106@aol.com	28
The Driver - Team AnandTech	26
98021236@uni.massey.ac.nz	25
rhuel@thomasians.com	25
Mach	24
Acrolein	23
sealerd@hotmail.com	18
fornoth@myway.com	18
jesser@portup.com	17
will.amesbury@c4.com	15
JJ	13
superchkn@hotmail.com	12
bschutz@hotmail.com	12
oracleknowledge@teamvertigo.org	9
abmoss@cc.usu.edu	9
hippy_student@yahoo.com	8
postmaster@subz3r0.be	8
kevin.park@virgin.net	7
Will Poteet	7
SyZ	1

Code: Select all

dnetc@Home BOINC Team	7,906,772,177
Dutch Power Cows	3,575,209,812
BugTraq.Ru Team. United power of xUSSR.	3,024,223,451
---xlr8yourmac.com---	1,748,271,607
Distributed Amiga	1,665,325,044
XtremeSystems	1,035,692,888
German Hardware Network	930,180,913
BOFH@Chalmers	889,906,427
Ars Technica Team Beef Roast	870,870,984
Japan FreeBSD Users Group	848,975,460
Japan Linux Users Group	814,877,608
Ukraine	681,151,191
Logan FH HN	652,395,106
Free-DC	622,922,915
Team Win32 (Windows)	560,039,383
Dorms	538,476,093
AnandTech 10635	534,164,748
Amd-Users	504,755,699
HardOCP	449,540,140
TeamNorway	438,064,259
Team Warped (OS/2)	433,485,611
Knights Who Say "Ni!"	373,636,568
Power M@X	363,243,889
Acorn Users Group	348,223,330
Russian Team	293,851,675
Libertarians for Privacy	290,862,714
US-Distributed	285,150,911
L_Alliance Francophone	279,041,219
Le Pommier / MacBidouille	270,054,311
Team FreeBSD	265,341,609
Team Motorcyclist Japan	244,373,961
Kaizoku!	237,373,047
Rechenkraft.net - Germany	232,933,245
The Old Republic	231,682,050
Lost Circuits	222,632,597
CCWN	212,329,456
Team DENKEN	211,103,714
Encryption Is For Sissies!	208,488,260
linux-de.org	199,267,455
Linuxfr: French Linux Team	198,631,817
Team China	185,799,397
Team EvangeLista (Macs Rule! :-)	184,081,673
amd3dnow	178,209,513
MU Software DNet Team	164,776,299
Team - It ain't easy.	161,584,749
OcUK - Overclockers UK	159,453,125
Team RC5/OGR - BroadBandReports.com	151,977,922
2ch, Team	151,863,269
BattleForce	148,087,890
Team Picard	141,329,468
Triangle'nTatibanaLab. with UHOON/HIU	139,143,049
Final Tear Z	118,882,700
University of Alberta (Canada)	118,265,469
SwissTeam.NET	116,092,117
Crunching@EVGA	114,006,162
Team OS/2 Japan	112,865,254
TeamComputerra - New Russian Generation	107,405,491
Japan Windows NT Users Group	97,600,160
Universe	97,379,589
Czech D.NET Team	95,139,845
Team Witchvox (The Witches' Voice vs. RC5-72)	93,253,909
TeamUFies (All Hail the Dust Puppy!)	89,999,220
Team Lanners :)	89,363,659
Singapore RC5 Effort	87,751,106
AL-Mail Users	86,908,384
Klingon Key Krackers	86,040,257
Oregon State University	84,900,035
RC5 Polish Team	84,699,611
B Team	83,622,667
Team KIKUMARU	83,534,006
Tribune	82,681,353
Team BeOS	80,817,485
High-Voltage Animal Crackers	79,596,871
Team Japan HAM Radio Stations	79,499,643
Team tea come I	79,136,384
Team Trojan	73,652,277
Team Hungary STB+	73,627,239
maystrenko.com	72,856,323
Team Blorf	72,198,243
UK BOINC Team	71,480,342
Belgian MoOo Farm	71,410,386
AMD Zone	71,180,343
lagnaf	71,179,199
CCC.de	70,231,308
Project Moo!	69,568,947
AMUG	66,165,311
Planet 3DNow!	65,867,941
The Idle Time Chattown Collective	65,134,086
RC5 For Jesus	64,363,327
Moo! Wrapper Project	58,484,368
Czech National Team	58,281,098
Team RimArts UsersGroup	57,365,845
Prima e.V.	57,191,682
Winbiff Users Group	56,712,022
RC5 Hardware Network	56,217,842
Belarus	55,215,658
Ultimate Chaos	53,585,177
2CPU.com's RC5 Team	52,419,192
Ai's Team	52,263,612
Team Ninja - The Counts of Crunch	50,766,972
ICTA (International Christian Technologists' Association)	49,200,909
#distributed	48,959,035
zero	48,921,245
The-Space.Net	46,742,628
Distributed Spanish Team	46,650,044
Monochrome BBS	46,003,970
Crunchers Inc	45,404,154
pr0c3X0r 0v3rC	3
Global Dragon Ltd	44,647,410
Lost Clusters - Denmark	44,503,948
Pseudo Random	44,385,017
Swamp Team.RU	44,287,578
Team rANdOm	43,610,773
Team XtremePcCentral.com	42,665,182
SMP Monkeys	41,537,740
Team DCG	41,301,776
Bletchley Park codebreakers	40,010,381
Cows With Guns	39,179,703
genius crunchers	38,806,945
kleperis	38,453,514
SEGA Users Group	38,441,291
fcsm : fr.comp.sys.mac	38,372,413
Singapore Digital Fragments	37,881,225
Team MacNN	37,830,003
Team Alaska	37,388,853
ArmadaWeb	36,269,900
Team Austria	36,221,390
ruhrkraut.de	36,138,911
Epyon	35,968,258
[HSD]	35,421,053
nullirc.net	35,334,759
NSWC-COR -- Go Navy!	35,277,952
team bukkake	35,209,147
Monkey Up	34,020,678
Team 123	33,923,198
Computer Magazine Belgium	32,695,268
Team RC5.de - Deutschland (Germany) - Team #php.de	32,594,209
Tri-Cities RC5-64 Community Cracking Effort	32,318,584
Fuzion ! [Fr]	32,023,481
ParadoxZ Commando	31,928,079
The Hardware Group	31,792,456
Bivio Networks	31,582,795
CFWC	31,126,826
DiabloNET	30,935,824
unskilled	28,779,177
The Scions of Geekdom	28,484,973
Luxembourg Codebreakers	28,389,551
German Team -No CPU Idle-	28,338,436
Moonbreaker Italian power	27,922,105
Allstate Cows	26,977,068
Team Lithuania	26,584,905
Team Skralg	26,385,012
VoodooEYE	26,011,958
IOTF IMHO.WS Distributed Challenge	25,692,247
Festering Aluminum Monkeys	25,395,439
Team Ubuntu	25,122,339
PLD-Linux Team	25,116,067
The-Hall e.V.	24,249,021
Swedish Mac Team	24,153,298
Gehacktesmachers Team	23,511,334
GPU Power	23,255,195
Rude Silhouette	22,808,180
Overclockers Australia	22,307,216
iri2K [Fr]	22,140,797
Team TMD	22,037,284
Twofo	21,594,113
CPU Burn	21,570,396
kyberia.sk	21,217,566
Kot Scriptor [Belgium]	21,204,934
AMIGAworld	20,892,891
NetBSD Users	20,880,216
In it for the money 5018163	20,768,613
SWARH	20,707,099
Slashdot.org 1365	20,683,223
The Knights of Xenu - exposing scientology	20,602,141
Team Baden	20,494,004
Neonshadow.Net's Distributed.Net Domination Squad	20,136,699
San Antonio Linux User Group	20,021,324
Team Finland	19,733,316
Securiteinfo.com	19,714,867
(_)IIIIIIIID	19,580,452
IronCowTeam	19,352,108
CDCorner	19,285,833
Team White Hot	19,134,374
networksession.de	18,648,531
Hong Kong Golden	18,371,926
Arktis Baeren	18,012,620
Secant DataCenter	17,721,586
The DNet Brute Squad	17,586,310
---==[CRACKING AUSTRIA]==---	17,516,233
Computing Science, Curtin University	17,387,248
Indonesia Raya (aka GBT)	17,023,832
Stampede Hannover	16,935,541
schwaebische alb germany	16,804,017
The Genocide2600 Group and Friends	16,739,273
altair-4	16,593,889
NBC GIGA FAN TEAM	16,334,703
SETI.Germany	16,301,238
Team freechess.org	15,473,181
/dev/null	14,974,744
Virginia Tech Athletics	14,843,636
drift@tihlde	14,475,953
key-snappers@umu.se	14,066,117
Team IVG	14,023,415
FINI Geeks	13,983,555
Team MorphOS	13,967,724
Bishnet	13,899,535
Moo	13,672,292
The Sallies	13,421,649
One of the RC5 crack team in Hong Kong	13,341,023
Chairforce1	13,246,445
Michigan State University (MSU Spartans)	12,647,376
The Team	12,497,326
The #NZLinux RC5 Effort	12,462,608
moomin	12,378,264
TeamHalfIron	12,231,901
Sternwarte	12,060,115
Team AMOs HOUSE	12,029,262
Centre for Academic Cracking	11,770,060
Student-NET from university of ILMENAU	11,365,419
University of Nevada, Las Vegas	11,340,771
Born2OC.be	11,262,592
Pink Cow	11,229,617
The Phoenix Team	11,212,629
Breene Team	11,131,011
Tick Tick Boom	11,024,170
TeamDistributed	10,870,540
lowtech.net	10,727,303
The Pirate Fleet	10,696,361
UCF Institute for Simulation and Training	10,609,335
AKT now	10,416,033
Need To Speed	10,257,588
Team NISOC(Niigata, Japan)	10,031,807
Trinet Instruments	10,001,503
Fluffy as Fuck	9,991,638
TEA TIME	9,906,701
Tennessee Tech Computer Science Dept	9,822,590
Redmond Armageddon	9,726,995
University of Virginia Computer Science	9,726,152
Team PureSoul.com (JAPAN)	9,674,717
Carinthian AMD Power Cows	9,661,585
Texas Aggie Distributed Computing Team	9,621,326
Hackerzlair	9,616,417
Remedy 2004	9,538,335
Sakakibara Infomation Labo	9,409,613
519	9,382,429
Taiwan NCTU	9,255,013
Brian's Penguins	9,254,192
cosuard/Sonic Therapy	9,239,496
LiveNudeFrogs	9,218,077
Namibia RC5-64 team	9,213,338
Moj's 64 Nuts	9,159,989
The Unity	9,108,486
The Discordian Society	9,079,256
Team-Goobee.org	9,073,575
OpenBSD	9,065,994
QUADFARM	9,051,207
Wendy	8,978,059
Happy Meal Toys	8,894,134
Everything2.com	8,873,238
DrakeMazzy Ukraine	8,823,273
Team #jpWareZ	8,768,708
Geek Thing	8,644,043
nyx.cz	8,453,625
Guldfisk.dk (Denmark)	8,385,827
Debian GNU Linux	8,375,699
Deadcat Racing	8,342,819
Mitsubishi Montero Club of Ventura County and Beyond	8,239,364
Kazakhstan Team	8,072,931
Team Macintosh	7,948,269
Holy Penguins	7,706,599
Turkish RC5-72 Team	7,678,210
hashcat.net	7,639,024
team kushi.ro	7,516,705
za.MegaTeam	7,452,692
Lunacite Distributed team	7,451,962
de.soc.mac	7,386,569
Team DF LTH	7,271,323
CyberNetic	7,188,751
Team Betfair	7,101,034
Krill Generadores	7,046,208
EvilMind	7,038,470
Team UNL (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)	6,923,539
distributed.Bulgaria	6,877,062
UGTU UPI	6,784,755
The Australian Dudes	6,768,990
Hubert Hahn and friends	6,633,302
ExiledOnes	6,447,724
Team ECS (toyama-u.ac.jp)	6,431,882
University of Maine RC5 Team	6,418,577
Mormons	6,417,220
The Three G's	6,275,206
Clan Brutal Butchers	6,257,122
[KTC] Keep Them Crunching Dutch Overclock Team	6,085,009
Algenta	6,034,175
Case Western Reserve University	5,960,925
RC5 Brasil and Brazil	5,944,490
Team Freezee Pop	5,944,386
DDP - Tha' Digital DawgPound	5,931,920
VGAPlaneteers United	5,926,491
SBICT	5,901,764
The Flying RPGs	5,858,779
Portuguese White Hats - Combined Portuguese Effort	5,822,059
Team LogCabin	5,795,372
Hellenic RC5 Team: [Hellenic Macintosh Users Group]-[YAT]	5,612,212
Worldwide TechServices	5,593,107
AHO_forum	5,580,263
China Team	5,572,324
Those Crazy Mudders (Harvey Mudd College)<&>	5,562,440
Atlan's Army	5,518,341
MacDogCows	5,508,877
TUZY - a cool Polish team	5,495,315
b0nk!	5,455,880
The Fragile Alliance	5,453,122
Team Insecure	5,363,623
Nellens rc5 Cohorte	5,361,769
Team TU Dresden	5,355,057
alfapomorze.pl	5,305,747
Rats in a Maze	5,284,001
Denser from Russia, Murmansk, SPb	5,283,194
Action League Now!	5,234,354
N-one Enterprises	5,141,361
Astek	5,088,465
BharatVarsh - the Indian effort	5,065,924
Adelphi Panthers	5,051,386
German_Treff_Team	4,960,194
UNI Halle, Cantorianer and Friends	4,958,525
ngsoftware	4,947,183
CoolNetwork	4,898,728
gErMaN-eLiTe.net	4,889,964
slow motion	4,830,831
Team Kiwi - New Zealand	4,746,957
alt-hacker.org	4,698,928
fehkers	4,661,413
Clan Fx	4,612,131
a crowd of people	4,560,252
Prof. James Challis' Most Excellent UK Team	4,532,864
Team Ludus	4,497,997
Team Denshin8go Users	4,420,180
MrLUG	4,415,730
Team eKuriren	4,381,644
palex RC5	4,374,607
WinEasy	4,365,483
Team Lastleaf	4,363,733
DvS TeaM	4,336,624
D2MC EDV Dienstleistungen	4,313,495
NuTonium	4,305,681
Team masaba Japan	4,294,620
The Harbingers of Light	4,276,586
[Ace Corp]	4,275,372
quigo	4,228,257
D.Free	4,215,512
Focaljet	4,206,047
Last man standing - Cosacs !!!!	4,181,485
now wireless broadband	4,140,537
Terminal & BBS Liane & Others RC5 Team	4,122,779
Moobar	4,121,409
Show Me The Money	4,112,136
U.Mass Lowell	4,061,968
AtlantaGeeks	4,038,659
Cyber Industry	4,030,327
Tokkoyaro 68k Team	4,020,767
Da Family	4,011,291
Fantastic Wave Network RC5-Team	3,983,826
kband	3,970,185
Team Canada	3,826,796
kukkais	3,745,563
In Remembrance of DaCrypticsCrew	3,706,945
RC5@layton.org	3,680,420
LVFbody	3,678,333
SDSM&T March-Dake	3,630,727
bns_cruncher	3,619,588
Warp Internet KOBE	3,598,551
MoltenRain.com!	3,585,713
Krull Team Russia	3,583,950
SGA POLSKA	3,572,755
go ozmac!	3,557,557
qnxZone	3,524,338
ISU Cyclone Fans	3,489,843
Trideja Digital Creativity	3,460,664
Western Washington University	3,446,988
Fishpond Networking Systems	3,441,497
JetHead	3,435,357
Team Sysadmin	3,340,347
RIT Alumni	3,334,534
WNY VHF Contest Group	3,317,012
The BC Wireless Project	3,312,676
GR8HAX	3,311,138
NWGO	3,294,297
Christians	3,248,896
Team Wittenberg	3,193,173
SLATE	3,162,589
Team JTR	3,137,614
Team Design Media	3,121,376
Virginia Tech Team	3,080,058
AlphaNT	3,076,424
TBA-Home and Friends	3,073,881
www.VMETRO.com	3,052,795
Japan Celeron Users Group	3,023,905
Dakota Mailing List (DML)	3,019,587
Buffy's Packet Slayers	3,000,829
Overclockers Online RC5 Team	2,997,435
Daily Rush	2,957,608
Team BatMUD - Balanced Alternative Techniques Ry	2,921,750
team volltext.net	2,865,673
Team sunsite.dk (Denmark)	2,850,436
AthlonOC	2,842,513
Chong Worldwide Empire	2,842,459
Bougs (BGs)	2,791,084
Team Brazil	2,786,864
German OC-Maniacs und Hardwarefreaks	2,772,805
Distributed Computing Support @ CMI	2,766,630
The #koffie Team	2,758,698
Wang Fu	2,756,855
Schizoid rc5 Crack Team	2,749,036
IgorMud RC5 effort	2,722,500
Team Beyond Reality	2,718,855
Team Dream Train	2,690,660
Schraal.com	2,674,573
Texas	2,652,655
tHe LaBrAtS -=[We MooVe ZiG]=-	2,648,590
Lemons	2,642,816
ZA - South Africa	2,638,160
[ThC] The humble Crew	2,632,278
Linux-Mandrake Power Users (SMP Kernel)	2,631,600
QuakeNet Distributed Team	2,616,887
Bulma	2,612,163
Uncon Uncracked	2,603,784
SMMUG Usergroup	2,593,983
SSE Kherson UA	2,590,587
Japan Gateway2000 Users Team	2,585,089
RC5 Peregrines	2,552,259
Dr. Bob's Krack 'o Rama	2,543,749
DALnet #Windows95	2,536,184
newGraph++	2,527,900
Sunset Country - Linux Crew and Friends	2,508,904
CSR Technologies .com	2,489,748
University of Florida Housing	2,486,645
geekfest.net	2,485,512
openMosix	2,481,183
Distributed Static	2,457,848
Triangle Fraternity	2,453,948
OldsGmail	2,408,171
IT-Akademiet, Aalesund	2,398,099
Team Moo!	2,393,704
Kentucky [RC-5] Team	2,384,199
B00tie	2,356,263
Digital Crackers	2,352,989
<Just4Fun>	2,350,055
Cats on a Rampage	2,342,721
/c3d	2,339,773
no_count_no_fun	2,309,970
Russian anti-kapitalist bunnies from hell	2,300,725
Gungadin.net	2,295,749
Batfink	2,288,802
IPGames	2,286,636
NYAR	2,280,342
fatties.org	2,273,266
Team Anime (Baka Bakka)	2,239,586
Upnor	2,232,680
BlueScreen Luxemburg	2,228,046
LPB	2,222,999
Team Karaganda	2,220,153
Key-eating Vikings From Denmark!	2,199,102
Ticktonites	2,195,847
Beneficient Solutions	2,176,369
Hawkfield	2,155,435
BT Labs	2,142,311
bofh.se	2,123,246
GeekCulture Team	2,120,743
Team TechIMO.com	2,117,238
Wireless Community - Croatia	2,114,055
IPL Interested Parties List	2,100,262
hackers.lv team	2,094,385
Team Visi - Vector Internet Services	2,066,467
focusBBS.net	2,058,786
Team MHS	2,046,732
Team A2Central.com	2,036,652
GMTA	2,027,257
EDS	2,018,746
No Agenda Show	2,016,310
vladivostok.net (united team)	2,008,721
RC5 HackZone.RU Team	2,006,878
Ignatz Mustus bitflipper	2,000,021
3000GT/Stealth International	1,993,006
Team Waffles	1,986,600
JAILERS RC5	1,958,757
On top of the STACK	1,957,891
Tsuri-Nakama	1,940,814
Gentoo Linux Users	1,926,170
Infogroep-Gaosu-VUB (BE)	1,925,829
Team Ramrod	1,924,099
The Great Cities of Russia	1,905,150
#feinkost	1,893,466
MACHIKANE	1,890,579
Dinn & Dinn	1,890,234
Cult of the Living Cow	1,889,859
Team Pikachu Japan -2004-	1,868,207
PTZ	1,855,561
University of Northern Iowa	1,854,336
Bastard Operators from Hell 326	1,846,763
The Dogcows	1,824,942
Team Corbett	1,819,116
XEON DNet Team	1,814,555
Team Sluggy Freelance	1,812,621
The Java Knights	1,810,073
Hyperreal	1,808,262
NWPC.de	1,803,142
=!- Parkoz Hardware Korea RC5 Team -!=	1,761,919
INSA de Lyon	1,754,935
Team J-KIDS	1,741,042
KaZeR's Team	1,726,308
Spider Monkeys	1,710,483
Missing Links Network	1,708,118
Viking MUD	1,707,576
Team XIOtech	1,703,610
Vancouver Island University (Canada)	1,702,647
Jarreteam	1,697,761
PCK FELIX calculator	1,675,187
eBay	1,672,196
Fidonet R18	1,666,512
Fightin' Irish	1,656,204
RustamU Team RUS	1,651,467
Monkey Cracking Fools	1,647,673
Team KaWo2 (RWTH-Aachen)	1,647,328
Vermont Technical College Computer Club	1,643,290
Mimezine	1,637,815
CornJerker CodeCrackers	1,632,317
VOIVOD (.by)	1,631,049
Schindler's Lift	1,630,184
Vostok - Kharkov	1,629,259
Haxx	1,624,285
Team Whirlpool	1,623,906
energon71	1,620,656
cHaPh	1,620,230
Elchhorn ole	1,618,137
HACK.gr	1,604,700
Woodstock Enigma	1,603,231
Big brothers to the SSR	1,602,514
The McGees	1,593,429
Cotse Help Desk	1,591,188
Team ark K' - Japan	1,581,840
TEAM OS/2 (Korea + Region Trier e.V. + Russia)	1,581,654
GeekMon	1,581,649
Niko-Developers	1,576,260
Super Mini Cooper UK	1,566,612
Yen-e JAPAN	1,564,437
SPR>IT (Denmark)	1,560,488
This space for Rent	1,555,453
Dynamic Network Services, Inc.	1,548,926
Collective nonsense of Portland	1,539,129
Team6	1,535,442
Telekomiker	1,531,659
COW-ROUTERS	1,522,509
Teleologic Learning Co.	1,519,634
Puget Sound Mootivators	1,516,152
The Gathering RC5 Project 2010	1,502,326
Nashville Linux Users Group	1,502,160
Beer Drinkers Anonymous	1,498,806
Fearthepenguin.net	1,498,245
Pendulum	1,495,373
Shattered World COWS	1,491,682
MCL Distributed Processing Team	1,485,716
George Washington University	1,480,636
TerminusPoint	1,468,532
TEST AF	1,461,170
BSUIR KSIS Team	1,460,906
L0pht Old Sk00l	1,451,245
Team Hedehuset	1,451,212
Atome	1,445,071
Happy Linux Geeks	1,441,914
ALM-kichiku	1,440,381
Super Happy Fun Team	1,436,875
TelleCore, L.L.C.	1,435,191
ROSS Squad	1,430,914
Intel RC5-72	1,430,294
chamy_i_prostaki	1,428,226
Akiho_Minori	1,421,616
#Rouyn	1,416,961
Mexico Aztec crackers	1,409,192
KAlCh	1,408,977
Super Penguins	1,400,353
INL	1,394,818
Fires Of Kaos	1,389,695
#aladdin st0rmcracker team - the cubes	1,387,281
Nexscan	1,383,096
OSU - The Ohio State University Buckeyes	1,376,340
Team RealMac	1,365,960
iDrift	1,358,964
Presently Distracted	1,355,537
#letstalk Undernet.Org Users Alliance (CRACK SOME KEYS!)	1,355,131
#mp3rave	1,350,100
Apan Pelle	1,348,103
dualboot.net	1,346,935
zuzezimzulze D.Net Team	1,324,339
Team NAMAKO	1,322,362
Fidonet Region 20	1,316,109
Tunning PC CrAcKeRs TeaM	1,314,945
Praeluceo	1,313,990
Team l008com	1,308,016
noXtension	1,304,533
SPring-8	1,301,997
New Edge Networks Nenjas	1,294,578
Texas Longhorns	1,293,160
Fehr's Acquaintances	1,287,181
Argentina Cracking Effort	1,286,301
Kodewerx	1,285,311
$BSDvault$	1,285,291
Rensselaer At Hartford (RPI)	1,271,735
Fragables	1,270,447
CoffeeisMyDrugofChoice.com	1,266,677
Envy Systems	1,260,441
Ardjan's Team	1,258,702
SPbSU Math&Mech && Pofigist team	1,253,028
Official GideonTech.com RC5-72 Team	1,247,368
Free Geek Michiana	1,243,682
RIFF	1,242,053
Team Haiku	1,240,851
Red Sox Nation	1,232,794
schlumsch	1,231,813
Starbase XII: Crackers	1,228,142
ZoneTick World Time Zone Clock Users Team	1,218,189
SWMud	1,212,948
#equin0xe (IRCnet)	1,212,618
flufkassarna	1,207,139
Goons of DEFCON	1,205,252
New Technology Foundation	1,201,844
united csa team	1,201,784
Perth Crackers	1,198,414
Eastern Moon Ring	1,184,729
Psychedelic Goa Network 6022	1,179,889
principlecomputing.co.uk	1,174,126
Fachschaft IMN HTWK-Leipzig	1,173,637
Team RaudatNet	1,173,486
GameNight	1,166,324
FoxRiverValley CrackAttack	1,162,771
Black ICE	1,155,078
Team Tower	1,144,731
Mataderu	1,139,689
RPI Mac Users Group	1,131,227
Eternal Sun	1,129,164
Team Waterloo	1,129,147
Donetsk RC5 Team (Ukraine)	1,128,442
unixpunx.org	1,126,982
CyberArmy	1,121,860
Team Floates	1,118,779
Starwars	1,118,514
team ragiered	1,117,042
cowabunga	1,110,859
nelsonszone	1,104,707
Bovine Fury	1,096,383
Cheeze And Crackerz	1,086,288
Spark's Team	1,080,393
FiftyPounds of Processing	1,067,060
Penn State University	1,063,253
crackerz@best.net	1,062,724
danmarknet.com	1,046,336
German-Underground	1,045,976
DiaxeN team	1,036,813
Doomathon.Com	1,034,840
REALLY pissed Mad-Villains	1,030,662
Team NetWare	1,028,406
tianguo.net	1,025,917
Dark Flame	1,023,446
Team Slacker (oow umop episdn)	1,019,318
Dutch Red Berets	1,018,931
Deloitte HackERS	1,018,311
Omega_End	1,018,115
The Milton Moo Mafia	1,008,572
free.net.ph	1,005,390
Matt's Cracking Influence	1,004,010
Undernet: #Mac-FR Rc5 Team	1,003,744
3DChips + 3DWIN Network	1,000,895
Fishsim-Frenzy	990,573
RZ-Amper	980,405
Ankat	980,365
Harlem Gangsters for the Legalization of Cop Killings	975,568
Quarterback Club	974,145
Slovenia	970,393
1337	967,895
-=Readyresponse=-	967,474
RC5 Team #linux.de - IRC-Net	964,553
fastsillicon	961,025
TeXintosh Japan (Kaisei Physics Club)	954,342
Tempest3K & Friends :)	954,134
Nap - Jim	952,294
Ghetto Phunk Mess	949,165
Team Uber Crackers	937,895
Cow County Computers	935,008
Die Festung	935,005
Team Holger Danske	931,554
anti opinion	930,000
Plaidhat	927,110
LinuxNET RC5	921,598
Drogatti Rc5-72 Project	920,819
42	920,606
Team Freestanding	913,989
Team Banshee	913,606
[-RED-] Retired. Extremely Dangerous	908,666
ruhries	908,514
Hunterkillers	901,008
Softimage RC5 Crew [Turkiye]	896,029
Efros	891,284
Team Tiscali	891,233
Team TierraNet	884,485
Snow White Orchestra	880,933
Team Romania	879,608
System TnT	877,840
minut.ee	870,675
myrddin.org	867,443
HP cPC	865,834
Matrix World Team	863,370
University of Idaho Distributed Research Group	853,231
PSD-TECH	850,781
Team Heim2	848,572
lundstedt.it	847,618
The Nerdrium	842,096
#jutesack	839,014
The BBS	838,199
Team Lockergnome	836,753
Unofficial Hull University Team	832,124
*Smurfa* Team	831,949
lpb33r	831,207
The Circus	828,390
SumuMUD	821,104
NUNS	820,675
IPV-NET	818,292
Spawn	816,514
SmashTech	815,097
Green Cats	814,064
incredible irc losers	813,011
Stelt RC5	811,171
Team Duncan	809,412
Big Red (Cornell University)	809,225
The FragParty Team	807,214
Imperium Zorloci	806,342
Team #jobben	802,804
LaGRa	801,258
2600.ORG	800,829
Snider Family	799,715
The Avara Processing Pool	797,215
BH of TKE at UMR	794,794
Orna	792,334
Cowbell Fever Squad	792,263
Dogbert's New Ruling Class	791,519
UKUUG	790,837
classifications	789,578
Team NetFrontier	786,693
Sophos Support Bruteforce	784,386
GCAF Software Research Group	784,289
Team Sweden	772,550
tel-i-net	769,900
The Apocolypse Cows	768,785
Education Network of Ontario	767,631
Fishing for Keys	764,922
Team Nink	762,265
Team TSG	757,498
Geeks of the Freaks	757,351
Team Fuzzball	757,151
7	755,587
Esperanto	753,876
NCM Munich	752,493
Romulus 2	750,522
(__) Team Cattle Mutilation (__)	748,813
unofficial Terrapin Boardies	745,561
paf2lan	744,597
Dragon Warriors Club	743,739
Weekend Hackers	743,432
Team IT Division	733,354
Gli ignifughi ragni ignavi	732,556
BAfH	730,453
Crushed-Formula Productions (CFP)	729,567
Team Para	729,518
Linux Panama	729,173
n00bstories.com Crunchers	727,485
Smelly Tongues	724,376
Magdeburg	723,458
Team DEATH CRIMSON	722,255
sp0rk heads	717,423
Prosync Technology Group	714,219
OCModShop	712,338
TCA Cryptography	711,671
Dutch Decryption Dudes	707,832
LAVAtech	701,652
Xact IT Dnet team	700,108
Roseolifant	695,786
Dzikopka	694,091
KeyWarrior	693,584
Tam-Tam Team ( France )	693,328
Bernoulli Networks	692,992
Bitter Strength	692,578
Perfect Genius Online	687,618
Overclock Intelligence Agency	685,349
Team KUTC	685,230
Omsk_55	683,828
Delta Force	683,394
Sun	682,689
Luiemotorfiets	678,462
HouseofHate.com	678,238
Spreewald-Black-Sheeps	676,297
Projekt Avalon	671,557
#LinuxFR Team from Undernet	671,210
Team Trillian	669,400
sponholz.de	666,081
Team Grainger	665,009
Sparky's Team	663,856
ATG	663,292
CookinWithChrist.com	662,166
Capitouls	657,035
CyberSuff Orden (CSO)	656,542
HUGI-NET	653,944
ResExcellence!	652,600
**JhP**	652,015
ZeelandNet/I7ML/ibuildings/Planet.BE/Web3/Friends!	650,878
AutoInstaller-Project - Cracking Team	648,560
DrUberEgo	647,762
Team Zonenet	647,531
Team Dark Horse	646,332
Albany Golfers R Ritzy Crackers	645,158
The Fist of Odin	644,584
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)	644,432
Altana Systems RC5 Team (Moscow-Bryansk-Sochi)	643,286
Gatekeepers	641,916
Munich Universtity of Technology (Germany)	638,545
Syktyvkar	638,125
Red Foxes Running	637,134
Poland [licz z nami :-)] Przygarnij krowke Muu	636,521
PINGUIM: Portugal Is Now Going Up In Megakeys	634,656
Team Real Life	626,033
Team BKN	624,405
Raging Cows 17176	620,722
[PL] Mac Team PL	620,464
yoyo@home BOINC wrapper	620,210
Team Malaysia	613,792
Di Gi KAIGO	613,625
NOLUG - New Orleans Linux Users Group	612,373
Good Bytes	612,119
Shadow Productions	608,570
YAT (Yet Another Team) - The Greek Moo Farm	608,424
13er-Haus Sparetime Austria	605,312
Bikini Girls With Machine Guns	601,328
Deathwyrm.com	600,058
Strands of Chaos	597,945
Navaho	597,501
kruel.org	596,727
Team Festivus	595,907
Team Incompetent	594,467
Stone Age	594,451
#warez-nz	590,981
Cracking for Kevin Mitnick	588,426
::the^keyspalter::	587,303
Megadeth Fans (rc5.czechnet.info)	586,005
Club DSM	585,269
Mensa Team	584,834
Dead Deckers Society	582,942
Latvian Linux Users Group (LLUG)	582,838
The illogical crackers	578,615
#iag	578,057
Sacred Cow Priests of Moo	576,795
DwK	575,494
Belgian Distributed Ones	570,772
KAH RPI	569,742
Camp 69 @ University of Twente, Netherlands	569,514
kilpikonna	568,881
TeamMustang	568,061
The Pro-Bears Lobby	567,685
One Big Enigma	565,295
Queen's University	565,280
L-3 Network Security	562,820
Team Netpimp	560,612
Digiflux.org Team	557,211
UOASB - University of applied science Bremen	556,875
Team Caffeine	554,819
r33t.org	554,117
DivXuk	553,299
DTVM	552,118
Leander High School future hackers	545,594
Twintail Moemoe Committee	545,498
it-management.at (ex zmi.at)	543,760
eCornell	538,532
www.GameNet.su	538,496
Dragonhunters	538,106
Selis	537,363
Japan Team WAKHOK	536,819
FaiTeuz TeaM	536,333
PARANOIA	535,366
WDS	534,603
de-generationx.net :: distributed.net Team	532,774
Taskenspiller	529,759
Hasty Pastry	528,292
Team ZYZ	527,108
z31.com	526,979
team madness	525,902
H.O.M.E.M. Team	522,756
The Edge	522,523
ETAP-Mainz	520,476
GRTG.ORG	519,930
Spain	519,570
NinthNode	517,829
FortyTwo - Belgian's number 1 !	516,460
TekSyndicate	515,348
illx.com	514,881
Howard Sterns Balls	512,171
E2HSS	507,785
I T X	507,038
black_m_group	506,728
DRP2I Security Team	506,669
Simple. Dark. Useless.	505,744
Robot Battle	505,100
Private family	505,065
Team Skummelt	505,061
FireLineClan	504,814
Team K3	500,282
Madou-puyo-ject	499,869
team punkmac.com rc5-72	498,836
North Carolina State University (NCSU)	498,490
Men Behaving Badly	493,625
Cascade Mead and Ale	493,444
Apple MacOS X RC5-72	493,308
bonk	493,164
Rx3 Distributed Team	493,101
The Wolvepack	490,220
The Skynet Alliance	489,186
pr0t0type	487,877
Team Lojik	483,634
.: Upgrade-Networks :.	480,483
Team Kiraboshi Town	478,939
Haihui Romania	478,500
TEAM CLiP at YCU	478,420
Derivataters 855184020	475,432
Worcester State College Computer Science Department	471,695
UCET	471,298
ouah	470,463
Deli Dawgs	466,330
Computer Nerds	465,617
Egham Hills	465,324
Red Cross supporters	464,708
Wild Rose Web Hosting Ltd.	464,519
livejournal	463,496
The Cracking Illini	461,496
AStRAe RC5 Team	461,206
Hungarian Cracking Team	459,915
Team Q	457,595
MAPO RC5 Crushers	457,291
Marin Research	451,958
team xj220c	451,467
POWERSystems-AIX	451,155
ANSIKO Team	450,330
Mississippi State University (MSU)	449,724
Dark Legion	449,022
Madtech Team	449,013
Computer Academic Underground	448,674
ex York Road RC5 Team	448,614
25 to Life	447,178
CommoInstallers	445,604
The Knights of Distribution	443,014
Dime Store Psychoanalysts	441,352
Desert Cows	441,156
Linux.org.ru team	439,412
Columbus Road Runner Coyotes	439,030
voycrates	438,262
BLAM	438,221
Service Informatique Des Laurentides	436,414
Team Chile	436,003
PowerSource	435,984
Team Sachsen Anhalt - ANTI M&M	435,135
Team Airdrie (Canada)	434,094
Team kecskemet.info.hu	433,139
Eressea PBeM	432,648
-=SoF=-	431,941
Kettering Delta Chi	431,614
Team BNAA.dk	430,930
LazySundayAfternoon	430,114
DPG-RC5	429,050
Southeast 2600	429,038
Trinity CZ	428,904
bauchLANdung	428,488
t a n g e r i n e	427,568
Amstel RC5 Team	427,558
Kamko's Slovak Team - Kamkova slovenska skupina	426,165
Added in 4 minutes 3 seconds:
Also edited the second post to include my current version of the Ukraine stats script. This one was only changed to include several more users with origin team tags.
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

