SHADOWS ally from Panzer Rush

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SHADOWS ally from Panzer Rush

Post by Skillz »

Hey guys; This is NEWB here.

Glad to see you made it this far. Team AnAndTech or TAAT for short, is a BOINC team that participates in BOINC competitions year around. At least once a month we have some sort of competition that involves advancing the sciences a step further.

What is BOINC, you ask? Straight from their web
  • BOINC lets you help cutting-edge science research using your computer. The BOINC app, running on your computer, downloads scientific computing jobs and runs them invisibly in the background. It's easy and safe.
  • About 30 science projects use BOINC. They investigate diseases, study climate change, discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research.
  • The BOINC and Science United projects are located at the University of California, Berkeley and are supported by the National Science Foundation.
Basically, we use our computers CPU (Central Processing Units) and GPUs (Graphic Processing Unit or Graphics Card) to do complex calculations that help scientists solve problems.

This is a setup once, and forget type software so to keep things interesting teams get together and form competitions on who can do the most work in a given time period. Teams that win do not get anything of value other than Internet bragging rights, which IMHO is better than money anyway.

The competition we are gearing up for starts Nov 16th and ends Nov 22nd 2021, but that's based on UTC time. For those in the Eastern United States on EST time zone, it'll start at 7PM Monday the 15th.

How to get you setup?

Well first you need to create an account with World Community Grid here:

Following that link and registering will auto-join you to our team, Team AnAndTech. If you go to the site by typing it in, then you'll need to locate the team and join it manually. Team name is: Team AnAndTech

Once you create an account, you will need to download and install the BOINC software:

There are two downloads. One contains Virtual Box bundled and the other one does not. World Community Grid does not require Virtual Box, so you do not have to download and install that version.

Once downloaded, installed and opened you'll need to attach the project. To do so, simply click on Tools then click on Add Project. Scroll down until you find World Community Grid and select it. Then login with the account you created in the previous steps above.

If you have any questions, then feel free to register here and post. Myself or one of the other members will surely help you in a timely manner.

Last year, we won 1st place. Let's try to repeat that this year!
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