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Post by Skillz »

What can I do to make this site more useful. I am open to ideas.
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Re: Ideas/Suggestions

Post by crashtech »

Oh, hi! I think it's pretty useful, other than most of the traffic is on Discord. Maybe the best we can do is post more links to here on the Discord and the old Anandtech forum?
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Re: Ideas/Suggestions

Post by mmonnin »

Yep, the site died with the introduction of discord. I always thought it odd for the desire for a great BOINC site but to move all the needed content elsewhere.
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Re: Ideas/Suggestions

Post by Skillz »

I've been trying to look into ways to integrate our Discord server with the forums here, but so far I haven't been able to find anything that'll allow that.

I can say though that anything we post on the discord (as far as tutorials/tips/tricks/etc...) we also try to cross post them here as well.

It's just discord is so much better in so many ways. The communication is almost always real time which is a huge plus when asking for help, chatting about whatever, etc...

But the forums/sites can still be useful. I'm just trying to figure out what I can do to make it useful.
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Re: Ideas/Suggestions

Post by OrangeKid »

I'll address the elephant in the room.

Sooner or later the Anandtech forums will go away.. I can't see them running it for more than maybe a year. It can't be much of a money maker and people will slowly lose interest and move on.
It may be time to think about rebranding. Changing this to a Boinc Games board? Yes I realize that BG has forums but those seem to be even less used. Maybe a consolidation of all the sites into one?
I have yet to find a new tech site that I like. Never really cared for Tom's and their DC community is not very active. FPS has zero for DC interest.
Anyway, if the core team is going to stay together, I feel it is time to make some decisions and make a change.
Finish this year as TAAT and have a new name for the new year? Boinc Games seems to be the logical move.
So that is my 2cents.
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Re: Ideas/Suggestions

Post by mmonnin »

Yeah, even if the site/forum does stay up, the membership will gradually drop w/o a front end draw from articles. Either from people actively leaving or attrition. That goes for general forum membership and BOINC participation. I've seen it several times as the front end tech page goes away, so does the FAH/BOINC Team. From Icrontic/Short-Media, PCPer, OCN and now probably here at AnandTech (my home base site over the past 20+ years).
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Re: Ideas/Suggestions

Post by crashtech »

I brought up switching teams but it didn't seem to go too well.
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