@StefanR5R I have successfully completed a test run of this weeks stats, and compared the output with your stats post on the AT forum. The only differences are between my Folding stats and yours, but I believe this may be because they update more often than the other stats. If you think this may be of concern, I am posting the output I got for Folding here:

Code: Select all

[B]Folding@Home[/B] overall position - 12
 TeAm total for the week - 898,369,806
 TeAm rank for weekly production - 12

 __Credit/week _ UserName
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by StefanR5R »

crashtech wrote: Sun Aug 28, 2022 12:49 pm The only differences are between my Folding stats and yours, but I believe this may be because they update more often than the other stats.
True; they update every 3 hours. I admit that I am not consistent at what time of day I pull the stats.

Added in 11 minutes 26 seconds:
I edited dnet_weekly_stats_dump.sh in the opening post once more:

Previously, it silently ignored all users which were present in today's stats but were missing in last Sunday's stats. These could either be users who newly joined the team, or who renamed themselves. Now the script will include these users but will simply show all of their present points as weekly points. (Which may be right sometimes, or very wrong other times.)

In addition, the script will watch out for users which were present in last Sunday's stats but are no longer there in today's stats. These could be users who left the team, or who changed their name. The script will now show all of their points from last Sunday as negative weekly points. — If it is a renamed user, then you can manually fix the weekly stats by subtracting the points of last Sunday's user from the points of today's user.

(This change affects only OGR-28 and RC5-72, of course.)
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Location: Idaho, USA

Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

Looks like my cron job completed successfully, and there is a text file of the current stats in the home directory. One thing I'm not sure of is whether that file will be appended or overwritten next week. If it's to be appended, I should delete it manually or learn how to command it to be so in the cron job.

I'll get the dnet script updated presently.
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by StefanR5R »

OGR-28 and RC5-72 cache files from November 6. If you copy and paste them from this post, make sure you got the whitespace in there as tab characters (not e.g. space characters).

Code: Select all

BPhantom - Team AnandTech	3,463,175,249
Participant #211,018	141,189,682
stefanlenz@hotmail.com	102,105,434
drdoug@techie.com	51,378,263
tamember	16,235,631
JonB[TA]	14,870,086
GSmith - Team Anandtech	12,276,650
xii5ku	12,047,242
Jon R WI	9,597,072
Waffle	8,803,299
boehm@nc.rr.com	6,298,593
crashtech	2,683,772
LANMAN - Stop the war in Ukraine!!	2,316,189
James Zhao	1,032,685
Adenosine Triphosphate	348,461
vss1980 - Team Anandtech	173,719
Mika Anderson	27,439
katana	19,732
juergen.friebel@physik.blm.tu-muenchen.de	13,586
Mad Pierre	4,643
JohnR - Team AnandTech	31

Code: Select all

yoyo@home BOINC wrapper	15,924,851,045
Distributed Amiga	4,074,736,601
BugTraq.Ru Team. United power of xUSSR.	4,022,078,883
AnandTech 10635	3,844,597,456
BOFH@Chalmers	3,613,424,091
SEGA Users Group	3,590,073,072
linux-de.org	3,535,803,327
Dutch Power Cows	3,395,562,964
Free-DC	2,092,905,023
Czech D.NET Team	1,949,156,492
Linuxfr: French Linux Team	1,652,477,477
Team MorphOS	1,385,835,577
Team Warped (OS/2)	1,159,234,732
Ukraine	1,102,252,751
Team-Goobee.org	1,009,180,086
San Antonio Linux User Group	872,397,176
Lost Clusters - Denmark	856,337,350
Libertarians for Privacy	823,544,280
Le Pommier / MacBidouille	783,785,190
Team Hampshire College	782,235,461
Ars Technica Team Beef Roast	729,477,842
HardOCP	703,632,158
Team Austria	652,275,475
Beer Drinkers Anonymous	510,307,371
German Hardware Network	448,336,136
Team Hungary STB+	431,265,207
Power M@X	401,086,109
SwissTeam.NET	356,715,521
University of Alberta (Canada)	356,367,184
Russian Team	339,317,468
Batfink	332,279,359
Team China	331,732,091
Fuzion ! [Fr]	329,982,766
Singapore RC5 Effort	328,569,389
Virginia Tech Team	321,271,314
LowEndTalk Hoarders	262,149,477
Acorn Users Group	241,126,486
Team TU Dresden	239,814,622
US-Distributed	234,054,011
2CPU.com's RC5 Team	232,555,806
TeamNorway	227,801,818
Team EvangeLista (Macs Rule! :-)	224,991,565
Japan FreeBSD Users Group	222,383,339
TeamPfleuger	208,833,304
MFS IT Team	197,644,182
Securiteinfo.com	178,501,888
AMUG	174,167,177
Rechenkraft.net - Germany	171,945,603
Monkey Up	165,260,052
SPring-8	165,146,887
Winbiff Users Group	164,387,032
In it for the money 5018163	164,164,826
SWARH	161,464,950
#distributed	152,177,005
The #koffie Team	147,622,432
Kaizoku!	146,192,358
Kashpureff Family	145,495,305
key-snappers@umu.se	138,796,779
Crunching@EVGA	136,337,402
Team DCG	135,036,023
Team FreeBSD	133,616,178
DrakeMazzy Ukraine	129,318,124
Terminal & BBS Liane & Others RC5 Team	128,798,388
Prima e.V.	126,646,979
Belarus	125,119,521
CCC.de	120,780,558
2ch, Team	120,181,207
ParadoxZ Commando	115,423,511
TUZY - a cool Polish team	109,141,717
Slashdot.org 1365	107,204,579
Amd-Users	105,643,702
Tri-Cities RC5-64 Community Cracking Effort	105,353,360
Team Ariel	98,425,527
Bondiola Cracking Team	94,540,161
University of Nevada, Las Vegas	91,566,439
Service Informatique Des Laurentides	90,266,164
Spreewald-Black-Sheeps	89,724,988
moomin	89,383,824
QuakeNet Distributed Team	87,948,025
Team Win32 (Windows)	83,526,589
TeamUFies (All Hail the Dust Puppy!)	81,516,504
The-Space.Net	79,854,341
42	79,556,186
Super Mini Cooper UK	73,012,303
Swamp Team.RU	72,917,453
Overclockers Australia	71,227,595
Hax Force	70,528,319
Pseudo Random	70,147,067
BharatVarsh - the Indian effort	70,100,416
Japan Linux Users Group	69,226,385
Team Kaiserslautern	69,218,655
Epyon	68,660,900
XtremeSystems	68,551,995
Team Italy	66,531,248
#equin0xe (IRCnet)	66,359,538
newGraph++	64,851,092
Team Lithuania	64,834,900
Texas	63,151,073
Mormons	62,117,004
crackerz@best.net	61,655,942
Team Intek	59,803,314
Team Alaska	58,324,786
Prof. James Challis' Most Excellent UK Team	58,232,876
tianguo.net	57,786,764
Logan FH HN	56,584,904
ERBIUM	56,411,846
Thors Hammer (Denmark)	55,714,173
MIPT	54,635,491
Fishpond Networking Systems	54,596,779
The Avara Processing Pool	54,414,978
Team RealMac	52,874,991
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)	52,818,821
X Grubbers Kick Ass	52,351,925
OcUK - Overclockers UK	50,437,477
Belgian MoOo Farm	50,334,593
HACK.gr	48,943,669
Team Haiku	48,688,529
---xlr8yourmac.com---	47,267,664
Egham Hills	46,468,188
cosuard/Sonic Therapy	45,753,036
RC5 For Jesus	44,967,239
TeamComputerra - New Russian Generation	44,786,408
Clara.NET	43,428,851
PLD-Linux Team	39,910,824
On top of the STACK	39,273,196
Namibia RC5-64 team	36,827,425
Knights Who Say "Ni!"	36,194,233
Redmond Armageddon	35,281,714
ICTA (International Christian Technologists' Association)	35,241,776
Luxembourg Codebreakers	33,988,087
Unofficial Hull University Team	33,599,606
InfoData	32,894,921
Bouncy Blue Fish	32,396,682
Schizoid rc5 Crack Team	30,377,538
WNY VHF Contest Group	30,278,418
Di Gi KAIGO	30,219,677
INL	29,875,051
Sun	29,736,230
The Australian Dudes	29,591,708
Team TechIMO.com	29,182,176
Monochrome BBS	28,266,909
Washington University in St. Louis	28,186,690
RC5 Hardware Network	27,266,150
Team Bartlett	27,127,251
berthelot	27,041,258
Team Ubuntu	25,577,204
The BBS	24,998,882
Final Tear Z	24,915,558
Vancouver Island University (Canada)	24,676,615
Centre for Academic Cracking	22,961,026
Team Tolkien	22,382,592
Trideja Digital Creativity	22,372,564
''Cult Of The Dead Cows''	21,381,172
Kansas City 2600	20,895,541
Set-Top-Box Crunchers	20,805,788
RempalaNET	20,505,672
Japan Celeron Users Group	20,432,492
Marduk Brazilian Team	18,953,221
Team White Hot	18,360,258
Team Rechenschieber	17,973,600
Oregon State University	17,837,429
intergates	17,505,546
amd3dnow	16,915,156
Klingon Key Krackers	16,760,535
Team XtremePcCentral.com	16,299,165
MacVsPc	15,365,002
Team Germany (*.de / uni.de - German Universities)	15,143,740
Team Picard	15,039,424
(__) Team Cattle Mutilation (__)	15,008,668
ruhrkraut.de	14,990,680
Fachschaft IMN HTWK-Leipzig	14,985,395
Fantastic Wave Network RC5-Team	14,979,293
/dev/null	14,842,414
The Unity	14,284,426
Team Finland	14,281,197
Hogwarts	13,553,673
Esperanto	12,985,009
Team RC5/OGR - BroadBandReports.com	12,953,192
Hackerzlair	12,726,247
The New Zealand RC5 Effort	12,227,153
Kazakhstan Team	11,777,616
CCWN	11,764,823
Bishnet	11,637,313
zuzezimzulze D.Net Team	11,582,958
NullZ	11,421,427
Green Cats	11,249,460
fcsm : fr.comp.sys.mac	11,041,393
Telekomiker	11,037,963
Fidonet R18	10,979,713
RC5 Team Nidaros Data	10,866,517
Team RimArts UsersGroup	10,814,945
SETI@home (is running!!!)	10,781,627
ZeelandNet/I7ML/ibuildings/Planet.BE/Web3/Friends!	10,710,676
Team Wurst	10,534,171
The Sallies	10,319,389
Those Crazy Mudders (Harvey Mudd College)<&>	10,266,859
Ulmus	9,802,426
Productivity.ORG	9,455,659
BrainTrust	9,248,524
Team TMD	8,672,238
FINI Geeks	8,053,272
CyberSuff Orden (CSO)	7,973,232
Puget Sound Mootivators	7,959,012
Global Dragon Ltd	7,815,892
Mailtech	7,805,161
Smelly Tongues	7,650,323
Crunchers Inc	7,474,691
Lemons	7,246,713
Private family	7,225,819
Linux-Mandrake Power Users (SMP Kernel)	7,103,725
Team Macintosh	7,065,129
Ultimate Chaos	7,040,524
IOTF IMHO.WS Distributed Challenge	6,826,408
Team Porbes!	6,570,174
Team LogCabin	6,333,774
Team Stryker	5,997,885
Team MacNN	5,851,716
China Team	5,839,766
AMIGAworld	5,803,645
Hyperreal	5,791,548
Japan Windows NT Users Group	5,599,061
Team freechess.org	5,501,178
AL-Mail Users	5,388,128
Team Slacker (oow umop episdn)	4,904,133
Digiflux.org Team	4,890,987
Combustion	4,826,237
AtlantaGeeks	4,781,291
Cult of the Living Cow	4,645,780
RC5 Polish Team	4,632,642
The Hardware Group	4,427,427
South Park Cows	4,312,966
Acura & Honda Global RC5 Speed Team (Join us today!)	4,290,731
Project Moo!	4,150,033
Team OS/2 Japan	3,997,427
Pupune's team	3,990,908
Too Drunk To Compute!	3,835,775
Charles Benton only!	3,725,439
Team kecskemet.info.hu	3,707,165
Albany Golfers R Ritzy Crackers	3,699,235
Triangle'nTatibanaLab. with UHOON/HIU	3,647,410
Fehr's Acquaintances	3,635,399
IPGames	3,491,910
ClubPC-ESIEE	3,224,320
M. K. System	3,120,867
United Cracking Force - Austria (UCF)	3,066,444
AnimeGer.de Team	2,960,589
Team Baden	2,876,118
Czech National Team	2,801,447
Gehacktesmachers Team	2,774,570
de.soc.mac	2,361,927
AlphaNT	2,334,033
United States Whiskey Corps	2,287,516
China ==>> !!!R-O-C-K-S!!!	2,225,632
Debian GNU Linux	2,199,661
Texas Longhorns	2,167,951
Team RC5.de - Deutschland (Germany) - Team #php.de	2,057,834
BH of TKE at UMR	2,003,788
Team KaWo2 (RWTH-Aachen)	1,970,314
Team Ninja - The Counts of Crunch	1,967,669
Team Lanners :)	1,941,513
Daily Rush	1,929,596
PINGUIM: Portugal Is Now Going Up In Megakeys	1,913,699
hashcat.net	1,911,960
Doomathon.Com	1,905,999
The Knights of Xenu - exposing scientology	1,888,855
Red Sox Nation	1,880,663
Cyber Industry	1,810,852
[HSD]	1,793,823
maystrenko.com	1,769,911
Team DENKEN	1,730,553
UKUUG	1,698,235
Team Denshin8go Users	1,693,569
Denser from Russia, Murmansk, SPb	1,669,897
Plaidhat	1,637,903
Arizona State University (ASU) Multi-Platform effort	1,627,170
Team Yakima	1,610,380
vamosalaplaya	1,577,482
Distributed Spanish Team	1,543,362
Viking MUD	1,536,664
Neonshadow.Net's Distributed.Net Domination Squad	1,485,469
The Microlinks Team	1,424,921
Clan Terra Fracta!	1,421,144
FoxRiverValley CrackAttack	1,354,917
Freakland	1,351,695
Team Skralg	1,346,616
planetunreal.de	1
Team Visi - Vector Internet Services	1,298,301
KeyWarrior	1,238,025
[TKC] Team	1,228,995
netilium.org	1,225,021
gErMaN-eLiTe.net	1,223,315
IPT	1,210,247
Mexico Aztec crackers	1,073,927
Akiho_Minori	1,072,208
Cheeze And Crackerz	965,246
Safari Hood and Friends	950,187
Team DEATH CRIMSON	928,450
Niko-Developers	838,996
GCFL RC5 Team	838,811
TeamHalfIron	812,991
Team Witchvox (The Witches' Voice vs. RC5-72)	789,955
Nuke	779,592
L_Alliance Francophone	778,796
Cows With Guns	733,385
Krill Generadores	708,047
Festering Aluminum Monkeys	700,236
flufkassarna	688,647
Indonesia Raya (aka GBT)	660,624
Team ALTYUU	658,746
Team J-KIDS	653,829
AKT now	644,218
Apan Pelle	640,065
os	602,051
Team Hawkeye	594,075
Jp & Friends	583,702
Team Kiwi - New Zealand	577,474
team madness	576,394
Intel RC5-72	561,695
Cow County Computers	559,503
SAP	552,928
Stats Lovers	549,468
Twintail Moemoe Committee	546,222
IdleTimeEaters	534,754
KAlCh	518,321
Sparky's Team	504,341
Hawkfield	490,745
Universally Challenged	485,296
D.Free	477,988
North Carolina State University (NCSU)	474,083
Total Depravity	473,384
Dragonhunters	470,231
Turkish RC5-72 Team	468,328
LinuxNET RC5	463,422
F-body Organization	463,395
Computer Magazine Belgium	458,260
No Agenda Show	453,011
Team rANdOm	429,429
Goons of DEFCON	413,884
Show Me The Money	407,127
Kot Scriptor [Belgium]	402,704
#letstalk Undernet.Org Users Alliance (CRACK SOME KEYS!)	399,335
Apathy Central Engineering	389,918
Team Tower	383,248
Hong Kong Linux User Group (HKLUG)	371,007
Bitcoin	364,935
Kamko's Slovak Team - Kamkova slovenska skupina	362,435
Fires Of Kaos	361,918
Hamlink.org	359,546
Freestyle Dust	358,068
Garlic-Twins	352,123
Eternal Sun	339,213
Moo! Wrapper Project	330,762
L0pht Old Sk00l	327,905
PerfectLAN	295,657
Super	285,514
Planet 3DNow!	259,879
Michigan State University (MSU Spartans)	251,206
BOfH.de	234,391
Triangle Fraternity	232,479
Cotse Help Desk	223,709
HGS	221,757
Delphi Cartel	218,988
Ardjan's Team	212,112
distributed.Bulgaria	208,519
CDCorner	205,552
Team Dream Train	197,733
LHQ	188,048
Texas Aggie Distributed Computing Team	185,560
The Old Republic	182,740
The Cracking Illini	180,126
Cow Killers	171,026
Taiwan NCTU	163,495
Christians	162,479
Stampede Hannover	159,998
networksession.de	149,046
RC5-72 crackerz	144,130
Japan Gateway2000 Users Team	142,281
CCO Wuerzburg/Germany	141,694
Arch Linux Users	141,276
Team Romania	139,939
pLATE sTEEL pRODUCTIONS & friends	138,297
Atlan's Army	134,043
Ministry of Information	129,701
GeoCities Crack Team	127,686
Trinet Instruments	124,766
LiveNudeFrogs	124,114
Girton College, Cambridge	122,747
Saga-City	120,813
Team Chile	104,187
kyberia.sk	102,414
The Gathering RC5 Project 2010	97,102
The Ocean State Free-Net (osfn.org)	95,070
Hong Kong Golden	93,525
Matrix World Team	90,018
Adelphi Panthers	87,766
Warwick Distributed	85,457
Overclocking.dk	81,323
Last man standing - Cosacs !!!!	77,247
Taiwan NKMU	74,827
nullirc.net	74,197
Moonbreaker Italian power	70,707
Dzikopka	70,280
pope-wintermute	69,431
Very Fuzzy Logic	62,129
Neudorfer Rechenfront	61,164
Team Whirlpool	59,915
Red Cross supporters	59,244
housemartin	58,528
Searching for a Wild North American Panda.	57,602
Navaho	56,489
UK BOINC Team	55,867
Snow White Orchestra	55,103
High-Voltage Animal Crackers	53,538
alfapomorze.pl	49,470
[Ace Corp]	47,557
POWERSystems-AIX	46,809
Media Arts and Production, University of Bedfordshire, UK	46,324
DeltaSzwadron	44,191
Rats in a Maze	44,116
Swedish Mac Team	42,629
Algenta	42,371
Team #jpWareZ	41,758
Szimat Csapat	41,338
ZA - South Africa	41,260
Shadow Productions	39,499
TeXintosh Japan (Kaisei Physics Club)	37,089
NSA v2.0	33,639
Macha Crackers KL, Malaysia	32,810
[PL] Mac Team PL	31,816
Kurats Supreme Team	31,749
dualboot.net	31,446
Geek Platoon	30,793
Team UNL (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)	25,669
Hyperial Group, Inc.	24,426
Team eKuriren	24,321
ftju	23,726
Team Sluggy Freelance	23,458
zero	21,105
Team 1113	21,000
ResExcellence!	20,638
RC5 Brasil and Brazil	20,102
Team Canada	19,171
The Logrus Box	18,614
Allstate Cows	17,122
openMosix	16,963
FCC - Farsta Cracking Crew	16,554
The Ummagumma Group	14,481
Earth Rocket	14,375
Hitoride dekirumon	13,191
Dublin	13,036
Poland [licz z nami :-)] Przygarnij krowke Muu	12,722
dnetc@Home BOINC Team	12,077
nyx.cz	11,856
kite_psychos	11,250
New Russian Team	11,225
ADSL IRC.MP3CREW.NU team for the netherlands	10,012
Team Dai Viet	9,970
CommoInstallers	9,856
Team Ottawa U	9,836
Team Wittenberg	9,327
livejournal	9,192
Team Japan HAM Radio Stations	8,702
*** Team Yeti ***	7,655
UMIX	7,439
Team Sweden	7,203
Atomicfrog RC5 Team	6,791
Darkside Group of Servers	6,477
BT Labs	6,435
INSA de Lyon	6,345
Sacred Cow Priests of Moo	5,970
Key-eating Vikings From Denmark!	5,864
za.MegaTeam	5,760
Everything2.com	5,464
MultiPleX	5,171
bns_cruncher	5,042
Alex & Friends	4,915
Madou-puyo-ject	4,214
The TI RC5 Team	4,165
U.Mass Lowell	3,977
Team TUDelft!	3,700
TBA-Home and Friends	3,440
TEA-club	2,317
danmarknet.com	2,269
Tick Tick Boom	2,122
Team Gotleet	1,896
[Delete]	1,837
The Andre & Associates Team	1,668
Connecticut Universities Team	1,666
Rulla Sakta	1,450
Virginia Tech Athletics	1,437
Nellens rc5 Cohorte	1,189
Waschbuesch Family Team	965
Avid Technology	891
Team BNAA.dk	874
The Idle Time Chattown Collective	827
Galicia (Spain)	815
BP6 Poland	708
The Crunching Dinosaurs	605
kband	590
Kentucky [RC-5] Team	501
Just Say No To Cracking	487
Linux@Home	430
REALLY pissed Mad-Villains	406
The Scions of Geekdom	393
Extreme Comp	228
go ozmac!	196
Ignatz Mustus bitflipper	180
EvilMind	164
Knights of the Dinner Table	156
Inner Revolution	118
UNI Halle, Cantorianer and Friends	73
sponholz.de	64
Softimage RC5 Crew [Turkiye]	61
Russian anti-kapitalist bunnies from hell	49
Happy Meal Toys	43
IIE	39
University of Akron Distributed Computing Team	36
Microsux.dk	33
Dione Plc	31
Tribune	19
Latvian Linux Users Group (LLUG)	9
The Crash Helmets	0

Code: Select all

LANMAN - Stop the war in Ukraine!!	342,116,397
crashtech	48,088,222
stefanlenz@hotmail.com	41,540,764
xii5ku	26,360,214
phoenicis	16,093,072
emoga	13,754,863
Fardringle	12,182,644
10esseeTony	4,638,640
James Zhao	3,992,998
Ken_g6 - TeAm Anandtech	3,931,203
sbrusgaard@worldonline.dk	2,409,884
Waffle	2,272,821
jason_mcc@myrealbox.com	1,620,121
<--Havoc--{{{ Team AnandTech	1,506,050
f00_devil@yahoo.com	1,463,085
JohnR - Team AnandTech	1,173,746
BPhantom - Team AnandTech	1,135,078
Choralone - Team Anandtech	1,076,370
tmanning	1,063,529
Cthulhu	961,091
FoBoT	793,688
Mad Pierre	757,117
stsc_subs@yahoo.com	753,518
Wrish	706,187
iamwiz82@hotmail.com	639,742
brian@journey360.com	639,208
richardbarnet	567,195
tom.rowden@nomos.com	562,090
ViRGE - Team AnandTech	551,787
vss1980 - Team Anandtech	484,291
MarcelliusIkaP	472,311
boehm@nc.rr.com	430,708
Mike Team Anandtech	397,026
Dougal - Team Anandtech	396,369
ob1 - TeamAnandtech	393,477
Ken	383,180
EricW - Team AnandTech	380,935
davekm@columbus.rr.com	365,164
JHutch - Team AnandTech	343,548
Participant #243,878	282,060
timvehrs@bigfoot.com	280,739
burnedout -Team AnandTech	260,666
Participant #211,018	249,930
Participant #380,854	249,781
oddtore@gmail.com	246,615
Mark	240,101
Tonto - Team Anandtech	239,415
TK-421 - Team AnandTech	234,001
moleca - Team AnandTech	210,258
cdlweasel@hotmail.com	197,251
holmqer@photodiver.com	180,889
zzuupp	171,392
jayBee666	171,052
cyberwire@gmail.com	169,382
Hoser	168,727
RazzleUltra	165,548
MiNdFkR	163,902
GSmith - Team Anandtech	152,730
Participant #472,649	147,063
jetskr9@jetskr9.net	141,109
TheCool1 - Team AnandTech	140,722
Participant #457,962	138,071
The Wolf	133,056
refranke@ktis.net	130,393
FrostyPhrog	126,921
kfonda@compuwiz.com	100,338
Mika Anderson	96,406
juergen.friebel@physik.blm.tu-muenchen.de	89,879
tamember	89,632
egoist [BugTraq.Ru]	89,461
LeBlatt - Team Anandtech	84,641
Hawkeye (Team Anandtech)	81,158
BGod	80,347
James Clarke	73,380
Chokko	71,872
tim@fightingevil.com	71,688
Participant #189,684	71,122
cvermeer@sark.com	68,573
c0rleone@yahoo.com	65,295
philippd@gmx.net	65,011
bighen - Team AnandTech	64,099
merlocka@hotmail.com	60,621
mmurdock@kimballequipment.com	55,141
Phukinaround	54,313
Marc Bloch	53,965
Participant #467,034	53,672
Buzzman	52,835
tierno@lotas-smartman.net	52,046
Dazman	50,206
Participant #437,341	48,448
MrBadidea	46,309
everlyr@earthlink.net	44,666
Camm - ** Team Anandtech **	44,605
nathan1724@yahoo.com	43,909
Nozler	43,863
Wall Man - Team AnandTech	43,321
anandtrader200@mail.com	42,160
maximprince@hotmail.com	40,494
ripper7@rogers.com	40,165
antithug@zoomtown.com	38,965
durifuto@iol.it	38,775
Dogbert	38,719
silent@soltec.net	38,368
Tom Servo - TeAm AnandTech	35,916
bryan@bryanmoore.com	35,696
nkwan@direct.ca	35,603
Cyril	33,724
pnixon@gmail.com	33,409
god@who.net	32,295
skullone@skull-tech.com	31,704
ffattizzi@yahoo.com	30,696
fciccone@westnet.com.au	29,680
prawnstar@ihug.co.nz	29,489
stechsrw@email.uc.edu	28,269
irish.dot@gmail.com	28,255
s_kosobucki@yahoo.com	28,007
Jon R WI	26,307
Mad Pierre	25,031
todd@gatorline.com	24,894
thehiveisswarming@yahoo.com	24,573
d-net@warberg-revision.dk	24,255
rc5cracker@adelphia.net	23,459
Lagzilla	22,098
synscan@gmail.com	21,946
mnelsonx@earthlink.net	21,873
neo0983@yahoo.com	21,432
Jason Allen	21,168
icemandave@hotmail.com	19,561
leerickp@hotmail.com	18,822
Anders Pedersen	18,771
Atheras - Team AnandTech	18,438
Jason181	18,133
Participant #412,250	18,110
saintdev@gmail.com	17,481
EminK	16,990
jda1701@yahoo.com	16,845
piku@the-nextlevel.com	16,778
ss59	16,245
jcass736@hotmail.com	15,207
Kevin Berkheiser	15,192
watson81@bellsouth.net	14,802
[TOR] SpaceWalker - The Old Republic	14,604
mic.scott@sympatico.ca	14,216
twioz@yahoo.com	14,009
Participant #199,649	13,120
rkm@mindless.com	12,938
heathcliff@gmx.com	12,171
davequaad@hotmail.com	12,135
landwarrior2005@yahoo.com	12,067
cnc@ultraaccess.com	12,035
Netviper	11,922
pw@eiox.com	10,553
Team Anandtech Member - Strates	10,378
Jeff Baron	9,767
Captain_Rob - AnandTech	9,638
erikf@cse.ucsc.edu	9,261
tobla909@student.liu.se	9,192
Participant #130,784	9,040
Participant #472,874	9,013
Tom Philippart	8,916
marnolke@hotmail.com	8,857
kallen@uwalumni.com	8,836
Hendrik Asper	8,710
tsheaffer@imcinteractive.com	8,477
Polo - TA	8,294
wolfen_21@hotmail.com	8,238
dmech@neo.rr.com	7,984
ashviper@geocities.com	7,811
DragonFire - Team AnandTech	7,734
Thanushan Kanagaratnam	7,191
BlackFlagg	6,589
gunnar.wretlind@home.se	6,546
zsouthboy	6,539
dtravis7@sbcglobal.net	5,956
Clueless - Team AnandTech	5,914
blilly@eng.utoledo.edu	5,702
mandrill123@hotmail.com	5,606
The Train - [Team AnandTech]	5,095
denali - Team Anandtech	5,029
ghettobilly@gmail.com	4,927
FL4K	4,865
dstingel@mac.com	4,831
mweinig@yahoo.com	4,731
rich-dnet@fumble.free-online.co.uk	4,701
reillyjf@comcast.net	4,665
psgsr44@hotmail.com	4,610
Brakus	4,590
TA_Marthisdil@hotmail.com	4,494
Species 8472 - Team ANANDTECH!	4,432
nikclev@hotmail.com	4,406
Kubla Khan	4,357
brad_swanson@bigfoot.com	4,200
Athlex	4,153
[TA] Roddd	3,985
pudgygiantb2@yahoo.com	3,869
Seti Cavalry	3,826
Adenosine Triphosphate	3,774
distributed@moli.ws	3,553
kochihka@msu.edu	3,548
kank@qx.net	3,344
molaughlen@hotmail.com	3,321
Rhobite	3,163
JHamilton@Earthling.Net	3,120
Participant #398,977	3,094
Meph+Heph	3,066
sonik - Team Anandtech	2,990
cirrus	2,731
Jason Bilbrey	2,680
epieper@yahoo.com	2,623
abitserver@cox.net	2,475
dr.sutton@btinternet.com	2,473
rwf@gpcom.net	2,403
thomal456@aol.com	2,395
Zabolotsky Andrey (Russia)	2,360
scott@clearycorner.com	2,272
joe_stevensen@yahoo.com	2,238
Wamingo - Team Anandtech	2,165
drakelord@hotmail.com	2,112
kkennard@iquest.net	2,095
SVIPER000@aol.com	2,076
Francis Letourneau	2,003
OrangeKid	1,990
john_nicholas_f@hotmail.com	1,886
mike@mikemass.org	1,880
IsOs of AnandTech	1,751
tchinhe@hotmail.com	1,741
jason@oldos.org	1,733
deans@oemfab.com	1,688
Bartman	1,678
scoser@iastate.edu	1,649
mitchell.stuart@gmail.com	1,604
sciencewhiz	1,581
sno@seductive.com	1,576
daerid@io.com	1,526
joshliechty@hotmail.com	1,513
chuck@churtle.com	1,513
Pimotan	1,500
cryptor2718@excite.com	1,405
Arlen - Team AnandTech	1,377
Tigleon	1,360
zk501@yahoo.com	1,339
Tiger	1,322
mitevelkov@yahoo.com	1,316
jmorck@magnitudeweb.com	1,282
Boris	1,242
drdoug@techie.com	1,237
frolic	1,198
lordsidhu@hotmail.com	1,168
dwphenix@houston.rr.com	1,088
Participant #325,315	1,040
zed@pacbell.net	1,039
jaredneilsen@hotmail.com	1,035
jboggs619@yahoo.com	1,029
shota@virtuafighter.com	1,020
katana	951
JonB[TA]	854
napalm381	834
TA Cube	823
Dragon Puppy	797
SlangNRox-TeamAnandtech	775
Sabreguy - Team AnandTech	747
sdoane@bellsouth.net	736
Participant #329,550	703
armstsho@mail.netdoor.com	657
[NYC] Flash	634
jrc_can@bellsouth.net	629
kantana	613
Fire Elemental	613
crazy-train@home.se	532
mfl0p	520
Slawomir Malusecki	513
africamp@yahoo.com	509
bwappo@ee.net	488
johnertron@netzero.net	487
potatobreath	483
gabs@swipnet.se	473
JC	472
Hasse	468
jwt@babbage.ie	430
Fingers	402
Brtspears2	392
crYnOid - Team Anandtech	390
joelryan2k@hotmail.com	381
FlameDeer, TA	361
mmuller2@cfl.rr.com	355
aurigas81@hotmail.com	352
killbat@swbell.net	352
ziana@extrotech.net	330
zhossp@yahoo.com	327
george_powell@hotpop.com	318
dbujnovsky@fnfinc.com	293
Participant #275,367	292
mark.fillingham@gmail.com	271
raven42rac@cox.net	255
Eric Durant - Team AnandTech	240
Darkone - TeAm Anandtech	238
onnd	227
lessthanjake_666@hotmail.com	206
xcellentops@earthlink.net	200
dkappos - Team Anandtech	200
surfingtheweb@hotmail.com	194
WiggleToad	176
mawster.chadwick@home.com	174
davez34	167
dedavidson@stlnet.com	161
antpellegrino@theriver.com	152
pguei@uci.edu	148
srue@iname.com	143
zerin85310@yahoo.com	142
Participant #288,382	140
czhang@stratag.com	135
10us	132
Oblivion - Team AnandTech	130
frhvekr@yahoo.com	128
omk@edu.kauhajoki.fi	124
jim@microhlp.com	119
tchatzi@arx.gr	111
mander@loginet.com	105
Terry	105
[TA]Miraculix	105
shdtree.1@email.com	100
derek@zeanah.com	100
William Thomas	97
Yoshi	94
superpenguin76@hotmail.com	92
dave@unrealpc.com	91
dobbinsm@nc.rr.com	87
erwinw@gmail.com	85
HeavyIron	85
nemesis099@yahoo.com	78
dmaeby@hotmail.com	77
kendrakirai@home.com	76
got2beazn@hotmail.com	76
ThomasL - Team AnandTech	76
dr_catlips@yahoo.com	75
nexus9@snet.net	72
idlorj@aol.com	62
peterzal@hotmail.com	55
fifthfactor@hotmail.com	54
mshafrir@wam.umd.edu	53
ccrunner84@aol.com	52
jtids@btinternet.com	49
modisette@inu.net	43
V@LE	41
L Ziegler	40
kkkjunk@hotmail.com	38
mikari@nyc.rr.com	33
corycalvert@hotmail.com	31
WX - Team AnandTech!	31
espenorio@netscape.net	29
simon.holm@get2net.dk	29
johnny97@bellatlantic.net	28
crazy106@aol.com	28
The Driver - Team AnandTech	26
rhuel@thomasians.com	25
98021236@uni.massey.ac.nz	25
Mach	24
Acrolein	23
sealerd@hotmail.com	18
fornoth@myway.com	18
jesser@portup.com	17
will.amesbury@c4.com	15
JJ	13
bschutz@hotmail.com	12
superchkn@hotmail.com	12
oracleknowledge@teamvertigo.org	9
hippy_student@yahoo.com	9
abmoss@cc.usu.edu	9
postmaster@subz3r0.be	8
kevin.park@virgin.net	8
Will Poteet	7
SyZ	1

Code: Select all

dnetc@Home BOINC Team	7,909,312,099
Dutch Power Cows	3,595,475,290
BugTraq.Ru Team. United power of xUSSR.	3,041,071,721
---xlr8yourmac.com---	1,789,321,931
Distributed Amiga	1,756,922,458
XtremeSystems	1,231,010,724
German Hardware Network	948,113,679
BOFH@Chalmers	890,533,024
Ars Technica Team Beef Roast	880,242,779
Japan FreeBSD Users Group	849,886,661
Japan Linux Users Group	816,721,051
zero	775,378,474
Ukraine	728,243,847
Logan FH HN	652,396,294
Free-DC	638,867,705
Team Win32 (Windows)	561,207,515
AnandTech 10635	546,158,106
Dorms	538,476,093
Amd-Users	514,351,766
HardOCP	450,086,696
Team Warped (OS/2)	447,929,261
TeamNorway	438,064,259
Knights Who Say "Ni!"	374,264,830
Power M@X	365,566,505
Acorn Users Group	359,348,053
Libertarians for Privacy	308,740,409
Russian Team	303,335,108
US-Distributed	301,662,683
L_Alliance Francophone	292,806,719
Le Pommier / MacBidouille	271,439,845
Kaizoku!	267,818,854
Team FreeBSD	265,395,009
The Old Republic	247,032,330
Team Motorcyclist Japan	244,373,961
Rechenkraft.net - Germany	232,933,245
Lost Circuits	227,527,368
CCWN	217,497,582
Team DENKEN	211,103,715
Encryption Is For Sissies!	208,488,260
linux-de.org	199,267,455
Linuxfr: French Linux Team	198,631,819
Team China	197,558,334
Team EvangeLista (Macs Rule! :-)	185,370,856
amd3dnow	180,681,490
MU Software DNet Team	164,776,299
Team - It ain't easy.	161,584,749
OcUK - Overclockers UK	159,453,913
BattleForce	158,714,728
Team RC5/OGR - BroadBandReports.com	152,058,373
2ch, Team	151,863,276
Team Picard	141,926,606
Triangle'nTatibanaLab. with UHOON/HIU	139,206,551
Final Tear Z	121,539,432
Crunching@EVGA	121,008,149
University of Alberta (Canada)	118,303,288
SwissTeam.NET	116,318,566
Team OS/2 Japan	112,865,258
TeamComputerra - New Russian Generation	107,821,471
Czech D.NET Team	101,919,956
Japan Windows NT Users Group	97,608,767
Universe	97,379,589
RC5 Polish Team	96,320,452
Team Witchvox (The Witches' Voice vs. RC5-72)	93,253,910
Singapore RC5 Effort	92,979,752
TeamUFies (All Hail the Dust Puppy!)	92,626,941
AL-Mail Users	92,086,910
Team Lanners :)	89,470,661
Klingon Key Krackers	86,040,258
Oregon State University	84,900,036
B Team	83,625,302
Team KIKUMARU	83,534,006
Tribune	82,681,353
Team BeOS	80,817,488
High-Voltage Animal Crackers	79,596,872
Team Japan HAM Radio Stations	79,580,595
Team tea come I	79,136,384
maystrenko.com	75,126,831
Team Blorf	74,785,420
Team Trojan	73,652,277
Team Hungary STB+	73,634,334
CCC.de	71,642,376
UK BOINC Team	71,480,342
Belgian MoOo Farm	71,476,664
AMD Zone	71,180,347
lagnaf	71,179,199
Project Moo!	69,568,947
The Idle Time Chattown Collective	66,311,884
AMUG	66,165,332
Planet 3DNow!	65,984,951
RC5 For Jesus	64,887,538
Team RimArts UsersGroup	61,283,716
nullirc.net	60,429,562
Singapore Digital Fragments	60,248,345
Moo! Wrapper Project	58,484,368
Czech National Team	58,471,811
Prima e.V.	57,671,470
Winbiff Users Group	56,712,025
RC5 Hardware Network	56,557,238
Belarus	55,533,434
Ai's Team	54,959,347
Ultimate Chaos	54,054,992
2CPU.com's RC5 Team	52,419,194
Team XtremePcCentral.com	51,879,885
ICTA (International Christian Technologists' Association)	51,496,712
Team Ninja - The Counts of Crunch	50,766,974
#distributed	50,579,505
Distributed Spanish Team	48,632,424
Team Austria	47,433,336
The-Space.Net	46,742,629
Monochrome BBS	46,003,970
Crunchers Inc	45,404,154
Global Dragon Ltd	45,381,549
pr0c3X0r 0v3rC	3
Lost Clusters - Denmark	44,670,062
Pseudo Random	44,385,017
Swamp Team.RU	44,287,578
Team DCG	44,041,067
Team rANdOm	43,610,773
Team Alaska	42,999,452
DiabloNET	41,884,889
SMP Monkeys	41,537,741
Cows With Guns	40,329,621
Bletchley Park codebreakers	40,045,446
genius crunchers	39,829,523
SEGA Users Group	38,605,961
kleperis	38,453,514
fcsm : fr.comp.sys.mac	38,372,414
Team MacNN	37,834,073
NSWC-COR -- Go Navy!	36,388,361
ArmadaWeb	36,269,900
ruhrkraut.de	36,142,889
Epyon	35,971,768
[HSD]	35,421,053
team bukkake	35,209,147
Team RC5.de - Deutschland (Germany) - Team #php.de	34,761,080
Monkey Up	34,020,679
The Hardware Group	34,000,045
Team 123	33,923,198
Computer Magazine Belgium	32,695,268
Tri-Cities RC5-64 Community Cracking Effort	32,318,584
ParadoxZ Commando	32,250,864
CFWC	32,187,103
Fuzion ! [Fr]	32,029,454
Bivio Networks	31,582,795
Neonshadow.Net's Distributed.Net Domination Squad	31,441,478
The Scions of Geekdom	31,308,593
unskilled	28,779,177
Luxembourg Codebreakers	28,389,552
GPU Power	28,361,494
German Team -No CPU Idle-	28,338,436
Moonbreaker Italian power	27,922,106
Allstate Cows	27,215,715
Team Lithuania	26,601,369
Team Ubuntu	26,573,945
Team Skralg	26,385,024
VoodooEYE	26,011,958
IOTF IMHO.WS Distributed Challenge	25,692,252
Festering Aluminum Monkeys	25,395,439
In it for the money 5018163	25,234,440
PLD-Linux Team	25,171,103
The-Hall e.V.	24,249,021
Swedish Mac Team	24,153,306
Rude Silhouette	23,893,769
Gehacktesmachers Team	23,511,335
Overclockers Australia	22,459,322
iri2K [Fr]	22,140,798
Team TMD	22,037,284
Twofo	21,594,113
CPU Burn	21,570,397
kyberia.sk	21,217,581
Kot Scriptor [Belgium]	21,204,934
The Knights of Xenu - exposing scientology	21,009,613
AMIGAworld	20,894,112
NetBSD Users	20,880,220
SWARH	20,707,099
Slashdot.org 1365	20,683,237
Team Baden	20,494,004
San Antonio Linux User Group	20,021,324
Team Finland	19,733,551
Securiteinfo.com	19,717,521
(_)IIIIIIIID	19,580,452
Team White Hot	19,356,853
IronCowTeam	19,352,109
CDCorner	19,305,142
networksession.de	18,648,531
Hong Kong Golden	18,371,929
Arktis Baeren	18,012,620
Secant DataCenter	17,721,586
The DNet Brute Squad	17,586,310
---==[CRACKING AUSTRIA]==---	17,516,233
Computing Science, Curtin University	17,387,248
Indonesia Raya (aka GBT)	17,023,836
Stampede Hannover	16,935,541
schwaebische alb germany	16,804,018
The Genocide2600 Group and Friends	16,739,275
altair-4	16,593,889
NBC GIGA FAN TEAM	16,334,725
SETI.Germany	16,301,238
Team freechess.org	15,538,641
/dev/null	15,069,892
The Sallies	14,846,973
Virginia Tech Athletics	14,843,636
drift@tihlde	14,475,953
U.Mass Lowell	14,473,709
key-snappers@umu.se	14,067,586
Team IVG	14,023,415
Team MorphOS	13,990,076
FINI Geeks	13,983,555
Bishnet	13,899,535
Moo	13,706,809
One of the RC5 crack team in Hong Kong	13,561,422
Chairforce1	13,246,445
Michigan State University (MSU Spartans)	12,647,376
The Team	12,497,326
The #NZLinux RC5 Effort	12,462,611
moomin	12,378,268
TeamHalfIron	12,231,901
Sternwarte	12,060,116
Team AMOs HOUSE	12,029,263
Centre for Academic Cracking	11,770,060
Student-NET from university of ILMENAU	11,365,612
University of Nevada, Las Vegas	11,340,771
Born2OC.be	11,262,596
Pink Cow	11,229,618
The Phoenix Team	11,212,629
Breene Team	11,212,230
Tick Tick Boom	11,049,103
Need To Speed	10,922,710
TeamDistributed	10,870,541
lowtech.net	10,727,303
The Pirate Fleet	10,696,361
UCF Institute for Simulation and Training	10,609,335
AKT now	10,416,033
Team NISOC(Niigata, Japan)	10,031,807
Trinet Instruments	10,001,503
Fluffy as Fuck	9,991,638
TEA TIME	9,906,701
Tennessee Tech Computer Science Dept	9,822,590
Redmond Armageddon	9,726,995
University of Virginia Computer Science	9,726,152
Team PureSoul.com (JAPAN)	9,674,718
Carinthian AMD Power Cows	9,661,585
Texas Aggie Distributed Computing Team	9,621,326
Hackerzlair	9,616,417
Remedy 2004	9,538,335
Sakakibara Infomation Labo	9,413,572
519	9,382,429
Brian's Penguins	9,338,369
Taiwan NCTU	9,255,014
cosuard/Sonic Therapy	9,239,496
LiveNudeFrogs	9,218,077
Namibia RC5-64 team	9,213,338
Moj's 64 Nuts	9,159,989
The Unity	9,108,486
The Discordian Society	9,079,257
Team-Goobee.org	9,076,631
OpenBSD	9,065,997
QUADFARM	9,051,207
nyx.cz	9,038,705
Wendy	8,978,059
Happy Meal Toys	8,894,134
Everything2.com	8,873,239
DrakeMazzy Ukraine	8,823,273
Team #jpWareZ	8,768,708
Geek Thing	8,644,043
Guldfisk.dk (Denmark)	8,389,441
Debian GNU Linux	8,375,704
Deadcat Racing	8,342,819
Mitsubishi Montero Club of Ventura County and Beyond	8,239,364
Team Macintosh	8,157,667
Kazakhstan Team	8,072,931
Holy Penguins	7,706,599
Turkish RC5-72 Team	7,678,210
hashcat.net	7,639,024
Team UNL (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)	7,612,264
team kushi.ro	7,516,705
za.MegaTeam	7,452,821
Lunacite Distributed team	7,451,962
de.soc.mac	7,386,569
Team DF LTH	7,271,323
CyberNetic	7,188,751
Team Betfair	7,101,034
Krill Generadores	7,046,209
EvilMind	7,038,470
Hubert Hahn and friends	6,904,661
distributed.Bulgaria	6,877,062
The Australian Dudes	6,787,823
UGTU UPI	6,784,755
ExiledOnes	6,447,724
Team ECS (toyama-u.ac.jp)	6,431,882
University of Maine RC5 Team	6,418,578
Mormons	6,417,220
The Three G's	6,275,206
Clan Brutal Butchers	6,257,122
Those Crazy Mudders (Harvey Mudd College)<&>	6,215,553
[KTC] Keep Them Crunching Dutch Overclock Team	6,085,028
Worldwide TechServices	6,055,414
Algenta	6,043,031
Case Western Reserve University	5,960,925
RC5 Brasil and Brazil	5,944,491
Team Freezee Pop	5,944,389
DDP - Tha' Digital DawgPound	5,931,953
VGAPlaneteers United	5,926,491
SBICT	5,901,764
The Flying RPGs	5,858,779
Portuguese White Hats - Combined Portuguese Effort	5,822,060
Team LogCabin	5,798,167
Hellenic RC5 Team: [Hellenic Macintosh Users Group]-[YAT]	5,612,212
AHO_forum	5,580,269
China Team	5,572,325
TUZY - a cool Polish team	5,523,121
Atlan's Army	5,518,341
MacDogCows	5,508,877
b0nk!	5,455,880
The Fragile Alliance	5,453,122
Team Insecure	5,421,922
Nellens rc5 Cohorte	5,361,811
Team TU Dresden	5,355,058
alfapomorze.pl	5,305,747
Rats in a Maze	5,284,066
Denser from Russia, Murmansk, SPb	5,283,194
Action League Now!	5,234,354
N-one Enterprises	5,141,361
Astek	5,088,466
[Ace Corp]	5,071,506
BharatVarsh - the Indian effort	5,065,924
Adelphi Panthers	5,051,386
German_Treff_Team	4,960,194
UNI Halle, Cantorianer and Friends	4,958,525
ngsoftware	4,947,183
CoolNetwork	4,898,728
gErMaN-eLiTe.net	4,889,969
slow motion	4,830,831
Team Kiwi - New Zealand	4,746,957
alt-hacker.org	4,714,383
fehkers	4,661,413
Clan Fx	4,612,131
a crowd of people	4,560,252
Prof. James Challis' Most Excellent UK Team	4,532,865
Team Ludus	4,497,997
Team Denshin8go Users	4,420,180
MrLUG	4,415,730
Team eKuriren	4,381,644
palex RC5	4,374,607
WinEasy	4,365,483
Team Lastleaf	4,363,733
DvS TeaM	4,336,633
D2MC EDV Dienstleistungen	4,313,496
Team masaba Japan	4,312,476
NuTonium	4,305,681
The Harbingers of Light	4,276,586
quigo	4,228,257
D.Free	4,215,512
Focaljet	4,206,047
Last man standing - Cosacs !!!!	4,181,485
now wireless broadband	4,140,537
Terminal & BBS Liane & Others RC5 Team	4,122,779
Moobar	4,121,409
Show Me The Money	4,112,136
AtlantaGeeks	4,039,635
Cyber Industry	4,033,767
Tokkoyaro 68k Team	4,020,768
Da Family	4,011,291
Fantastic Wave Network RC5-Team	3,983,826
kband	3,970,185
Team Canada	3,826,802
TBA-Home and Friends	3,751,685
kukkais	3,745,563
In Remembrance of DaCrypticsCrew	3,706,945
RC5@layton.org	3,680,423
LVFbody	3,678,333
bns_cruncher	3,640,955
SDSM&T March-Dake	3,630,727
Warp Internet KOBE	3,598,551
MoltenRain.com!	3,585,714
Krull Team Russia	3,583,950
SGA POLSKA	3,572,755
go ozmac!	3,557,560
Trideja Digital Creativity	3,526,980
qnxZone	3,524,338
ISU Cyclone Fans	3,489,844
Western Washington University	3,446,988
Fishpond Networking Systems	3,441,498
JetHead	3,439,077
Team Sysadmin	3,340,347
RIT Alumni	3,334,534
WNY VHF Contest Group	3,317,012
The BC Wireless Project	3,312,678
GR8HAX	3,311,139
NWGO	3,294,297
Christians	3,248,896
Team Wittenberg	3,208,303
SLATE	3,162,596
Team JTR	3,137,614
Team Design Media	3,121,376
Virginia Tech Team	3,080,060
AlphaNT	3,076,424
www.VMETRO.com	3,052,797
Japan Celeron Users Group	3,023,905
Dakota Mailing List (DML)	3,019,588
Buffy's Packet Slayers	3,000,830
Overclockers Online RC5 Team	2,997,439
Daily Rush	2,957,615
Team BatMUD - Balanced Alternative Techniques Ry	2,921,753
team volltext.net	2,865,673
Team sunsite.dk (Denmark)	2,850,436
AthlonOC	2,842,513
Chong Worldwide Empire	2,842,459
Bougs (BGs)	2,791,084
Team Brazil	2,786,864
German OC-Maniacs und Hardwarefreaks	2,772,807
Distributed Computing Support @ CMI	2,766,630
The #koffie Team	2,758,698
Wang Fu	2,756,870
Schizoid rc5 Crack Team	2,749,037
IgorMud RC5 effort	2,722,500
Team Beyond Reality	2,718,855
QuakeNet Distributed Team	2,710,574
Team Dream Train	2,690,660
Schraal.com	2,674,573
Lemons	2,658,845
Texas	2,652,655
tHe LaBrAtS -=[We MooVe ZiG]=-	2,648,590
ZA - South Africa	2,638,161
[ThC] The humble Crew	2,632,278
Linux-Mandrake Power Users (SMP Kernel)	2,631,600
Bulma	2,616,758
Uncon Uncracked	2,603,785
SMMUG Usergroup	2,593,983
SSE Kherson UA	2,590,587
Japan Gateway2000 Users Team	2,585,089
RC5 Peregrines	2,552,259
Dr. Bob's Krack 'o Rama	2,543,749
DALnet #Windows95	2,536,184
newGraph++	2,527,900
Sunset Country - Linux Crew and Friends	2,508,904
CSR Technologies .com	2,489,748
University of Florida Housing	2,486,646
geekfest.net	2,485,512
openMosix	2,481,184
Distributed Static	2,457,848
Triangle Fraternity	2,453,950
OldsGmail	2,408,171
IT-Akademiet, Aalesund	2,398,099
Kentucky [RC-5] Team	2,394,488
Team Moo!	2,393,704
B00tie	2,356,264
Digital Crackers	2,352,989
<Just4Fun>	2,350,055
Cats on a Rampage	2,342,721
/c3d	2,339,773
no_count_no_fun	2,309,974
Russian anti-kapitalist bunnies from hell	2,300,725
Gungadin.net	2,295,749
Batfink	2,288,802
IPGames	2,286,636
NYAR	2,280,342
fatties.org	2,273,266
Team Anime (Baka Bakka)	2,239,586
Upnor	2,232,680
BlueScreen Luxemburg	2,228,046
LPB	2,223,000
Team Karaganda	2,220,154
Key-eating Vikings From Denmark!	2,199,106
Ticktonites	2,195,847
Beneficient Solutions	2,176,369
Hawkfield	2,155,435
Team MHS	2,153,986
BT Labs	2,147,459
bofh.se	2,123,246
GeekCulture Team	2,120,744
Team TechIMO.com	2,117,241
Wireless Community - Croatia	2,114,055
IPL Interested Parties List	2,100,262
hackers.lv team	2,094,386
Team Visi - Vector Internet Services	2,066,467
focusBBS.net	2,058,786
Team A2Central.com	2,036,652
GMTA	2,027,257
EDS	2,018,746
No Agenda Show	2,016,310
vladivostok.net (united team)	2,008,721
RC5 HackZone.RU Team	2,006,878
Ignatz Mustus bitflipper	2,000,021
3000GT/Stealth International	1,993,006
Team Waffles	1,986,600
JAILERS RC5	1,958,757
On top of the STACK	1,957,891
Tsuri-Nakama	1,940,818
Gentoo Linux Users	1,926,172
Infogroep-Gaosu-VUB (BE)	1,925,829
Team Ramrod	1,924,099
The Great Cities of Russia	1,905,150
#feinkost	1,893,469
MACHIKANE	1,890,579
Dinn & Dinn	1,890,234
Cult of the Living Cow	1,889,859
Team Pikachu Japan -2004-	1,868,207
PTZ	1,855,561
University of Northern Iowa	1,854,336
Bastard Operators from Hell 326	1,846,764
The Dogcows	1,824,942
Team Corbett	1,819,116
XEON DNet Team	1,814,556
Team Sluggy Freelance	1,812,623
Hyperreal	1,811,559
The Java Knights	1,810,073
NWPC.de	1,803,142
=!- Parkoz Hardware Korea RC5 Team -!=	1,761,919
INSA de Lyon	1,754,935
Team J-KIDS	1,741,042
Missing Links Network	1,739,334
KaZeR's Team	1,726,309
Spider Monkeys	1,710,483
Vancouver Island University (Canada)	1,708,017
Viking MUD	1,707,576
Team XIOtech	1,703,610
Jarreteam	1,697,761
PCK FELIX calculator	1,675,187
eBay	1,672,196
Fidonet R18	1,666,512
Team KaWo2 (RWTH-Aachen)	1,663,911
Fightin' Irish	1,656,206
RustamU Team RUS	1,651,467
Mimezine	1,648,571
Monkey Cracking Fools	1,647,673
Vermont Technical College Computer Club	1,643,290
CornJerker CodeCrackers	1,632,317
VOIVOD (.by)	1,631,049
Schindler's Lift	1,630,184
Vostok - Kharkov	1,629,259
Haxx	1,624,287
Team Whirlpool	1,623,915
energon71	1,620,656
cHaPh	1,620,230
Elchhorn ole	1,618,137
HACK.gr	1,606,295
Woodstock Enigma	1,603,231
Beer Drinkers Anonymous	1,603,059
Big brothers to the SSR	1,602,514
The McGees	1,593,429
Cotse Help Desk	1,591,188
Team ark K' - Japan	1,581,840
TEAM OS/2 (Korea + Region Trier e.V. + Russia)	1,581,654
GeekMon	1,581,650
Niko-Developers	1,576,260
Super Mini Cooper UK	1,566,704
Yen-e JAPAN	1,564,437
SPR>IT (Denmark)	1,560,488
This space for Rent	1,555,453
Dynamic Network Services, Inc.	1,548,927
Collective nonsense of Portland	1,539,132
Team6	1,535,442
Telekomiker	1,531,659
COW-ROUTERS	1,522,511
Teleologic Learning Co.	1,519,634
FoxRiverValley CrackAttack	1,517,882
Puget Sound Mootivators	1,516,152
The Gathering RC5 Project 2010	1,502,326
Nashville Linux Users Group	1,502,162
Fearthepenguin.net	1,498,245
Pendulum	1,495,373
Shattered World COWS	1,491,682
MCL Distributed Processing Team	1,485,716
George Washington University	1,480,636
TerminusPoint	1,468,532
TEST AF	1,461,170
BSUIR KSIS Team	1,460,907
L0pht Old Sk00l	1,451,248
Team Hedehuset	1,451,212
Atome	1,445,071
Happy Linux Geeks	1,441,915
ALM-kichiku	1,440,381
Super Happy Fun Team	1,436,875
TelleCore, L.L.C.	1,435,191
ROSS Squad	1,430,914
Intel RC5-72	1,430,294
chamy_i_prostaki	1,428,226
Akiho_Minori	1,421,616
#Rouyn	1,416,963
Mexico Aztec crackers	1,409,192
KAlCh	1,408,977
Super Penguins	1,400,403
INL	1,394,820
Fires Of Kaos	1,389,695
#aladdin st0rmcracker team - the cubes	1,387,283
Nexscan	1,383,097
OSU - The Ohio State University Buckeyes	1,376,340
Team RealMac	1,365,975
iDrift	1,358,964
Presently Distracted	1,355,537
#letstalk Undernet.Org Users Alliance (CRACK SOME KEYS!)	1,355,131
#mp3rave	1,350,100
Apan Pelle	1,348,103
dualboot.net	1,346,935
zuzezimzulze D.Net Team	1,324,339
Team NAMAKO	1,322,364
Fidonet Region 20	1,316,109
Tunning PC CrAcKeRs TeaM	1,314,945
Praeluceo	1,313,991
Team l008com	1,308,022
SPring-8	1,305,531
noXtension	1,304,533
New Edge Networks Nenjas	1,294,583
Texas Longhorns	1,293,161
Omega_End	1,289,184
Fehr's Acquaintances	1,287,181
Argentina Cracking Effort	1,286,301
Kodewerx	1,285,316
$BSDvault$	1,285,291
Rensselaer At Hartford (RPI)	1,271,738
Fragables	1,270,447
CoffeeisMyDrugofChoice.com	1,266,678
Envy Systems	1,260,441
Ardjan's Team	1,258,702
SPbSU Math&Mech && Pofigist team	1,253,029
Official GideonTech.com RC5-72 Team	1,247,368
Free Geek Michiana	1,243,682
RIFF	1,242,053
Team Haiku	1,240,852
Red Sox Nation	1,232,795
schlumsch	1,231,813
Starbase XII: Crackers	1,228,142
ZoneTick World Time Zone Clock Users Team	1,218,202
SWMud	1,212,948
#equin0xe (IRCnet)	1,212,618
flufkassarna	1,207,139
Goons of DEFCON	1,205,254
New Technology Foundation	1,201,844
united csa team	1,201,784
Perth Crackers	1,198,414
Eastern Moon Ring	1,184,729
Psychedelic Goa Network 6022	1,179,889
principlecomputing.co.uk	1,174,126
Fachschaft IMN HTWK-Leipzig	1,173,638
Team RaudatNet	1,173,486
GameNight	1,166,324
Black ICE	1,155,078
Team Tower	1,144,731
Mataderu	1,139,689
RPI Mac Users Group	1,131,227
Eternal Sun	1,129,167
Team Waterloo	1,129,147
Donetsk RC5 Team (Ukraine)	1,128,442
unixpunx.org	1,126,983
CyberArmy	1,121,860
Team Floates	1,118,780
Starwars	1,118,515
team ragiered	1,117,042
cowabunga	1,110,860
nelsonszone	1,104,707
Bovine Fury	1,096,383
Cheeze And Crackerz	1,086,289
Spark's Team	1,080,394
FiftyPounds of Processing	1,067,060
crackerz@best.net	1,063,870
Penn State University	1,063,253
danmarknet.com	1,046,336
German-Underground	1,045,976
tianguo.net	1,043,445
DiaxeN team	1,036,813
Doomathon.Com	1,034,840
REALLY pissed Mad-Villains	1,030,662
Team NetWare	1,028,407
Dark Flame	1,023,446
Team Slacker (oow umop episdn)	1,019,318
Dutch Red Berets	1,018,931
Deloitte HackERS	1,018,313
The Milton Moo Mafia	1,008,572
free.net.ph	1,005,391
Matt's Cracking Influence	1,004,010
Undernet: #Mac-FR Rc5 Team	1,003,745
3DChips + 3DWIN Network	1,000,896
Fishsim-Frenzy	990,573
RZ-Amper	980,407
Ankat	980,366
Harlem Gangsters for the Legalization of Cop Killings	975,568
Quarterback Club	974,145
Slovenia	970,394
1337	967,895
-=Readyresponse=-	967,484
RC5 Team #linux.de - IRC-Net	964,553
fastsillicon	961,026
TeXintosh Japan (Kaisei Physics Club)	954,342
Tempest3K & Friends :)	954,134
Nap - Jim	952,294
Ghetto Phunk Mess	949,165
Team Uber Crackers	937,895
Cow County Computers	935,008
Die Festung	935,005
Team Holger Danske	931,555
anti opinion	930,000
Plaidhat	927,110
42	924,182
LinuxNET RC5	921,600
Drogatti Rc5-72 Project	920,990
Team Freestanding	913,990
Team Banshee	913,607
Team Romania	910,061
[-RED-] Retired. Extremely Dangerous	908,666
ruhries	908,514
Hunterkillers	901,008
Softimage RC5 Crew [Turkiye]	896,029
Efros	891,286
Team Tiscali	891,233
Team TierraNet	884,485
Snow White Orchestra	880,933
System TnT	877,840
minut.ee	870,675
myrddin.org	867,443
HP cPC	865,834
Matrix World Team	863,370
University of Idaho Distributed Research Group	853,231
PSD-TECH	850,782
Team Heim2	848,576
lundstedt.it	847,618
The Nerdrium	842,098
The BBS	839,333
#jutesack	839,014
Team Lockergnome	836,754
Unofficial Hull University Team	832,124
*Smurfa* Team	831,949
lpb33r	831,207
The Circus	828,390
SumuMUD	821,104
NUNS	820,675
IPV-NET	818,293
Spawn	816,514
SmashTech	815,097
Green Cats	814,064
incredible irc losers	813,011
Stelt RC5	811,171
Team Duncan	809,412
Big Red (Cornell University)	809,226
The FragParty Team	807,214
Imperium Zorloci	806,342
Team #jobben	802,805
LaGRa	801,258
2600.ORG	800,830
Snider Family	799,715
The Avara Processing Pool	797,215
BH of TKE at UMR	794,794
Orna	792,334
Cowbell Fever Squad	792,263
Dogbert's New Ruling Class	791,520
UKUUG	790,839
classifications	789,581
Team NetFrontier	786,693
Sophos Support Bruteforce	784,389
GCAF Software Research Group	784,289
Team Sweden	772,551
tel-i-net	769,900
The Apocolypse Cows	768,785
Education Network of Ontario	767,631
Fishing for Keys	764,922
Team Nink	762,265
Team TSG	757,498
Geeks of the Freaks	757,351
Team Fuzzball	757,151
7	755,587
NCM Munich	753,993
Esperanto	753,876
Romulus 2	750,522
(__) Team Cattle Mutilation (__)	748,813
unofficial Terrapin Boardies	745,561
paf2lan	744,597
Dragon Warriors Club	743,739
Weekend Hackers	743,432
Team IT Division	733,360
Gli ignifughi ragni ignavi	732,557
BAfH	730,453
Crushed-Formula Productions (CFP)	729,568
Team Para	729,518
Linux Panama	729,173
n00bstories.com Crunchers	727,489
Smelly Tongues	724,376
Magdeburg	723,458
Team DEATH CRIMSON	722,255
sp0rk heads	717,423
Prosync Technology Group	714,219
OCModShop	712,343
TCA Cryptography	711,671
Dutch Decryption Dudes	707,832
LAVAtech	701,652
Xact IT Dnet team	700,108
Roseolifant	695,787
ZeelandNet/I7ML/ibuildings/Planet.BE/Web3/Friends!	694,529
Dzikopka	694,091
KeyWarrior	693,585
Tam-Tam Team ( France )	693,330
Bernoulli Networks	692,992
Bitter Strength	692,578
Perfect Genius Online	687,618
Overclock Intelligence Agency	685,349
Team KUTC	685,230
Omsk_55	683,828
Delta Force	683,394
Sun	683,216
Luiemotorfiets	678,464
HouseofHate.com	678,238
Spreewald-Black-Sheeps	678,229
Projekt Avalon	671,557
#LinuxFR Team from Undernet	671,212
Team Trillian	669,400
sponholz.de	666,081
Team Grainger	665,012
Sparky's Team	663,856
ATG	663,292
CookinWithChrist.com	662,167
Capitouls	657,035
CyberSuff Orden (CSO)	656,542
HUGI-NET	653,945
ResExcellence!	652,600
**JhP**	652,017
Albany Golfers R Ritzy Crackers	649,418
AutoInstaller-Project - Cracking Team	648,560
DrUberEgo	647,762
Team Zonenet	647,531
Team Dark Horse	646,337
The Fist of Odin	644,584
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)	644,432
Altana Systems RC5 Team (Moscow-Bryansk-Sochi)	643,287
Gatekeepers	641,917
Queen's University	640,058
Munich Universtity of Technology (Germany)	638,545
Syktyvkar	638,125
Red Foxes Running	637,134
Poland [licz z nami :-)] Przygarnij krowke Muu	636,522
PINGUIM: Portugal Is Now Going Up In Megakeys	634,656
Team Real Life	626,034
Team BKN	624,405
Raging Cows 17176	620,722
[PL] Mac Team PL	620,464
yoyo@home BOINC wrapper	620,212
Team Malaysia	613,792
Di Gi KAIGO	613,625
NOLUG - New Orleans Linux Users Group	612,374
Good Bytes	612,119
Shadow Productions	608,570
YAT (Yet Another Team) - The Greek Moo Farm	608,424
13er-Haus Sparetime Austria	605,312
Bikini Girls With Machine Guns	601,328
Deathwyrm.com	600,060
Strands of Chaos	597,946
Navaho	597,501
kruel.org	596,727
Team Festivus	595,909
Team Incompetent	594,467
Stone Age	594,451
#warez-nz	590,982
Digiflux.org Team	588,595
Cracking for Kevin Mitnick	588,427
::the^keyspalter::	587,303
Megadeth Fans (rc5.czechnet.info)	586,005
Club DSM	585,269
Mensa Team	584,834
Dead Deckers Society	582,943
Latvian Linux Users Group (LLUG)	582,839
The illogical crackers	578,615
#iag	578,057
Sacred Cow Priests of Moo	576,795
DwK	575,494
Belgian Distributed Ones	570,772
KAH RPI	569,742
Camp 69 @ University of Twente, Netherlands	569,515
kilpikonna	568,881
TeamMustang	568,061
The Pro-Bears Lobby	567,689
One Big Enigma	565,295
L-3 Network Security	562,820
Team Netpimp	560,612
UOASB - University of applied science Bremen	556,876
Team Caffeine	554,819
r33t.org	554,117
DivXuk	553,299
DTVM	552,118
Leander High School future hackers	545,594
Twintail Moemoe Committee	545,500
it-management.at (ex zmi.at)	543,764
eCornell	538,532
www.GameNet.su	538,496
Dragonhunters	538,106
Selis	537,363
Japan Team WAKHOK	536,819
FaiTeuz TeaM	536,333
PARANOIA	535,366
WDS	534,605
de-generationx.net :: distributed.net Team	532,774
Taskenspiller	529,759
Hasty Pastry	528,292
Team ZYZ	527,108
z31.com	526,979
team madness	525,902
H.O.M.E.M. Team	522,756
The Edge	522,523
ETAP-Mainz	520,476
GRTG.ORG	519,930
Spain	519,570
NinthNode	517,829
FortyTwo - Belgian's number 1 !	516,460
TekSyndicate	515,348
illx.com	514,881
Howard Sterns Balls	512,171
E2HSS	507,785
I T X	507,038
black_m_group	506,728
DRP2I Security Team	506,673
Private family	506,351
Simple. Dark. Useless.	505,744
Robot Battle	505,100
Team Skummelt	505,062
FireLineClan	504,814
Team K3	500,283
pr0t0type	500,102
Madou-puyo-ject	499,869
team punkmac.com rc5-72	498,836
North Carolina State University (NCSU)	498,490
Men Behaving Badly	493,625
Cascade Mead and Ale	493,444
Apple MacOS X RC5-72	493,309
bonk	493,164
Rx3 Distributed Team	493,101
The Wolvepack	490,220
The Skynet Alliance	489,191
Team Lojik	483,634
.: Upgrade-Networks :.	480,486
Team Kiraboshi Town	478,939
Haihui Romania	478,500
TEAM CLiP at YCU	478,420
Derivataters 855184020	475,437
Worcester State College Computer Science Department	471,695
UCET	471,298
ouah	470,463
Deli Dawgs	466,330
Computer Nerds	465,617
Egham Hills	465,325
Red Cross supporters	464,708
Wild Rose Web Hosting Ltd.	464,520
livejournal	463,496
The Cracking Illini	461,497
AStRAe RC5 Team	461,206
Hungarian Cracking Team	459,915
Team Q	457,595
MAPO RC5 Crushers	457,291
Marin Research	451,959
team xj220c	451,467
POWERSystems-AIX	451,155
ANSIKO Team	450,331
Mississippi State University (MSU)	449,724
Dark Legion	449,022
Madtech Team	449,018
Computer Academic Underground	448,675
ex York Road RC5 Team	448,614
25 to Life	447,179
CommoInstallers	445,604
The Knights of Distribution	443,015
Dime Store Psychoanalysts	441,352
Desert Cows	441,156
Linux.org.ru team	439,413
Columbus Road Runner Coyotes	439,030
voycrates	438,262
BLAM	438,221
Service Informatique Des Laurentides	437,068
Team Chile	436,079
PowerSource	435,984
Team Sachsen Anhalt - ANTI M&M	435,138
Team Airdrie (Canada)	434,094
Team kecskemet.info.hu	433,139
Eressea PBeM	432,648
-=SoF=-	431,941
Kettering Delta Chi	431,615
Team BNAA.dk	430,936
LazySundayAfternoon	430,114
DPG-RC5	429,050
Southeast 2600	429,039
Trinity CZ	428,904
bauchLANdung	428,488
t a n g e r i n e	427,568
Amstel RC5 Team	427,558
Kamko's Slovak Team - Kamkova slovenska skupina	427,216
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Location: Idaho, USA

Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

The computer I had doing the daily stats backup for me had a drive failure, and with all that has been going on in my life I neglected to post here to say so, and to get started again. So it's a really good thing that you posted this, because it had completely slipped my mind. I'll be starting again from scratch, and I did not take any notes, thinking this thread would be enough if a resurrection was needed. Given your latest post, I may have all that I need. I guess I'll find out soon.
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Location: Idaho, USA

Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

I got the scripts working, my numbers seem to match kiska's who seems to be the substitute stats poster for 13Nov2022. Note to self or any other possible substitute, analternate way to invoke the weekly_stats_dump.sh script is something like this:

Code: Select all

./weekly_stats_dump.sh > weekly_stats_dump_output.txt
This is trivial for people that know what they are doing, it just does the copy/paste for you into a text file.
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Location: Idaho, USA

Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

May I have the OGR-28 and RC5-72 cache files from December 4, or from today? My cron job did not run last week. I still have not set up redundant stats collection on a 2nd PC
TAAT Member
Posts: 1690
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by StefanR5R »

OGR and RC5 files

Code: Select all

BPhantom - Team AnandTech	3,471,676,990
Participant #211,018	141,658,259
stefanlenz@hotmail.com	102,105,434
drdoug@techie.com	51,397,758
tamember	16,633,958
JonB[TA]	14,870,086
GSmith - Team Anandtech	12,276,650
xii5ku	12,047,242
Jon R WI	9,597,072
Waffle	8,803,299
boehm@nc.rr.com	6,319,748
crashtech	2,683,772
LANMAN - Stop the war in Ukraine!!	2,408,031
James Zhao	1,032,685
Adenosine Triphosphate	348,461
vss1980 - Team Anandtech	173,719
Mika Anderson	27,439
katana	19,732
juergen.friebel@physik.blm.tu-muenchen.de	13,586
Mad Pierre	4,643
JohnR - Team AnandTech	31

Code: Select all

yoyo@home BOINC wrapper	16,074,456,865
Distributed Amiga	4,076,257,663
BugTraq.Ru Team. United power of xUSSR.	4,026,598,194
AnandTech 10635	3,854,098,594
BOFH@Chalmers	3,613,641,133
SEGA Users Group	3,591,466,418
linux-de.org	3,535,803,327
Dutch Power Cows	3,396,858,371
Free-DC	2,093,508,548
Czech D.NET Team	1,951,108,007
Linuxfr: French Linux Team	1,652,477,477
Team MorphOS	1,386,586,361
Team Warped (OS/2)	1,160,303,845
Ukraine	1,103,886,666
Team-Goobee.org	1,011,820,135
San Antonio Linux User Group	872,397,176
Lost Clusters - Denmark	856,337,350
Libertarians for Privacy	825,493,188
Le Pommier / MacBidouille	783,785,190
Team Hampshire College	782,235,461
Ars Technica Team Beef Roast	732,250,452
HardOCP	703,969,332
Team Austria	652,731,865
Beer Drinkers Anonymous	511,400,836
German Hardware Network	448,827,238
Team Hungary STB+	431,495,786
Power M@X	404,388,738
University of Alberta (Canada)	357,225,130
SwissTeam.NET	356,842,105
Russian Team	339,442,022
Batfink	334,391,058
Team China	332,693,925
Fuzion ! [Fr]	332,314,422
Singapore RC5 Effort	328,590,599
Virginia Tech Team	321,271,314
LowEndTalk Hoarders	262,202,383
Acorn Users Group	241,248,574
Team TU Dresden	240,446,943
US-Distributed	234,245,956
2CPU.com's RC5 Team	233,641,644
TeamNorway	227,801,818
Team EvangeLista (Macs Rule! :-)	225,251,409
Japan FreeBSD Users Group	222,502,397
TeamPfleuger	208,833,304
MFS IT Team	199,673,470
Securiteinfo.com	179,167,351
AMUG	174,427,579
Rechenkraft.net - Germany	172,021,193
SPring-8	169,981,190
Monkey Up	165,573,976
In it for the money 5018163	165,017,924
Winbiff Users Group	164,387,032
SWARH	161,464,950
#distributed	152,341,948
The #koffie Team	147,622,432
Kaizoku!	146,288,488
Kashpureff Family	145,495,305
key-snappers@umu.se	138,796,779
Crunching@EVGA	136,373,406
Team DCG	135,409,713
Team FreeBSD	133,751,217
DrakeMazzy Ukraine	129,956,343
Terminal & BBS Liane & Others RC5 Team	128,816,019
Prima e.V.	126,738,313
Belarus	126,584,688
CCC.de	121,549,189
2ch, Team	120,181,207
ParadoxZ Commando	115,779,771
TUZY - a cool Polish team	109,334,230
Slashdot.org 1365	107,204,579
Amd-Users	105,643,702
Tri-Cities RC5-64 Community Cracking Effort	105,400,897
Team Ariel	98,431,468
Bondiola Cracking Team	94,540,161
University of Nevada, Las Vegas	91,566,439
Service Informatique Des Laurentides	90,683,641
Spreewald-Black-Sheeps	89,805,153
moomin	89,387,871
QuakeNet Distributed Team	88,105,829
Team Win32 (Windows)	83,526,589
TeamUFies (All Hail the Dust Puppy!)	81,570,251
The-Space.Net	80,235,679
42	79,611,074
Super Mini Cooper UK	73,166,811
Swamp Team.RU	72,946,198
Overclockers Australia	71,366,947
Hax Force	70,528,319
Pseudo Random	70,147,067
BharatVarsh - the Indian effort	70,100,416
Team Kaiserslautern	69,287,076
Japan Linux Users Group	69,257,576
Epyon	69,049,360
XtremeSystems	68,551,995
Team Italy	66,536,104
#equin0xe (IRCnet)	66,359,538
Team Lithuania	64,874,894
newGraph++	64,859,646
Texas	63,151,073
Mormons	62,117,004
crackerz@best.net	61,708,883
Team Intek	59,803,314
Team Alaska	58,729,765
Prof. James Challis' Most Excellent UK Team	58,232,876
tianguo.net	57,992,124
Logan FH HN	56,586,490
ERBIUM	56,440,360
Thors Hammer (Denmark)	55,714,173
Fishpond Networking Systems	54,832,271
MIPT	54,732,836
The Avara Processing Pool	54,435,725
Team RealMac	52,889,412
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)	52,818,821
X Grubbers Kick Ass	52,464,153
Belgian MoOo Farm	51,953,341
OcUK - Overclockers UK	50,437,477
HACK.gr	49,018,086
Team Haiku	48,827,826
---xlr8yourmac.com---	47,267,664
Egham Hills	46,468,188
cosuard/Sonic Therapy	45,753,036
RC5 For Jesus	44,967,239
TeamComputerra - New Russian Generation	44,858,166
Clara.NET	43,428,851
PLD-Linux Team	39,910,824
On top of the STACK	39,298,832
Namibia RC5-64 team	36,827,425
Knights Who Say "Ni!"	36,194,233
Redmond Armageddon	35,281,714
ICTA (International Christian Technologists' Association)	35,241,776
Luxembourg Codebreakers	34,027,480
Unofficial Hull University Team	33,647,025
InfoData	32,894,921
Bouncy Blue Fish	32,396,682
Schizoid rc5 Crack Team	30,377,538
WNY VHF Contest Group	30,358,456
Di Gi KAIGO	30,219,677
INL	29,875,051
Sun	29,741,922
The Australian Dudes	29,591,708
Team TechIMO.com	29,182,176
Monochrome BBS	28,266,909
Washington University in St. Louis	28,201,346
RC5 Hardware Network	27,302,686
Team Bartlett	27,127,251
berthelot	27,041,258
Team Ubuntu	25,717,648
The BBS	25,031,003
Final Tear Z	24,948,187
Vancouver Island University (Canada)	24,774,404
Centre for Academic Cracking	22,961,026
Team Tolkien	22,382,592
Trideja Digital Creativity	22,374,361
''Cult Of The Dead Cows''	21,442,797
Kansas City 2600	20,895,541
Set-Top-Box Crunchers	20,845,972
RempalaNET	20,505,672
Japan Celeron Users Group	20,432,492
Marduk Brazilian Team	18,953,221
Team White Hot	18,415,459
Team Rechenschieber	17,973,600
Oregon State University	17,837,429
intergates	17,524,159
amd3dnow	16,915,156
Klingon Key Krackers	16,760,535
Team XtremePcCentral.com	16,299,165
MacVsPc	15,365,002
/dev/null	15,248,922
Team Germany (*.de / uni.de - German Universities)	15,143,740
Team Picard	15,039,424
ruhrkraut.de	15,011,523
(__) Team Cattle Mutilation (__)	15,008,668
Fachschaft IMN HTWK-Leipzig	14,985,395
Fantastic Wave Network RC5-Team	14,979,293
The Unity	14,289,082
Team Finland	14,281,351
Hogwarts	13,553,673
Esperanto	12,985,009
Team RC5/OGR - BroadBandReports.com	12,953,192
Hackerzlair	12,726,247
The New Zealand RC5 Effort	12,259,008
Kazakhstan Team	11,777,616
CCWN	11,764,823
Bishnet	11,637,313
zuzezimzulze D.Net Team	11,582,958
NullZ	11,421,427
Green Cats	11,249,460
fcsm : fr.comp.sys.mac	11,041,393
Telekomiker	11,037,963
Fidonet R18	10,979,713
RC5 Team Nidaros Data	10,866,517
Team RimArts UsersGroup	10,832,451
SETI@home (is running!!!)	10,781,627
ZeelandNet/I7ML/ibuildings/Planet.BE/Web3/Friends!	10,710,676
Team Wurst	10,534,171
The Sallies	10,319,389
Those Crazy Mudders (Harvey Mudd College)<&>	10,266,859
Ulmus	9,818,111
Productivity.ORG	9,455,659
BrainTrust	9,248,524
Team TMD	8,672,238
FINI Geeks	8,053,272
CyberSuff Orden (CSO)	7,973,232
Puget Sound Mootivators	7,959,012
Global Dragon Ltd	7,831,166
Mailtech	7,805,161
Smelly Tongues	7,650,323
Crunchers Inc	7,474,691
Lemons	7,246,713
Private family	7,225,819
Linux-Mandrake Power Users (SMP Kernel)	7,103,725
Team Macintosh	7,065,129
Ultimate Chaos	7,040,781
IOTF IMHO.WS Distributed Challenge	6,826,408
Team Porbes!	6,570,174
Team LogCabin	6,359,408
Team Stryker	5,997,885
Team MacNN	5,851,716
China Team	5,839,766
Hyperreal	5,834,283
AMIGAworld	5,812,133
Japan Windows NT Users Group	5,599,061
Team freechess.org	5,501,178
AL-Mail Users	5,388,128
The Hardware Group	4,956,991
Team Slacker (oow umop episdn)	4,904,133
Digiflux.org Team	4,890,987
Combustion	4,826,237
AtlantaGeeks	4,822,191
Cult of the Living Cow	4,645,780
RC5 Polish Team	4,632,642
South Park Cows	4,312,966
Acura & Honda Global RC5 Speed Team (Join us today!)	4,290,731
Project Moo!	4,150,033
Team OS/2 Japan	3,997,427
Pupune's team	3,990,908
Too Drunk To Compute!	3,835,775
Charles Benton only!	3,725,439
Albany Golfers R Ritzy Crackers	3,713,051
Team kecskemet.info.hu	3,707,165
Triangle'nTatibanaLab. with UHOON/HIU	3,663,675
Fehr's Acquaintances	3,635,399
IPGames	3,491,910
ClubPC-ESIEE	3,224,320
M. K. System	3,120,867
United Cracking Force - Austria (UCF)	3,066,444
AnimeGer.de Team	2,960,589
Team Baden	2,876,118
Czech National Team	2,801,447
Gehacktesmachers Team	2,774,570
de.soc.mac	2,405,135
AlphaNT	2,334,033
United States Whiskey Corps	2,287,516
China ==>> !!!R-O-C-K-S!!!	2,226,229
Debian GNU Linux	2,199,661
Texas Longhorns	2,167,951
Team RC5.de - Deutschland (Germany) - Team #php.de	2,057,834
BH of TKE at UMR	2,003,788
Team KaWo2 (RWTH-Aachen)	1,970,314
Team Ninja - The Counts of Crunch	1,967,669
Team Lanners :)	1,941,513
Daily Rush	1,929,596
PINGUIM: Portugal Is Now Going Up In Megakeys	1,913,699
hashcat.net	1,911,960
Doomathon.Com	1,905,999
The Knights of Xenu - exposing scientology	1,888,855
Red Sox Nation	1,880,663
Cyber Industry	1,810,852
[HSD]	1,793,823
maystrenko.com	1,769,911
Team DENKEN	1,730,553
UKUUG	1,698,235
Team Denshin8go Users	1,693,569
Denser from Russia, Murmansk, SPb	1,669,897
Plaidhat	1,637,903
Arizona State University (ASU) Multi-Platform effort	1,627,170
Team Yakima	1,610,380
vamosalaplaya	1,577,482
Distributed Spanish Team	1,543,362
Viking MUD	1,536,664
Neonshadow.Net's Distributed.Net Domination Squad	1,485,469
The Microlinks Team	1,424,921
Clan Terra Fracta!	1,421,144
FoxRiverValley CrackAttack	1,354,917
Freakland	1,351,695
Team Skralg	1,346,616
planetunreal.de	1
Team Visi - Vector Internet Services	1,298,301
KeyWarrior	1,238,025
[TKC] Team	1,228,995
netilium.org	1,225,021
gErMaN-eLiTe.net	1,223,315
IPT	1,210,247
Mexico Aztec crackers	1,073,927
Akiho_Minori	1,072,208
Cheeze And Crackerz	965,246
Safari Hood and Friends	950,187
Team DEATH CRIMSON	928,450
L_Alliance Francophone	893,745
Niko-Developers	838,996
GCFL RC5 Team	838,811
TeamHalfIron	812,991
Team Witchvox (The Witches' Voice vs. RC5-72)	789,955
Cows With Guns	780,110
Nuke	779,592
Krill Generadores	716,680
Festering Aluminum Monkeys	700,236
flufkassarna	688,647
Indonesia Raya (aka GBT)	660,624
Team ALTYUU	658,746
Team J-KIDS	653,829
AKT now	644,218
Apan Pelle	640,065
os	602,051
Team Hawkeye	594,075
Jp & Friends	583,702
Team Kiwi - New Zealand	577,474
team madness	576,394
Intel RC5-72	561,695
Cow County Computers	559,503
SAP	552,928
Stats Lovers	549,468
Twintail Moemoe Committee	546,222
IdleTimeEaters	534,754
KAlCh	518,321
Sparky's Team	504,341
Hawkfield	490,745
Universally Challenged	485,296
D.Free	477,988
North Carolina State University (NCSU)	474,083
Total Depravity	473,384
Dragonhunters	470,231
Turkish RC5-72 Team	468,328
LinuxNET RC5	463,422
F-body Organization	463,395
Computer Magazine Belgium	458,260
No Agenda Show	453,011
Team rANdOm	429,429
Kot Scriptor [Belgium]	415,001
Goons of DEFCON	413,884
Show Me The Money	407,127
#letstalk Undernet.Org Users Alliance (CRACK SOME KEYS!)	399,335
Team Tower	395,792
Apathy Central Engineering	389,918
Hong Kong Linux User Group (HKLUG)	371,007
Bitcoin	364,935
Kamko's Slovak Team - Kamkova slovenska skupina	362,435
Fires Of Kaos	361,918
Hamlink.org	359,546
Freestyle Dust	358,068
Garlic-Twins	352,123
Eternal Sun	339,213
Moo! Wrapper Project	330,762
L0pht Old Sk00l	327,905
PerfectLAN	295,657
Super	285,514
Planet 3DNow!	259,879
Michigan State University (MSU Spartans)	251,206
BOfH.de	234,391
Triangle Fraternity	232,479
Cotse Help Desk	223,709
HGS	221,757
Delphi Cartel	218,988
Ardjan's Team	212,112
distributed.Bulgaria	208,519
CDCorner	205,552
Team Dream Train	197,733
LHQ	188,048
Texas Aggie Distributed Computing Team	185,560
The Old Republic	182,740
The Cracking Illini	180,126
Red Cross supporters	180,060
Cow Killers	171,026
Taiwan NCTU	163,495
Christians	162,479
Stampede Hannover	159,998
networksession.de	149,046
RC5-72 crackerz	144,130
Japan Gateway2000 Users Team	142,281
CCO Wuerzburg/Germany	141,694
Arch Linux Users	141,276
Team Romania	139,939
pLATE sTEEL pRODUCTIONS & friends	138,297
Atlan's Army	134,043
Ministry of Information	129,701
GeoCities Crack Team	127,686
Trinet Instruments	124,766
LiveNudeFrogs	124,114
Girton College, Cambridge	122,747
Saga-City	120,813
Team Chile	104,187
kyberia.sk	102,414
The Gathering RC5 Project 2010	97,102
The Ocean State Free-Net (osfn.org)	95,070
Hong Kong Golden	93,525
Matrix World Team	90,018
Adelphi Panthers	87,766
Warwick Distributed	85,457
Overclocking.dk	81,323
Last man standing - Cosacs !!!!	77,247
Taiwan NKMU	74,827
nullirc.net	74,197
Moonbreaker Italian power	70,707
Dzikopka	70,280
pope-wintermute	69,431
Very Fuzzy Logic	62,129
Neudorfer Rechenfront	61,164
Team Whirlpool	59,915
housemartin	58,528
Searching for a Wild North American Panda.	57,602
Navaho	56,489
UK BOINC Team	55,867
Snow White Orchestra	55,103
High-Voltage Animal Crackers	53,538
alfapomorze.pl	49,470
[Ace Corp]	47,557
POWERSystems-AIX	46,809
Media Arts and Production, University of Bedfordshire, UK	46,324
DeltaSzwadron	44,191
Rats in a Maze	44,116
Swedish Mac Team	42,629
Algenta	42,371
Team #jpWareZ	41,758
Szimat Csapat	41,338
ZA - South Africa	41,260
Shadow Productions	39,499
TeXintosh Japan (Kaisei Physics Club)	37,089
NSA v2.0	33,639
Macha Crackers KL, Malaysia	32,810
[PL] Mac Team PL	31,816
Kurats Supreme Team	31,749
dualboot.net	31,446
Geek Platoon	30,793
Team UNL (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)	25,669
Hyperial Group, Inc.	24,426
Team eKuriren	24,321
ftju	23,726
Team Sluggy Freelance	23,458
zero	21,105
Team 1113	21,000
ResExcellence!	20,638
RC5 Brasil and Brazil	20,102
Team Canada	19,171
The Logrus Box	18,614
Allstate Cows	17,122
openMosix	16,963
FCC - Farsta Cracking Crew	16,554
The Ummagumma Group	14,481
Earth Rocket	14,375
Hitoride dekirumon	13,191
Dublin	13,036
Poland [licz z nami :-)] Przygarnij krowke Muu	12,722
dnetc@Home BOINC Team	12,077
nyx.cz	11,856
kite_psychos	11,250
New Russian Team	11,225
ADSL IRC.MP3CREW.NU team for the netherlands	10,012
Team Dai Viet	9,970
CommoInstallers	9,856
Team Ottawa U	9,836
Team Wittenberg	9,327
livejournal	9,192
Team Japan HAM Radio Stations	8,702
*** Team Yeti ***	7,655
UMIX	7,439
Team Sweden	7,203
Atomicfrog RC5 Team	6,791
Darkside Group of Servers	6,477
BT Labs	6,435
INSA de Lyon	6,345
Sacred Cow Priests of Moo	5,970
Key-eating Vikings From Denmark!	5,864
za.MegaTeam	5,760
Everything2.com	5,464
MultiPleX	5,171
bns_cruncher	5,042
Alex & Friends	4,915
Madou-puyo-ject	4,214
The TI RC5 Team	4,165
U.Mass Lowell	3,977
Team TUDelft!	3,700
TBA-Home and Friends	3,440
TEA-club	2,317
danmarknet.com	2,269
Tick Tick Boom	2,122
Team Gotleet	1,896
[Delete]	1,837
The Andre & Associates Team	1,668
Connecticut Universities Team	1,666
Rulla Sakta	1,450
Virginia Tech Athletics	1,437
Nellens rc5 Cohorte	1,189
Waschbuesch Family Team	965
Avid Technology	891
Team BNAA.dk	874
The Idle Time Chattown Collective	827
Galicia (Spain)	815
BP6 Poland	708
The Crunching Dinosaurs	605
kband	590
Kentucky [RC-5] Team	501
Just Say No To Cracking	487
Linux@Home	430
REALLY pissed Mad-Villains	406
The Scions of Geekdom	393
Extreme Comp	228
go ozmac!	196
Ignatz Mustus bitflipper	180
EvilMind	164
Knights of the Dinner Table	156
Inner Revolution	118
UNI Halle, Cantorianer and Friends	73
sponholz.de	64
Softimage RC5 Crew [Turkiye]	61
Russian anti-kapitalist bunnies from hell	49
Happy Meal Toys	43
IIE	39
University of Akron Distributed Computing Team	36
Microsux.dk	33
Dione Plc	31
Tribune	19
Latvian Linux Users Group (LLUG)	9
The Crash Helmets	0

Code: Select all

LANMAN - Stop the war in Ukraine!!	343,022,199
crashtech	48,088,222
stefanlenz@hotmail.com	41,540,764
xii5ku	26,360,214
phoenicis	16,093,072
emoga	13,754,863
Fardringle	12,182,644
10esseeTony	4,638,640
James Zhao	3,992,998
Ken_g6 - TeAm Anandtech	3,931,203
sbrusgaard@worldonline.dk	2,409,884
Waffle	2,296,075
jason_mcc@myrealbox.com	1,620,121
<--Havoc--{{{ Team AnandTech	1,506,050
f00_devil@yahoo.com	1,463,085
JohnR - Team AnandTech	1,173,746
BPhantom - Team AnandTech	1,135,078
Choralone - Team Anandtech	1,076,370
tmanning	1,063,529
Cthulhu	961,091
FoBoT	793,688
Mad Pierre	762,228
stsc_subs@yahoo.com	753,518
Wrish	706,187
iamwiz82@hotmail.com	639,900
brian@journey360.com	639,208
richardbarnet	567,195
tom.rowden@nomos.com	562,090
ViRGE - Team AnandTech	551,787
vss1980 - Team Anandtech	490,502
MarcelliusIkaP	472,311
boehm@nc.rr.com	433,101
Participant #211,018	403,558
Mike Team Anandtech	397,026
Dougal - Team Anandtech	396,369
ob1 - TeamAnandtech	393,477
Ken	383,180
EricW - Team AnandTech	380,935
davekm@columbus.rr.com	365,164
JHutch - Team AnandTech	343,548
Participant #243,878	282,060
timvehrs@bigfoot.com	280,739
burnedout -Team AnandTech	260,666
Participant #380,854	249,781
oddtore@gmail.com	246,615
Mark	240,101
Tonto - Team Anandtech	239,415
TK-421 - Team AnandTech	234,001
moleca - Team AnandTech	210,258
cdlweasel@hotmail.com	197,251
holmqer@photodiver.com	180,889
zzuupp	171,392
jayBee666	171,052
cyberwire@gmail.com	169,382
Hoser	168,727
RazzleUltra	165,548
MiNdFkR	163,902
GSmith - Team Anandtech	152,730
Participant #472,649	147,063
jetskr9@jetskr9.net	141,109
TheCool1 - Team AnandTech	140,722
Participant #457,962	138,071
The Wolf	133,056
refranke@ktis.net	130,393
FrostyPhrog	126,921
tamember	115,568
kfonda@compuwiz.com	100,338
Mika Anderson	96,406
juergen.friebel@physik.blm.tu-muenchen.de	89,879
egoist [BugTraq.Ru]	89,461
LeBlatt - Team Anandtech	84,641
Hawkeye (Team Anandtech)	81,158
BGod	80,347
James Clarke	73,380
Chokko	71,872
tim@fightingevil.com	71,688
Participant #189,684	71,122
cvermeer@sark.com	68,573
c0rleone@yahoo.com	65,295
philippd@gmx.net	65,011
bighen - Team AnandTech	64,099
merlocka@hotmail.com	60,621
mmurdock@kimballequipment.com	55,141
Phukinaround	54,313
Marc Bloch	53,965
Participant #467,034	53,672
Buzzman	52,835
tierno@lotas-smartman.net	52,046
Dazman	50,206
Participant #437,341	48,448
MrBadidea	46,309
everlyr@earthlink.net	44,666
Camm - ** Team Anandtech **	44,605
nathan1724@yahoo.com	43,909
Nozler	43,863
Wall Man - Team AnandTech	43,321
anandtrader200@mail.com	42,160
maximprince@hotmail.com	40,494
ripper7@rogers.com	40,165
antithug@zoomtown.com	38,965
durifuto@iol.it	38,775
Dogbert	38,719
silent@soltec.net	38,368
Tom Servo - TeAm AnandTech	35,916
bryan@bryanmoore.com	35,696
nkwan@direct.ca	35,603
Cyril	33,724
pnixon@gmail.com	33,409
god@who.net	32,295
skullone@skull-tech.com	31,704
ffattizzi@yahoo.com	30,696
fciccone@westnet.com.au	29,680
prawnstar@ihug.co.nz	29,489
stechsrw@email.uc.edu	28,269
irish.dot@gmail.com	28,256
s_kosobucki@yahoo.com	28,007
Jon R WI	26,307
Mad Pierre	25,031
todd@gatorline.com	24,894
thehiveisswarming@yahoo.com	24,573
d-net@warberg-revision.dk	24,255
rc5cracker@adelphia.net	23,459
Lagzilla	22,098
synscan@gmail.com	21,946
mnelsonx@earthlink.net	21,873
neo0983@yahoo.com	21,432
Jason Allen	21,168
icemandave@hotmail.com	19,561
leerickp@hotmail.com	18,822
Anders Pedersen	18,771
Atheras - Team AnandTech	18,438
Jason181	18,133
Participant #412,250	18,110
saintdev@gmail.com	17,481
EminK	16,990
jda1701@yahoo.com	16,845
piku@the-nextlevel.com	16,778
ss59	16,245
jcass736@hotmail.com	15,207
Kevin Berkheiser	15,192
watson81@bellsouth.net	14,802
[TOR] SpaceWalker - The Old Republic	14,604
mic.scott@sympatico.ca	14,216
twioz@yahoo.com	14,009
Participant #199,649	13,120
rkm@mindless.com	12,938
heathcliff@gmx.com	12,171
davequaad@hotmail.com	12,136
landwarrior2005@yahoo.com	12,067
cnc@ultraaccess.com	12,035
Netviper	11,922
pw@eiox.com	10,553
Team Anandtech Member - Strates	10,378
Jeff Baron	9,767
Captain_Rob - AnandTech	9,638
erikf@cse.ucsc.edu	9,261
tobla909@student.liu.se	9,192
Participant #130,784	9,040
Participant #472,874	9,013
Tom Philippart	8,916
marnolke@hotmail.com	8,857
kallen@uwalumni.com	8,836
Hendrik Asper	8,710
tsheaffer@imcinteractive.com	8,477
Polo - TA	8,294
wolfen_21@hotmail.com	8,238
dmech@neo.rr.com	7,984
ashviper@geocities.com	7,811
DragonFire - Team AnandTech	7,734
Thanushan Kanagaratnam	7,191
BlackFlagg	6,589
gunnar.wretlind@home.se	6,546
zsouthboy	6,539
dtravis7@sbcglobal.net	5,956
Clueless - Team AnandTech	5,914
blilly@eng.utoledo.edu	5,702
mandrill123@hotmail.com	5,606
The Train - [Team AnandTech]	5,095
denali - Team Anandtech	5,029
ghettobilly@gmail.com	4,927
FL4K	4,865
dstingel@mac.com	4,831
mweinig@yahoo.com	4,731
rich-dnet@fumble.free-online.co.uk	4,701
reillyjf@comcast.net	4,665
psgsr44@hotmail.com	4,610
Brakus	4,590
TA_Marthisdil@hotmail.com	4,494
Species 8472 - Team ANANDTECH!	4,432
nikclev@hotmail.com	4,406
Kubla Khan	4,357
brad_swanson@bigfoot.com	4,200
Athlex	4,153
[TA] Roddd	3,985
pudgygiantb2@yahoo.com	3,869
Seti Cavalry	3,826
Adenosine Triphosphate	3,774
distributed@moli.ws	3,553
kochihka@msu.edu	3,548
kank@qx.net	3,344
molaughlen@hotmail.com	3,321
Rhobite	3,163
JHamilton@Earthling.Net	3,120
Participant #398,977	3,094
Meph+Heph	3,066
sonik - Team Anandtech	2,990
cirrus	2,731
Jason Bilbrey	2,680
epieper@yahoo.com	2,623
abitserver@cox.net	2,475
dr.sutton@btinternet.com	2,473
rwf@gpcom.net	2,403
thomal456@aol.com	2,395
Zabolotsky Andrey (Russia)	2,360
scott@clearycorner.com	2,272
joe_stevensen@yahoo.com	2,238
Wamingo - Team Anandtech	2,165
drakelord@hotmail.com	2,112
kkennard@iquest.net	2,095
SVIPER000@aol.com	2,076
Francis Letourneau	2,003
OrangeKid	1,990
john_nicholas_f@hotmail.com	1,886
mike@mikemass.org	1,881
IsOs of AnandTech	1,751
tchinhe@hotmail.com	1,741
jason@oldos.org	1,733
deans@oemfab.com	1,688
Bartman	1,678
scoser@iastate.edu	1,649
mitchell.stuart@gmail.com	1,604
sciencewhiz	1,581
sno@seductive.com	1,576
daerid@io.com	1,526
chuck@churtle.com	1,513
joshliechty@hotmail.com	1,513
Pimotan	1,500
cryptor2718@excite.com	1,405
Arlen - Team AnandTech	1,377
Tigleon	1,360
zk501@yahoo.com	1,339
Tiger	1,322
mitevelkov@yahoo.com	1,316
jmorck@magnitudeweb.com	1,282
Boris	1,242
drdoug@techie.com	1,237
frolic	1,198
lordsidhu@hotmail.com	1,168
dwphenix@houston.rr.com	1,088
Participant #325,315	1,040
zed@pacbell.net	1,039
jaredneilsen@hotmail.com	1,035
jboggs619@yahoo.com	1,029
shota@virtuafighter.com	1,020
katana	951
JonB[TA]	854
napalm381	834
TA Cube	823
Dragon Puppy	797
SlangNRox-TeamAnandtech	775
Sabreguy - Team AnandTech	747
sdoane@bellsouth.net	736
Participant #329,550	703
armstsho@mail.netdoor.com	657
[NYC] Flash	634
jrc_can@bellsouth.net	629
kantana	613
Fire Elemental	613
crazy-train@home.se	532
mfl0p	520
Slawomir Malusecki	513
africamp@yahoo.com	509
bwappo@ee.net	488
johnertron@netzero.net	487
potatobreath	483
gabs@swipnet.se	473
JC	472
Hasse	468
jwt@babbage.ie	430
Fingers	402
Brtspears2	392
crYnOid - Team Anandtech	390
joelryan2k@hotmail.com	381
FlameDeer, TA	361
mmuller2@cfl.rr.com	355
aurigas81@hotmail.com	352
killbat@swbell.net	352
ziana@extrotech.net	330
zhossp@yahoo.com	327
george_powell@hotpop.com	318
dbujnovsky@fnfinc.com	293
Participant #275,367	292
mark.fillingham@gmail.com	271
raven42rac@cox.net	255
Eric Durant - Team AnandTech	240
Darkone - TeAm Anandtech	238
onnd	227
lessthanjake_666@hotmail.com	206
xcellentops@earthlink.net	200
dkappos - Team Anandtech	200
surfingtheweb@hotmail.com	194
WiggleToad	176
mawster.chadwick@home.com	174
davez34	167
dedavidson@stlnet.com	161
antpellegrino@theriver.com	152
pguei@uci.edu	148
srue@iname.com	143
zerin85310@yahoo.com	142
Participant #288,382	140
czhang@stratag.com	135
10us	132
Oblivion - Team AnandTech	130
frhvekr@yahoo.com	128
omk@edu.kauhajoki.fi	124
jim@microhlp.com	119
tchatzi@arx.gr	111
mander@loginet.com	105
Terry	105
[TA]Miraculix	105
shdtree.1@email.com	100
derek@zeanah.com	100
William Thomas	97
Yoshi	94
superpenguin76@hotmail.com	92
dave@unrealpc.com	91
dobbinsm@nc.rr.com	87
HeavyIron	85
erwinw@gmail.com	85
nemesis099@yahoo.com	78
dmaeby@hotmail.com	77
ThomasL - Team AnandTech	76
kendrakirai@home.com	76
got2beazn@hotmail.com	76
dr_catlips@yahoo.com	75
nexus9@snet.net	72
idlorj@aol.com	63
peterzal@hotmail.com	55
fifthfactor@hotmail.com	54
mshafrir@wam.umd.edu	53
ccrunner84@aol.com	52
jtids@btinternet.com	49
modisette@inu.net	43
V@LE	41
L Ziegler	40
kkkjunk@hotmail.com	38
mikari@nyc.rr.com	33
corycalvert@hotmail.com	31
WX - Team AnandTech!	31
simon.holm@get2net.dk	29
espenorio@netscape.net	29
johnny97@bellatlantic.net	28
crazy106@aol.com	28
The Driver - Team AnandTech	26
98021236@uni.massey.ac.nz	25
rhuel@thomasians.com	25
Mach	24
Acrolein	23
sealerd@hotmail.com	18
fornoth@myway.com	18
jesser@portup.com	17
will.amesbury@c4.com	15
JJ	13
bschutz@hotmail.com	12
superchkn@hotmail.com	12
hippy_student@yahoo.com	9
oracleknowledge@teamvertigo.org	9
abmoss@cc.usu.edu	9
kevin.park@virgin.net	8
postmaster@subz3r0.be	8
Will Poteet	7
SyZ	1

Code: Select all

dnetc@Home BOINC Team	7,910,650,186
Dutch Power Cows	3,612,196,659
BugTraq.Ru Team. United power of xUSSR.	3,055,013,700
zero	2,099,933,773
---xlr8yourmac.com---	1,815,047,065
Distributed Amiga	1,808,896,911
XtremeSystems	1,306,650,662
German Hardware Network	954,416,361
BOFH@Chalmers	903,730,005
Ars Technica Team Beef Roast	893,538,537
Japan FreeBSD Users Group	850,546,984
Japan Linux Users Group	818,953,243
Ukraine	754,166,793
Logan FH HN	652,397,742
Free-DC	642,424,801
Team Win32 (Windows)	561,686,370
AnandTech 10635	547,280,603
Dorms	538,476,093
Amd-Users	518,160,540
Team Warped (OS/2)	455,797,558
HardOCP	450,421,399
TeamNorway	438,064,259
Knights Who Say "Ni!"	374,264,830
Power M@X	371,388,109
Acorn Users Group	365,307,397
Libertarians for Privacy	317,837,596
US-Distributed	306,083,233
Russian Team	305,216,105
L_Alliance Francophone	293,026,968
Kaizoku!	289,360,978
Le Pommier / MacBidouille	271,594,004
Team FreeBSD	269,977,016
The Old Republic	265,272,558
Lost Circuits	249,173,979
Team Motorcyclist Japan	244,373,961
Rechenkraft.net - Germany	233,045,835
CCWN	219,537,607
Team China	211,375,235
Team DENKEN	211,103,715
Encryption Is For Sissies!	208,488,260
linux-de.org	199,267,455
Linuxfr: French Linux Team	198,631,819
Team EvangeLista (Macs Rule! :-)	186,656,768
amd3dnow	181,651,588
MU Software DNet Team	164,776,318
BattleForce	163,325,609
Team - It ain't easy.	161,584,749
OcUK - Overclockers UK	159,453,913
Team RC5/OGR - BroadBandReports.com	152,088,482
2ch, Team	151,863,276
Team Picard	142,855,311
Triangle'nTatibanaLab. with UHOON/HIU	139,255,839
RC5 Polish Team	127,481,917
Final Tear Z	122,162,722
Crunching@EVGA	121,055,754
University of Alberta (Canada)	118,661,161
SwissTeam.NET	116,608,123
Team OS/2 Japan	112,865,258
TeamComputerra - New Russian Generation	108,006,044
Czech D.NET Team	104,287,478
Japan Windows NT Users Group	97,817,265
TeamUFies (All Hail the Dust Puppy!)	97,693,347
Universe	97,385,180
Singapore RC5 Effort	94,759,578
AL-Mail Users	94,299,275
Team Witchvox (The Witches' Voice vs. RC5-72)	93,253,910
Team Lanners :)	89,494,909
Klingon Key Krackers	86,040,258
Oregon State University	84,900,036
B Team	83,625,302
Team KIKUMARU	83,534,006
Tribune	82,681,353
Team BeOS	80,817,488
nullirc.net	80,534,075
Team Japan HAM Radio Stations	79,647,844
High-Voltage Animal Crackers	79,596,872
Team tea come I	79,136,384
maystrenko.com	75,151,555
Team Blorf	75,079,695
Team Hungary STB+	74,005,430
Team Trojan	73,652,277
CCC.de	72,752,809
Belgian MoOo Farm	71,622,894
UK BOINC Team	71,480,342
AMD Zone	71,180,348
lagnaf	71,179,199
Project Moo!	69,568,947
The Idle Time Chattown Collective	66,773,382
AMUG	66,557,452
Planet 3DNow!	65,984,952
RC5 For Jesus	65,134,608
Team RimArts UsersGroup	62,523,843
Singapore Digital Fragments	60,271,305
Czech National Team	58,528,997
Moo! Wrapper Project	58,484,369
Prima e.V.	58,010,046
Ultimate Chaos	57,938,345
RC5 Hardware Network	57,009,546
Winbiff Users Group	56,712,025
Team XtremePcCentral.com	56,162,171
Ai's Team	56,114,628
Belarus	55,752,796
2CPU.com's RC5 Team	53,482,447
Neonshadow.Net's Distributed.Net Domination Squad	52,589,839
ICTA (International Christian Technologists' Association)	52,583,652
#distributed	52,043,338
Team Ninja - The Counts of Crunch	50,766,974
Team Austria	48,911,193
Distributed Spanish Team	48,643,490
DiabloNET	46,956,650
The-Space.Net	46,742,630
Monochrome BBS	46,003,970
Global Dragon Ltd	45,603,551
Crunchers Inc	45,404,154
Team DCG	45,185,674
pr0c3X0r 0v3rC	3
Lost Clusters - Denmark	44,740,807
Pseudo Random	44,385,017
Swamp Team.RU	44,290,098
Team Alaska	43,865,690
Team rANdOm	43,610,773
SMP Monkeys	41,537,741
genius crunchers	40,931,202
Cows With Guns	40,864,308
Bletchley Park codebreakers	40,050,850
SEGA Users Group	39,080,132
kleperis	38,453,514
fcsm : fr.comp.sys.mac	38,372,414
Team MacNN	37,834,275
NSWC-COR -- Go Navy!	37,284,868
Epyon	36,350,372
ArmadaWeb	36,269,900
ruhrkraut.de	36,151,852
[HSD]	35,421,053
Team RC5.de - Deutschland (Germany) - Team #php.de	35,250,212
team bukkake	35,209,147
The Hardware Group	34,905,202
Monkey Up	34,171,058
Team 123	33,923,198
ParadoxZ Commando	32,989,364
Computer Magazine Belgium	32,695,268
CFWC	32,640,197
Tri-Cities RC5-64 Community Cracking Effort	32,318,584
Fuzion ! [Fr]	32,296,957
The Scions of Geekdom	31,802,133
Bivio Networks	31,582,796
unskilled	28,779,177
Luxembourg Codebreakers	28,389,552
GPU Power	28,371,375
German Team -No CPU Idle-	28,338,436
Moonbreaker Italian power	27,922,106
Allstate Cows	27,817,311
In it for the money 5018163	27,507,974
Team Ubuntu	27,491,762
Rude Silhouette	26,703,499
Team Lithuania	26,649,556
Team Skralg	26,385,024
VoodooEYE	26,011,958
IOTF IMHO.WS Distributed Challenge	25,692,255
Festering Aluminum Monkeys	25,395,439
PLD-Linux Team	25,171,106
Securiteinfo.com	24,319,357
The-Hall e.V.	24,249,022
Swedish Mac Team	24,153,316
Gehacktesmachers Team	23,511,335
Overclockers Australia	22,586,338
iri2K [Fr]	22,140,799
Team TMD	22,037,284
Twofo	21,594,113
CPU Burn	21,570,397
Kot Scriptor [Belgium]	21,224,517
kyberia.sk	21,217,584
The Knights of Xenu - exposing scientology	21,168,544
AMIGAworld	20,899,320
NetBSD Users	20,880,221
SWARH	20,707,100
Slashdot.org 1365	20,683,239
Team Baden	20,494,005
San Antonio Linux User Group	20,021,324
Team Finland	19,733,551
(_)IIIIIIIID	19,580,452
Team White Hot	19,372,158
IronCowTeam	19,352,109
CDCorner	19,315,070
networksession.de	18,648,531
Hong Kong Golden	18,371,929
Arktis Baeren	18,012,620
Secant DataCenter	17,721,586
The DNet Brute Squad	17,586,310
---==[CRACKING AUSTRIA]==---	17,516,234
Computing Science, Curtin University	17,387,248
Indonesia Raya (aka GBT)	17,023,836
Stampede Hannover	16,935,541
schwaebische alb germany	16,804,018
The Genocide2600 Group and Friends	16,739,275
altair-4	16,593,889
NBC GIGA FAN TEAM	16,334,727
SETI.Germany	16,301,238
U.Mass Lowell	16,120,126
Team freechess.org	15,563,865
The Sallies	15,337,208
/dev/null	15,076,454
Virginia Tech Athletics	14,843,636
drift@tihlde	14,475,953
key-snappers@umu.se	14,083,802
Team MorphOS	14,061,796
Team IVG	14,023,415
FINI Geeks	13,983,555
Bishnet	13,899,535
Moo	13,721,618
One of the RC5 crack team in Hong Kong	13,640,804
Chairforce1	13,246,445
Michigan State University (MSU Spartans)	12,647,376
The Team	12,497,326
The #NZLinux RC5 Effort	12,462,611
moomin	12,381,442
TeamHalfIron	12,231,901
Sternwarte	12,060,116
Team AMOs HOUSE	12,029,263
DrakeMazzy Ukraine	11,776,790
Centre for Academic Cracking	11,770,060
Student-NET from university of ILMENAU	11,365,708
University of Nevada, Las Vegas	11,340,771
Need To Speed	11,325,770
Born2OC.be	11,262,596
Breene Team	11,248,578
Pink Cow	11,229,618
The Phoenix Team	11,212,629
Tick Tick Boom	11,053,351
TeamDistributed	10,870,541
Mitsubishi Montero Club of Ventura County and Beyond	10,783,878
lowtech.net	10,727,303
The Pirate Fleet	10,696,361
UCF Institute for Simulation and Training	10,609,335
AKT now	10,416,033
Team NISOC(Niigata, Japan)	10,031,807
Trinet Instruments	10,001,503
Fluffy as Fuck	9,991,638
TEA TIME	9,906,701
Tennessee Tech Computer Science Dept	9,822,590
Redmond Armageddon	9,726,995
University of Virginia Computer Science	9,726,152
Brian's Penguins	9,695,965
Team PureSoul.com (JAPAN)	9,674,718
Carinthian AMD Power Cows	9,661,585
Texas Aggie Distributed Computing Team	9,621,326
Hackerzlair	9,616,417
Remedy 2004	9,538,335
Sakakibara Infomation Labo	9,413,572
519	9,382,429
nyx.cz	9,293,666
Taiwan NCTU	9,255,014
cosuard/Sonic Therapy	9,239,496
LiveNudeFrogs	9,218,077
Namibia RC5-64 team	9,213,338
Moj's 64 Nuts	9,159,989
Team-Goobee.org	9,141,598
The Unity	9,128,017
The Discordian Society	9,079,257
OpenBSD	9,065,997
QUADFARM	9,051,207
Wendy	8,978,059
Happy Meal Toys	8,894,134
Everything2.com	8,873,239
Team #jpWareZ	8,768,708
MFS IT Team	8,739,475
Geek Thing	8,644,043
Guldfisk.dk (Denmark)	8,390,592
Debian GNU Linux	8,375,705
Deadcat Racing	8,342,819
Team Macintosh	8,213,979
Kazakhstan Team	8,072,933
Team UNL (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)	7,958,541
Holy Penguins	7,706,599
Turkish RC5-72 Team	7,678,210
hashcat.net	7,639,024
team kushi.ro	7,516,705
za.MegaTeam	7,464,612
Lunacite Distributed team	7,451,962
de.soc.mac	7,404,749
Team DF LTH	7,271,323
CyberNetic	7,188,751
Team Betfair	7,101,034
Krill Generadores	7,046,209
EvilMind	7,038,470
Hubert Hahn and friends	7,020,953
distributed.Bulgaria	6,877,062
The Australian Dudes	6,799,693
UGTU UPI	6,784,755
Those Crazy Mudders (Harvey Mudd College)<&>	6,465,406
ExiledOnes	6,447,724
Team ECS (toyama-u.ac.jp)	6,431,882
University of Maine RC5 Team	6,418,578
Mormons	6,417,220
The Three G's	6,275,206
Clan Brutal Butchers	6,257,122
Worldwide TechServices	6,196,616
Team TU Dresden	6,096,906
Algenta	6,087,526
[KTC] Keep Them Crunching Dutch Overclock Team	6,085,034
Case Western Reserve University	5,960,925
RC5 Brasil and Brazil	5,944,491
Team Freezee Pop	5,944,389
DDP - Tha' Digital DawgPound	5,931,967
VGAPlaneteers United	5,926,491
SBICT	5,901,764
The Flying RPGs	5,858,779
Portuguese White Hats - Combined Portuguese Effort	5,822,060
Team LogCabin	5,802,663
Hellenic RC5 Team: [Hellenic Macintosh Users Group]-[YAT]	5,612,212
TUZY - a cool Polish team	5,582,573
AHO_forum	5,580,269
China Team	5,572,325
Atlan's Army	5,521,705
MacDogCows	5,508,877
Team Insecure	5,475,466
b0nk!	5,455,880
The Fragile Alliance	5,453,122
Nellens rc5 Cohorte	5,361,820
alfapomorze.pl	5,305,747
Rats in a Maze	5,284,066
Denser from Russia, Murmansk, SPb	5,283,194
[Ace Corp]	5,239,069
Action League Now!	5,234,354
N-one Enterprises	5,141,361
Astek	5,088,466
BharatVarsh - the Indian effort	5,065,924
Adelphi Panthers	5,060,835
German_Treff_Team	4,960,194
UNI Halle, Cantorianer and Friends	4,958,525
ngsoftware	4,947,184
CoolNetwork	4,898,728
gErMaN-eLiTe.net	4,889,971
slow motion	4,830,831
Team Kiwi - New Zealand	4,746,957
alt-hacker.org	4,714,383
fehkers	4,661,413
Clan Fx	4,612,131
a crowd of people	4,560,252
Prof. James Challis' Most Excellent UK Team	4,532,865
Team Ludus	4,497,997
Team Denshin8go Users	4,420,180
MrLUG	4,415,730
Team eKuriren	4,381,644
palex RC5	4,375,182
WinEasy	4,365,483
Team Lastleaf	4,363,733
DvS TeaM	4,336,633
Team masaba Japan	4,320,130
D2MC EDV Dienstleistungen	4,313,496
NuTonium	4,305,681
The Harbingers of Light	4,276,586
quigo	4,228,257
D.Free	4,215,512
Focaljet	4,206,047
Last man standing - Cosacs !!!!	4,181,485
now wireless broadband	4,140,537
Terminal & BBS Liane & Others RC5 Team	4,128,846
Moobar	4,121,409
Show Me The Money	4,112,136
AtlantaGeeks	4,060,203
Cyber Industry	4,033,767
Tokkoyaro 68k Team	4,020,768
Da Family	4,011,291
Fantastic Wave Network RC5-Team	3,983,826
kband	3,970,185
TBA-Home and Friends	3,954,069
Team Canada	3,826,802
kukkais	3,745,563
In Remembrance of DaCrypticsCrew	3,706,945
RC5@layton.org	3,680,423
LVFbody	3,678,333
bns_cruncher	3,668,799
SDSM&T March-Dake	3,630,727
Warp Internet KOBE	3,598,551
MoltenRain.com!	3,585,714
Krull Team Russia	3,583,950
SGA POLSKA	3,572,755
go ozmac!	3,557,560
Trideja Digital Creativity	3,528,987
qnxZone	3,524,338
Fishpond Networking Systems	3,518,228
ISU Cyclone Fans	3,489,844
Western Washington University	3,446,988
JetHead	3,439,077
Team Sysadmin	3,340,347
RIT Alumni	3,334,534
WNY VHF Contest Group	3,319,894
The BC Wireless Project	3,312,678
GR8HAX	3,311,139
NWGO	3,294,297
Christians	3,248,896
Team Wittenberg	3,214,425
SLATE	3,162,596
Team JTR	3,137,614
Team Design Media	3,121,376
Virginia Tech Team	3,080,060
AlphaNT	3,076,424
www.VMETRO.com	3,052,797
Japan Celeron Users Group	3,023,906
Dakota Mailing List (DML)	3,019,588
Buffy's Packet Slayers	3,000,902
Overclockers Online RC5 Team	2,997,440
Daily Rush	2,957,615
Team BatMUD - Balanced Alternative Techniques Ry	2,921,753
team volltext.net	2,865,673
Team sunsite.dk (Denmark)	2,850,436
AthlonOC	2,842,513
Chong Worldwide Empire	2,842,459
Bougs (BGs)	2,791,084
Team Brazil	2,786,864
QuakeNet Distributed Team	2,781,744
German OC-Maniacs und Hardwarefreaks	2,772,807
Distributed Computing Support @ CMI	2,766,630
The #koffie Team	2,758,698
Wang Fu	2,756,870
Schizoid rc5 Crack Team	2,749,037
IgorMud RC5 effort	2,722,500
Team Beyond Reality	2,718,855
Team Dream Train	2,690,660
Schraal.com	2,674,573
Lemons	2,665,845
Texas	2,652,655
tHe LaBrAtS -=[We MooVe ZiG]=-	2,648,590
ZA - South Africa	2,638,161
[ThC] The humble Crew	2,632,278
Linux-Mandrake Power Users (SMP Kernel)	2,631,600
Batfink	2,624,661
Bulma	2,616,782
Uncon Uncracked	2,603,785
SMMUG Usergroup	2,593,983
SSE Kherson UA	2,590,587
Japan Gateway2000 Users Team	2,585,089
RC5 Peregrines	2,552,259
Dr. Bob's Krack 'o Rama	2,543,749
DALnet #Windows95	2,536,184
newGraph++	2,531,850
Sunset Country - Linux Crew and Friends	2,508,905
CSR Technologies .com	2,489,748
University of Florida Housing	2,486,646
geekfest.net	2,485,512
openMosix	2,481,184
Distributed Static	2,457,848
Triangle Fraternity	2,453,950
OldsGmail	2,408,171
Kentucky [RC-5] Team	2,398,769
IT-Akademiet, Aalesund	2,398,099
Team Moo!	2,393,704
B00tie	2,356,264
Digital Crackers	2,352,989
<Just4Fun>	2,350,055
Cats on a Rampage	2,342,721
/c3d	2,339,773
Russian anti-kapitalist bunnies from hell	2,319,874
no_count_no_fun	2,309,977
Gungadin.net	2,295,749
IPGames	2,286,636
NYAR	2,280,342
fatties.org	2,273,266
Team Anime (Baka Bakka)	2,239,586
Upnor	2,234,534
BlueScreen Luxemburg	2,228,047
LPB	2,223,000
Team Karaganda	2,220,154
Key-eating Vikings From Denmark!	2,199,107
Ticktonites	2,195,847
Beneficient Solutions	2,176,369
Hawkfield	2,155,435
Team MHS	2,153,986
BT Labs	2,147,459
bofh.se	2,123,246
GeekCulture Team	2,120,744
Team TechIMO.com	2,117,241
Wireless Community - Croatia	2,114,056
IPL Interested Parties List	2,100,262
hackers.lv team	2,094,386
Team Visi - Vector Internet Services	2,066,468
focusBBS.net	2,058,786
Team A2Central.com	2,036,652
GMTA	2,027,257
EDS	2,018,746
Beer Drinkers Anonymous	2,018,002
No Agenda Show	2,016,310
vladivostok.net (united team)	2,008,721
RC5 HackZone.RU Team	2,006,878
Ignatz Mustus bitflipper	2,000,021
3000GT/Stealth International	1,993,011
Team Waffles	1,986,600
On top of the STACK	1,968,754
JAILERS RC5	1,958,758
Tsuri-Nakama	1,940,818
Gentoo Linux Users	1,926,174
Infogroep-Gaosu-VUB (BE)	1,925,829
Team Ramrod	1,924,099
Hyperreal	1,919,528
FoxRiverValley CrackAttack	1,912,245
The Great Cities of Russia	1,905,150
#feinkost	1,893,472
MACHIKANE	1,890,579
Dinn & Dinn	1,890,234
Cult of the Living Cow	1,889,859
Team Pikachu Japan -2004-	1,868,207
PTZ	1,855,561
University of Northern Iowa	1,854,336
Bastard Operators from Hell 326	1,846,764
The Dogcows	1,824,942
Team Corbett	1,819,116
XEON DNet Team	1,814,556
Team Sluggy Freelance	1,812,623
The Java Knights	1,810,073
NWPC.de	1,803,142
=!- Parkoz Hardware Korea RC5 Team -!=	1,761,919
INSA de Lyon	1,754,935
Missing Links Network	1,752,799
Team J-KIDS	1,741,042
KaZeR's Team	1,726,309
Spider Monkeys	1,710,483
Vancouver Island University (Canada)	1,708,701
Viking MUD	1,707,576
Team XIOtech	1,703,610
Jarreteam	1,697,761
Team KaWo2 (RWTH-Aachen)	1,676,509
PCK FELIX calculator	1,675,187
eBay	1,672,196
Fidonet R18	1,666,512
Fightin' Irish	1,656,206
Mimezine	1,653,087
RustamU Team RUS	1,651,467
Monkey Cracking Fools	1,647,673
Vermont Technical College Computer Club	1,643,290
CornJerker CodeCrackers	1,632,317
VOIVOD (.by)	1,631,049
Schindler's Lift	1,630,184
Vostok - Kharkov	1,629,259
Haxx	1,624,287
Team Whirlpool	1,623,917
energon71	1,620,656
cHaPh	1,620,230
Elchhorn ole	1,618,137
HACK.gr	1,614,564
Super Mini Cooper UK	1,604,525
Woodstock Enigma	1,603,231
Big brothers to the SSR	1,602,514
The McGees	1,593,429
Cotse Help Desk	1,592,321
Team ark K' - Japan	1,581,840
TEAM OS/2 (Korea + Region Trier e.V. + Russia)	1,581,654
GeekMon	1,581,650
Niko-Developers	1,576,260
Yen-e JAPAN	1,564,437
SPR>IT (Denmark)	1,560,488
This space for Rent	1,555,453
Dynamic Network Services, Inc.	1,548,928
Collective nonsense of Portland	1,539,132
Team6	1,535,442
Telekomiker	1,531,659
COW-ROUTERS	1,522,511
Teleologic Learning Co.	1,519,634
Puget Sound Mootivators	1,516,152
The Gathering RC5 Project 2010	1,502,326
Nashville Linux Users Group	1,502,162
Fearthepenguin.net	1,498,245
Pendulum	1,495,373
Shattered World COWS	1,491,682
MCL Distributed Processing Team	1,485,716
George Washington University	1,480,636
TerminusPoint	1,468,532
SPring-8	1,468,127
TEST AF	1,461,170
BSUIR KSIS Team	1,460,907
Team RealMac	1,455,036
L0pht Old Sk00l	1,451,248
Team Hedehuset	1,451,212
Atome	1,445,071
Happy Linux Geeks	1,441,915
ALM-kichiku	1,440,381
Super Happy Fun Team	1,436,875
TelleCore, L.L.C.	1,435,191
ROSS Squad	1,430,914
Intel RC5-72	1,430,294
chamy_i_prostaki	1,428,226
Akiho_Minori	1,421,616
Omega_End	1,417,607
#Rouyn	1,416,963
Mexico Aztec crackers	1,409,192
KAlCh	1,408,977
Super Penguins	1,400,411
INL	1,395,042
Fires Of Kaos	1,389,695
#aladdin st0rmcracker team - the cubes	1,387,283
Nexscan	1,383,097
OSU - The Ohio State University Buckeyes	1,376,340
iDrift	1,358,964
Presently Distracted	1,355,537
#letstalk Undernet.Org Users Alliance (CRACK SOME KEYS!)	1,355,131
#mp3rave	1,350,100
Apan Pelle	1,348,103
dualboot.net	1,346,935
zuzezimzulze D.Net Team	1,324,339
Team NAMAKO	1,322,364
Fidonet Region 20	1,316,109
Tunning PC CrAcKeRs TeaM	1,314,945
Praeluceo	1,313,991
Team l008com	1,308,022
noXtension	1,304,533
New Edge Networks Nenjas	1,294,583
Texas Longhorns	1,293,161
Fehr's Acquaintances	1,287,181
Argentina Cracking Effort	1,286,301
Kodewerx	1,285,316
$BSDvault$	1,285,291
Rensselaer At Hartford (RPI)	1,271,738
Fragables	1,270,447
CoffeeisMyDrugofChoice.com	1,266,678
Envy Systems	1,260,441
Ardjan's Team	1,258,702
SPbSU Math&Mech && Pofigist team	1,253,031
Official GideonTech.com RC5-72 Team	1,247,368
Free Geek Michiana	1,243,682
RIFF	1,242,053
Team Haiku	1,240,852
crackerz@best.net	1,240,841
Red Sox Nation	1,232,795
schlumsch	1,231,813
Starbase XII: Crackers	1,228,142
ZoneTick World Time Zone Clock Users Team	1,218,209
SWMud	1,212,948
#equin0xe (IRCnet)	1,212,618
flufkassarna	1,207,139
Goons of DEFCON	1,205,255
New Technology Foundation	1,201,844
united csa team	1,201,784
Perth Crackers	1,198,414
Fishsim-Frenzy	1,187,346
Eastern Moon Ring	1,184,729
Psychedelic Goa Network 6022	1,179,889
principlecomputing.co.uk	1,174,133
Fachschaft IMN HTWK-Leipzig	1,173,638
Team RaudatNet	1,173,486
GameNight	1,166,324
Black ICE	1,155,078
Team Tower	1,146,011
Mataderu	1,139,689
RPI Mac Users Group	1,131,227
Eternal Sun	1,129,167
Team Waterloo	1,129,147
Donetsk RC5 Team (Ukraine)	1,128,442
unixpunx.org	1,126,983
CyberArmy	1,121,860
Team Floates	1,118,780
Starwars	1,118,515
team ragiered	1,117,042
cowabunga	1,110,861
nelsonszone	1,104,707
Bovine Fury	1,096,383
Cheeze And Crackerz	1,086,289
Spark's Team	1,080,394
tianguo.net	1,076,084
FiftyPounds of Processing	1,067,060
Penn State University	1,063,253
42	1,048,776
danmarknet.com	1,046,336
German-Underground	1,045,976
DiaxeN team	1,036,813
Doomathon.Com	1,034,840
REALLY pissed Mad-Villains	1,030,662
Team NetWare	1,028,407
Dark Flame	1,023,446
Team Slacker (oow umop episdn)	1,019,318
Dutch Red Berets	1,018,931
Deloitte HackERS	1,018,313
The Milton Moo Mafia	1,008,572
free.net.ph	1,005,391
Matt's Cracking Influence	1,004,010
Undernet: #Mac-FR Rc5 Team	1,003,745
3DChips + 3DWIN Network	1,000,896
RZ-Amper	980,407
Ankat	980,366
Harlem Gangsters for the Legalization of Cop Killings	975,568
Quarterback Club	974,145
Slovenia	970,394
1337	967,895
-=Readyresponse=-	967,485
RC5 Team #linux.de - IRC-Net	964,553
fastsillicon	961,026
TeXintosh Japan (Kaisei Physics Club)	954,342
Tempest3K & Friends :)	954,134
Nap - Jim	952,296
Ghetto Phunk Mess	949,165
Team Uber Crackers	937,895
Cow County Computers	935,008
Die Festung	935,005
Team Holger Danske	931,555
anti opinion	930,000
Plaidhat	927,111
Unofficial Hull University Team	926,545
Team Romania	923,136
NCM Munich	921,627
LinuxNET RC5	921,600
Drogatti Rc5-72 Project	921,080
The BBS	917,970
Team Freestanding	913,990
Team Banshee	913,607
[-RED-] Retired. Extremely Dangerous	908,666
ruhries	908,514
Hunterkillers	901,008
Softimage RC5 Crew [Turkiye]	896,029
Efros	891,286
Team Tiscali	891,233
Team TierraNet	884,485
Snow White Orchestra	880,933
System TnT	877,840
minut.ee	870,675
myrddin.org	867,443
HP cPC	865,834
Matrix World Team	864,540
University of Idaho Distributed Research Group	853,231
PSD-TECH	850,782
Team Heim2	848,577
lundstedt.it	847,618
The Nerdrium	842,101
#jutesack	839,014
Team Lockergnome	836,754
*Smurfa* Team	831,949
lpb33r	831,207
The Circus	828,390
SumuMUD	821,104
NUNS	820,675
IPV-NET	818,293
Spawn	816,514
SmashTech	815,097
Green Cats	814,064
incredible irc losers	813,011
Stelt RC5	811,171
Team Duncan	809,412
Big Red (Cornell University)	809,226
The Avara Processing Pool	808,176
The FragParty Team	807,214
Imperium Zorloci	806,342
Team #jobben	802,805
LaGRa	801,258
2600.ORG	800,830
Snider Family	799,715
BH of TKE at UMR	794,794
Orna	792,334
Cowbell Fever Squad	792,263
Dogbert's New Ruling Class	791,520
UKUUG	790,839
classifications	789,581
Team NetFrontier	786,693
Sophos Support Bruteforce	784,389
GCAF Software Research Group	784,289
Spreewald-Black-Sheeps	776,306
Team Sweden	772,551
tel-i-net	769,900
The Apocolypse Cows	768,785
Education Network of Ontario	767,631
Fishing for Keys	764,922
Team Nink	762,265
Team TSG	757,498
Geeks of the Freaks	757,351
Team Fuzzball	757,151
7	755,587
Esperanto	753,876
Romulus 2	750,522
(__) Team Cattle Mutilation (__)	748,813
unofficial Terrapin Boardies	745,561
paf2lan	744,597
Dragon Warriors Club	743,739
Weekend Hackers	743,432
Team IT Division	733,360
Gli ignifughi ragni ignavi	732,557
BAfH	730,453
Crushed-Formula Productions (CFP)	729,568
Team Para	729,518
Linux Panama	729,173
n00bstories.com Crunchers	727,489
Smelly Tongues	724,376
Magdeburg	723,458
Team DEATH CRIMSON	722,255
sp0rk heads	717,423
Prosync Technology Group	714,219
ZeelandNet/I7ML/ibuildings/Planet.BE/Web3/Friends!	713,668
OCModShop	712,344
TCA Cryptography	711,671
Dutch Decryption Dudes	707,832
Service Informatique Des Laurentides	705,628
LAVAtech	701,653
Xact IT Dnet team	700,108
Roseolifant	695,787
Dzikopka	694,091
KeyWarrior	693,585
Tam-Tam Team ( France )	693,330
Bernoulli Networks	692,992
Bitter Strength	692,578
Perfect Genius Online	687,618
Overclock Intelligence Agency	685,349
Team KUTC	685,230
Omsk_55	683,828
Sun	683,602
Delta Force	683,394
Luiemotorfiets	678,464
HouseofHate.com	678,238
Projekt Avalon	671,557
#LinuxFR Team from Undernet	671,212
Team Trillian	669,400
sponholz.de	666,081
Team Grainger	665,014
Sparky's Team	663,856
Albany Golfers R Ritzy Crackers	663,319
ATG	663,292
CookinWithChrist.com	662,167
Capitouls	657,036
CyberSuff Orden (CSO)	656,542
HUGI-NET	653,945
ResExcellence!	652,600
**JhP**	652,017
AutoInstaller-Project - Cracking Team	648,560
DrUberEgo	647,762
Team Zonenet	647,531
Team Dark Horse	646,337
The Fist of Odin	644,584
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)	644,432
Altana Systems RC5 Team (Moscow-Bryansk-Sochi)	643,288
Gatekeepers	641,917
Queen's University	640,058
Munich Universtity of Technology (Germany)	638,545
Syktyvkar	638,125
Red Foxes Running	637,134
Poland [licz z nami :-)] Przygarnij krowke Muu	636,522
PINGUIM: Portugal Is Now Going Up In Megakeys	634,656
Team Real Life	626,035
Team BKN	624,405
yoyo@home BOINC wrapper	621,058
Raging Cows 17176	620,722
[PL] Mac Team PL	620,464
Team Malaysia	613,792
Di Gi KAIGO	613,625
NOLUG - New Orleans Linux Users Group	612,374
Good Bytes	612,119
Shadow Productions	608,570
YAT (Yet Another Team) - The Greek Moo Farm	608,424
13er-Haus Sparetime Austria	605,312
Bikini Girls With Machine Guns	601,328
Deathwyrm.com	600,060
Strands of Chaos	597,946
Navaho	597,501
kruel.org	596,727
Team Festivus	595,909
Digiflux.org Team	594,865
Team Incompetent	594,467
Stone Age	594,451
#warez-nz	590,982
Cracking for Kevin Mitnick	588,427
::the^keyspalter::	587,303
Megadeth Fans (rc5.czechnet.info)	586,005
Club DSM	585,269
Mensa Team	584,834
Dead Deckers Society	582,943
Latvian Linux Users Group (LLUG)	582,839
The illogical crackers	578,615
#iag	578,059
Sacred Cow Priests of Moo	576,795
DwK	575,494
Belgian Distributed Ones	570,772
KAH RPI	569,742
Camp 69 @ University of Twente, Netherlands	569,515
kilpikonna	568,881
TeamMustang	568,061
The Pro-Bears Lobby	567,689
One Big Enigma	565,295
L-3 Network Security	562,820
Team Netpimp	560,612
UOASB - University of applied science Bremen	556,876
Team Caffeine	554,819
r33t.org	554,117
DivXuk	553,299
DTVM	552,118
Leander High School future hackers	545,594
Twintail Moemoe Committee	545,500
it-management.at (ex zmi.at)	543,764
eCornell	538,532
www.GameNet.su	538,496
Dragonhunters	538,106
Selis	537,363
Japan Team WAKHOK	536,819
FaiTeuz TeaM	536,333
PARANOIA	535,366
WDS	534,605
de-generationx.net :: distributed.net Team	532,774
Taskenspiller	529,759
Hasty Pastry	528,292
Team ZYZ	527,108
z31.com	526,979
team madness	525,902
H.O.M.E.M. Team	522,756
The Edge	522,523
ETAP-Mainz	520,476
GRTG.ORG	519,930
Spain	519,570
NinthNode	517,829
FortyTwo - Belgian's number 1 !	516,460
TekSyndicate	515,348
illx.com	514,881
Howard Sterns Balls	512,171
E2HSS	507,785
I T X	507,038
black_m_group	506,728
DRP2I Security Team	506,673
Private family	506,351
Simple. Dark. Useless.	505,744
Robot Battle	505,100
Team Skummelt	505,062
FireLineClan	504,814
Team K3	500,283
pr0t0type	500,102
Madou-puyo-ject	499,869
team punkmac.com rc5-72	498,836
North Carolina State University (NCSU)	498,490
Men Behaving Badly	493,625
Cascade Mead and Ale	493,444
Apple MacOS X RC5-72	493,309
bonk	493,164
Rx3 Distributed Team	493,101
The Wolvepack	490,220
The Skynet Alliance	489,200
Team Lojik	483,634
.: Upgrade-Networks :.	480,486
Team Kiraboshi Town	478,939
Haihui Romania	478,500
TEAM CLiP at YCU	478,420
Derivataters 855184020	475,437
Worcester State College Computer Science Department	471,695
UCET	471,298
ouah	470,463
Deli Dawgs	466,330
Computer Nerds	465,617
Egham Hills	465,325
Red Cross supporters	464,708
Wild Rose Web Hosting Ltd.	464,520
livejournal	463,496
The Cracking Illini	461,498
AStRAe RC5 Team	461,206
Hungarian Cracking Team	459,915
Team Q	457,595
MAPO RC5 Crushers	457,291
Marin Research	451,959
team xj220c	451,467
POWERSystems-AIX	451,155
ANSIKO Team	450,331
Mississippi State University (MSU)	449,724
Dark Legion	449,022
Madtech Team	449,018
Computer Academic Underground	448,675
ex York Road RC5 Team	448,614
25 to Life	447,179
CommoInstallers	445,606
The Knights of Distribution	443,015
Dime Store Psychoanalysts	441,352
Desert Cows	441,156
Linux.org.ru team	439,413
Columbus Road Runner Coyotes	439,030
voycrates	438,262
BLAM	438,221
Team Chile	436,079
PowerSource	435,984
Team Sachsen Anhalt - ANTI M&M	435,138
Team Airdrie (Canada)	434,094
Team kecskemet.info.hu	433,139
Eressea PBeM	432,648
''Cult Of The Dead Cows''	432,237
-=SoF=-	431,941
Kettering Delta Chi	431,615
Team BNAA.dk	430,936
LazySundayAfternoon	430,114
DPG-RC5	429,050
Southeast 2600	429,039
Trinity CZ	428,904
bauchLANdung	428,488
t a n g e r i n e	427,568
I plan to remove OGR-28 from my script in January. There shouldn't be any more updates there now.

Added in 12 minutes 5 seconds:
Edited weekly_stats_dump.sh in the 1st post: added RNA World
Edited weekly_stats_dump_ukraine.sh in the 2nd post: updated the guests table, added RNA World
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

Thank you. I'll endeavor to be a bit more vigilant moving forward.
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Location: Idaho, USA

Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

Is there something wrong with this crontab entry?:

Code: Select all

* 3 * * 0 /home/garage/Desktop/Weekly_Stats_Scripts/weekly_stats_dump.sh > weekly_stats_dump_output.txt
Here's the path, just as verification:

Code: Select all

garage@garage:~/Desktop/Weekly_Stats_Scripts$ readlink -f weekly_stats_dump.sh
The syslog shows that cron tries to run this command once a minute for one hour and then stops, but the txt file does not get updated. I don't see an error message. Running it manually seems to work fine.
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by Skillz »

I don't understand why the script needs to run every minute for 1 hour?

Wouldn't the output be the same on the last minute of that hour? So what does the first 59 minutes do differently?
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by crashtech »

If it succeeds, it only runs once, I think.
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Posts: 1890
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by Skillz »

Maybe make the output spit out a unique file name each minute it is ran? Something like a date stamped file name.

> "$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_%I_%M_%p").log"

This should give you 60 files, all named with the date/time it was created.

This way you don't have to worry about the file being overwritten with the data, it'll just create a new file. Then you can look through the files until you find one that is "complete" which should be pretty easy by looking at the file sizes. File with the largest size should, in theory, have the most data which should be the most complete file.
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Posts: 1690
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Re: Weekly DC Stats scripts

Post by StefanR5R »

Which user is running the cronjob?
What is the working directory of the cronjob? (Supposedly, the home directory of the user which runs the cronjob.)

If you are unsure of the above, or maybe in any case, specify the output file by a full absolute path, not just the name.

Added in 5 minutes 22 seconds:
crashtech wrote: Mon Jan 02, 2023 11:51 am If it succeeds, it only runs once, I think.
No, AFAIU this runs the job every minute during the 3rd hour (on Sundays only), regardless whether or not the job can be started and/or how it finishes.
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